yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
tk_token_t Struct Reference

single YANG language token type More...

#include <tk.h>

Data Fields

dlq_hdr_t qhdr
 queue header
tk_type_t typ
 token type
xmlChar * mod
 only used if prefix found
uint32 modlen
 length of 'mod'; not Z-string!
xmlChar * val
 value string for token if buffer too snall
xmlChar * origval
 used in DOCMODE for yangdump
uint32 len
 length of value
uint32 linenum
 token source line number
uint32 linepos
 token source line osition
xmlns_id_t nsid
 only used for TK_TT_MSTRING tokens
dlq_hdr_t origstrQ
 Q of tk_origstr_t only used in DOCMODE.
xmlChar valbuff [TK_VALBUFF_LEN]
 value buff if fits
uint8 flags
 parsing state flags

Detailed Description

single YANG language token type

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: