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YumaPro SDK
Cagent_nsap_t | NSAP for the agent |
Cagt_action_cbset_t | Agt_rpc module stores a set of callbacks for each RPC |
Cagt_callhome_cb_t | Control block for each client for a callhome connection |
Cagt_cb_extra_flags_t | Structure to hold extra flags for callback registration |
Cagt_cb_fnset_t | Set of server object callback functions back pointer to this struct stored in obj_template_t Shared by local and subsys callbacks |
Cagt_cb_subsys_t | Header for 1 subsystem that has a SIL-SA callback function registered for the data node in the agt_cb_set_t struct containing the subsysQ |
Cagt_cfg_audit_rec_t | Struct of params to use when generating sysConfigChange notification |
Cagt_cfg_child_silcall_t | Struct of data for 1 children of one remote SIL callback |
Cagt_cfg_commit_test_t | Struct for the commit-time tests for a single object |
Cagt_cfg_nested_silcall_t | Struct of data for 1 nested SIL callback within 1 undo |
Cagt_cfg_set_hook_t | Struct of Set Hooks parameters |
Cagt_cfg_silcall_t | Struct of data for 1 remote SIL callback |
Cagt_cfg_trans_hook_t | Struct of Transaction Hooks parameters |
Cagt_cfg_transaction_t | Transaction Control Block |
Cagt_cfg_undo_rec_t | Struct of params to undo an edit operation |
Cagt_cfg_xpath_visit_t | Struct to keep track of XPath tests run in this transaction |
Cagt_edit_parms_cb_t | Struct to contain all agt_send_edit parameters |
Cagt_editcb_t | EDIT Control Block used to store all the pointers for the EDIT3 callbacks |
Cagt_glob_cbset_t | Global Control Block stores a set of callbacks for each Global Callback [RPC, Action, EDIT2, EDIT3, GET2] |
Cagt_maxuser_t | For the list of username / max-session values to support the –max-per-user-sessions CLI parameter |
Cagt_not_msg_t | One notification message that will be sent to all subscriptions in the stream and kept in the replay buffer for that stream (notificationQ) |
Cagt_profile_t | Multiple instances are not supported |
Cagt_replay_subsys_t | For the list of subsystems requesting or in progress for a config load or replay |
Cagt_restconf_data_t | RESTCONF structure for data |
Cagt_rpc_cbset_t | Agt_rpc module stores a set of callbacks for each RPC |
Cagt_rpc_subsys_t | Header for 1 subsystem that has a SIL-SA callback function registered for the RPC method in the agt_rpc_cbset_t struct containing the subsysQ |
Cagt_sil_added_edit_t | Set Hook added edits from subsystem(s) |
Cagt_syslib_cb_t | Struct to keep track of the dynamic external yp-system hooks library |
Cagt_timer_cb_t | Internal Timer control block, not for use outside agt_timer.c |
Cagt_yangapi_context_t | Module context node with cached schema tree and API template for retrieval (root) |
Cagt_ycontrol_cb_t | Control block for 1 registered service handler |
Cagt_ycontrol_subsys_t | Control block for connected 1 subsystem; used to send event messages to the subsystem |
Cagt_ypgrpc_server_t | GRPC Server Control block struct |
Cagt_ypgrpc_stats_t | Streams Statistics |
Cagt_ypgrpc_stream_t | GRPC Server and Client Streams Control block struct |
Ccap_list_t | One capabilities list |
Ccap_rec_t | Queue of this structure for list of enterprise capabilities |
Ccbor_walker_cookie_t | XML walker cookie for GET callback processing |
Ccbor_wr_parms_t | Parameter Request Block used instead of passing lots of leafs |
Ccfg_template_t | Struct representing 1 configuration database |
Ccli_rawparm_t | Used for bootstrap CLI parms only, no validation |
Cdb_api_cb_t | Internal control block for the DB-API module |
Cdlq_hdrT | Dlq header used for both the control block for a queue and also a queue header node within another structure |
Cext_template_t | One YANG 'extension' definition – language extension template |
Cfailed_ptr_t | Pointer to failed modules to track all of them Prevents loading a broken module multiple times |
Cgetbulk_cb_t | Get Bulk Control BLock |
Cgetcb_get2_getbulk_t | GET2 getbulk struct This is only used for YANG list objects to produce N getnext entries at a time |
Cgetcb_get2_lookup_t | GET2 lookup struct |
Cgetcb_get2_select_t | GET2 select struct |
Cgetcb_get2_t | GET2 control block |
Cgetcb_keyval_t | Key value holder, temp Q of ordered key leaf values used while parsing a path to store the keys until they are all collected |
Cgrp_template_t | One YANG 'grouping' definition – sibling set template |
Cjson_walker_cookie_t | JSON walker function for GET2 support |
Ckeymap_map_t | One keymap contains all row entries for one list object Used by SIL or SIL-SA code to cache list entries or just keys so GET2 return key processing can be automated |
Ckeymap_set_t | One set of keymaps contains all row entries for one list object Used by SIL or SIL-SA code to cache list entries or just keys so GET2 return key processing can be automated |
Clogfns_t | Log functions control block used by manager code |
Cncx_appinfo_t | YANG extension usage entry A nested external statement will produce a tree of ncx_appinfo_t |
Cncx_backptr_t | Used with various structs to cache back-ptrs the 'node' pointer may or may not be malloced! the ncx_free_backptr() function will not free the 'node' the ncx_free_mbackptr() function will free the 'node' |
Cncx_binary_t | NCX base64 string node for YANG 'binary' built-in type |
Cncx_bit_t | One NCX_BT_BITS bit value |
Cncx_dec64_t | Decimal64 data type |
Cncx_enum_t | One NCX_BT_ENUM enumeration value (user may enter 1 of 3 forms) |
Cncx_errinfo_t | YANG error info statement struct used to override default error handling in the server |
Cncx_errmsg_t | Error message replacement record |
Cncx_error_t | Struct to remember error info tkc->cur_err will be checked before tkc->cur for error information |
Cncx_feature_t | YANG feature entry |
Cncx_filptr_t | Struct for holding r/o pointer to generic internal node for filtering purposes |
Cncx_identity_base_t | YANG identity base |
Cncx_identity_t | YANG identity entry |
Cncx_idlink_t | Back pointer to a YANG identity used to create an inline tree of valid values for an identity used as a base |
Cncx_iff_ref_t | YANG 1.1 identifier-ref-arg that within an if-feature expression |
Cncx_iffeature_t | YANG if-feature entry |
Cncx_import_t | One 'import' clause in YANG |
Cncx_include_t | One 'include' clause, YANG only |
Cncx_list_t | Header for a NCX List |
►Cncx_lmem_t | NCX list member: list of string or number Usually used within a val_value_t structure |
Cncx_modcache_t | Server module info cache record for def_reg_add_mod |
Cncx_module_t | Representation of one module or submodule during and after parsing |
Cncx_nmda_params_t | Internal NMDA get-data state parameters; rest of parameter are stored directly in the xml_msg_hdr_t using existing params |
Cncx_num_t | Union of all the basic number types if float not supported, then it is stored as an int64 |
Cncx_origin_filter_t | Internal NMDA origin filter (negate field stored separately) |
Cncx_prefix_info_t | Gather the prefix/nsid bindings used in an XPath string needed to generate the correct xmlns directives in XML JSON just loses all the namespace bindings in an XPath string |
Cncx_revhist_t | YANG revision entry |
Cncx_save_deviations_t | Used with obj_deviation_t to defer object lookups |
Cncx_sm_mpid_t | Moint Point Instance This struct lives in a val_value_t.val_extra struct |
Cncx_sm_rootcb_t | Schema Mount Root Control Block used in the object template |
Cncx_typname_t | Keep track of the typenames used for local typedefs only used by ncxdump to generate XSDs OBSOLETE: DO NOT USE |
Cncx_var_t | Struct of NCX user variable mapping for yangcli |
Cncx_yanglib_cb_t | One context for a yang library |
Cncxmod_search_result_t | Struct for storing YANG file search results this is used by yangcli for schema auto-load also for finding newest version, or all versions within the module path |
Cncxmod_temp_filcb_t | Temporary file control block |
Cncxmod_temp_progcb_t | Program-level temp dir control block |
Cncxmod_temp_sescb_t | Session-level temp-dir control block |
Cobj_augment_t | One YANG augment statement struct (top-level or in case-stmt |
Cobj_case_t | One YANG 'case' definition |
Cobj_choice_t | One YANG 'choice' definition |
Cobj_container_t | One YANG 'container' definition |
Cobj_defval_tk_t | One YANG 1.1 default stored in a Q for refine and deviate |
Cobj_deviate_t | YANG deviate statement struct |
Cobj_deviation_t | YANG deviation statement struct |
Cobj_errmsg_filter_t | Custom error message filter control block |
Cobj_errmsg_parm_t | Custom error message parameter control block |
Cobj_errmsg_t | Custom error message control block |
Cobj_iffeature_ptr_t | Back-pointer to inherited if-feature statements |
Cobj_key_t | One YANG list key component |
Cobj_leaf_t | One YANG 'leaf' or 'anyxml' or 'anydata' definition |
Cobj_leaflist_t | One YANG 'leaf-list' definition |
Cobj_list_t | One YANG 'list' definition |
Cobj_metadata_t | One YANG metadata (XML attribute) node |
Cobj_notif_t | One YANG 'notification' clause definition |
Cobj_oid_t | Defines the snmp oid value, stored as an array of integers for easier comparision when performing AVL tree operations |
Cobj_refine_t | One YANG refine statement struct |
Cobj_rpc_t | One YANG rpc-stmt struct |
Cobj_rpcio_t | One YANG input-stmt or output-stmt struct |
►Cobj_template_t | One YANG data-def-stmt |
Cobj_unique_comp_t | One component in a YANG list unique target |
Cobj_unique_t | One component in a YANG list unique target |
Cobj_uses_t | One YANG uses statement struct |
Cop_filter_t | NETCONF protocol operation filter spec |
Cplock_cb_t | Struct representing 1 configuration database |
Crpc_err_info_t | One error-info sub-element |
Crpc_err_rec_t | One RPC error record built by the server before an <rpc-error> element is generated |
Crpc_msg_t | NETCONF Server and Client RPC Request/Reply Message Header |
►Crunstack_condcb_t | Control the looping for 1 while - end sequence |
Crunstack_context_t | Main runstact context control block used by yangcli to process script input loops and conditional statements in scripts |
Crunstack_entry_t | One script run level context entry each time a 'run script' command is encountered, a new stack context is created, unless max_script_level is reached |
Crunstack_ifcb_t | Control the conditional state for 1 if...end sequence |
Crunstack_line_t | Save 1 line for looping purposes |
Crunstack_loopcb_t | Control the looping for 1 while - end sequence |
Cses_cb_t | Session Control Block |
Cses_msg_buff_t | Session Message Buffer |
Cses_msg_t | Session Message |
Cses_msg_tempchunk_t | Save the chunks before putting them back into ses_buff_t structs |
Cses_ready_t | Embedded Q header for the message ready Q The 'inq' flag is used to prevent queue corruption |
Cses_stats_t | Per Session Statistics |
Cses_total_stats_t | Session Total Statistics |
Csil_sa_added_edit_t | Hook added edits that will be used in the hook-respose msg Saved from the sil_sa_hook_add_edit function |
Csil_sa_bundle_t | One bundle unload record in case <unload-bundle> called |
Csil_sa_cb_t | Control block for the SIL-SA module |
Csil_sa_child_edit_t | EDIT2 children Queue Supports EDIT2 callbacks where child edits for the same parent container or list are processed at once |
Csil_sa_edit_t | SIL-SA added edit data structure |
Csmioid_node_t | Pair of OID and associated object instance |
Csubsys_cb_t | One subsystem control block for session |
Csyslog_msg_desc_t | Syslog/Vendor Message Buffer descriptor |
Cthd_tcb_t | Thread control block (TCB) |
Ctk_chain_t | Token parsing chain (main parser control block) |
Ctk_origstr_t | Each entry in the origstrQ is the 2nd through Nth string to be concated |
Ctk_token_ptr_t | Token backptr to get at original token chain for strings used only by yangdump –format=yang|html |
Ctk_token_t | Single YANG language token type |
Ctyp_def_t | Discriminated union for all data typedefs |
Ctyp_def_u_t | Union of all the typdef variants |
Ctyp_enum_t | One ENUM typdef value – stored in simple.valQ Used for NCX_BT_ENUM and NCX_BT_BITS data type |
Ctyp_idref_t | YANG identityref struct the value is an identity-stmt QName that has a base-stmt that resolves to the same value |
Ctyp_listval_t | One list member stored in simple.queue of instance-qualified strings |
Ctyp_named_t | NCX_CL_NAMED |
►Ctyp_pattern_t | YANG pattern struct : N per typedef and also across N typdefs in a chain: all are ANDed together like RelaxNG instead of ORed together within the same type step like XSD |
Ctyp_range_t | One YANG range description |
Ctyp_rangedef_t | One member of a range definition – stored in simple.rangeQ |
Ctyp_ref_t | NCX_CL_REF |
Ctyp_simple_t | NCX_CL_SIMPLE |
Ctyp_sval_t | One STRING typdef value, pattern value |
Ctyp_template_t | One YANG 'typedef' definition – top-level type template |
Ctyp_unionnode_t | One YANG union node One of the 2 pointers (typ or typdef will be NULL If a named type is used, then 'typ' is active If an inline type is used, then typdef is active |
Ctyp_userdef_t | One userdef control block The CB will exist if one or more callbacks are registered |
Cval_child_hdr_t | This struct is inserted in the val->v.child_hdrQ for container and list value nodes |
Cval_editvars_t | One set of edit-in-progress variables for one value node |
Cval_extra_t | Extra information not used very often within a val_value_t |
Cval_getbulk_return_t | Return value for a getbulk callback function |
Cval_idref_t | One QName for the NCX_BT_IDREF value |
Cval_index_t | Struct marking the parsing of an instance identifier The position of this record in the val_value_t indexQ represents the order the identifers were parsed Since table and container data structures must always appear in the specified field order, this will be the same order for all well-formed entries |
Cval_tree_t | Wrapper for the height-balanced tree struct |
►Cval_value_t | One value to match one type |
Cwalker_cookie_t | XML walker cookie for GET callback processing |
Cxml_attr_t | One attribute |
Cxml_msg_hdr_t | Common Encoding Message Header No longer XML specific!! Used by JSON and CBOR parsing as well!! Allows common rendering and error handlers |
Cxml_node_t | Gather node data into a simple struct |
Cxmlns_pmap_t | One namespace prefix mapping |
Cxmlns_qname_t | One QName data element |
Cxmlns_t | One registered namespace |
Cxpath1_walker_cookie_t | Walker cookie contains the state used to output or process XPath nodes that are received from GET2 callbacks |
Cxpath_aio_cb_t | AIO Subtree respresentation |
Cxpath_compwalkerparms_t | Value node compare walker fn callback parameters |
Cxpath_fncb_t | XPath function control block |
Cxpath_get2_cb_t | Special XPath GET2 state record to be used instead of val_value_t or val_child_hdr_t pointers |
Cxpath_get2_node_t | Special XPath GET2 resnode |
Cxpath_pcb_t | XPath parser control block |
Cxpath_pred_ent_t | Quick processing of NACM data rule predicates |
►Cxpath_resnode_t | XPath result node struct |
►Cxpath_result_t | XPath expression result |
Cxpath_stringwalkerparms_t | Value node stringify walker fn callback parameters |
Cxpath_walkerparms_t | Value or object node walker fn callback parameters |
Cy_ycbor_T_data | |
Cy_ycbor_T_get_yang_sid_data | |
Cy_ycbor_T_input | |
Cy_ycbor_T_output | |
Cy_ycbor_T_sid_item | |
Cy_ycbor_T_yang_sid_info | |
Cy_ysl_T_deviation | |
Cy_ysl_T_feature | |
Cy_ysl_T_get_sm_yanglib | |
Cy_ysl_T_input | |
Cy_ysl_T_module_1 | |
Cy_ysl_T_modules_state | |
Cy_ysl_T_output | |
Cy_ysl_T_submodule | |
Cy_ywcu_T_cert_to_name | List /cert-usermap/cert-to-name |
Cy_ywcu_T_cert_usermap | Container /cert-usermap |
Cy_ywlock_T_input | |
Cy_ywlock_T_input_1 | |
Cy_ywlock_T_lock_all | |
Cy_ywlock_T_output | |
Cy_ywlock_T_output_1 | |
Cy_ywlock_T_unlock_all | |
Cyang_import_ptr_t | YANG import pointer node to track all imports used |
Cyang_node_t | YANG node entry to track if a module has been used already |
Cyang_patch_cb_t | One YANG Patch Request |
Cyang_patch_edit_t | Represents one YANG Patch edit entry |
Cyang_pcb_t | YANG parser control block |
►Cyang_stmt_t | YANG statement node to track top-level statement order for doc output |
Cyangapi_accept_t | Restapi Accept header string entries |
Cyangapi_cb_t | Restapi Control Block Used by RESTCONF to hold parse and request processing state |
Cyangapi_param_t | YANG-API Query string parameter |
Cyangapi_snmp_cb_t | Restapi SNMP Control Block Used by RESTCONF to hold parse and request processing state for an SNMP request |
Cycontrol_profile_t | Control block for 1 ycontrol manager (only 1 used) |
Cycontrol_service_t | Callback functions for a service that registers with ycontrol |
Cyin_mapping_t | YANG to YIN mapping The argument and element vs |
Cyp_ha_server_t | For each CLI-configured ha-server there will be one entry entry the active and standby both need this list; active server will reject register-request request from standby server if their server-id is not in the list |
Cyp_ha_service_t | YP-HA service instance |
Cypgnmi_edit_cb_t | GNMI Edit Control Block |
Cypgnmi_edit_t | Delete/Replace/Update edit requests Q |
Cypgnmi_get_cb_t | GNMI GET control block |
Cypsnmp_agent_session_t | Agent session |