yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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agt_cb_fnset_t Struct Reference

set of server object callback functions back pointer to this struct stored in obj_template_t Shared by local and subsys callbacks More...

#include <agt_cb.h>

Collaboration diagram for agt_cb_fnset_t:

Data Fields

agt_cb_fn_t cbfn
 EDIT-1 or EDIT-2.
agt_edit3_fn_t edit3_cbfn
getcb_fn2_t get_cbfn
agt_cb_order_hook_t order_hook_cbfn
 Set Order Hook.
agt_cb_hook_t set_hook_cbfn
 Set Hook.
agt_cb_hook_t post_set_hook_cbfn
 Post Set Hook.
agt_cb_hook_t trans_hook_cbfn
 Transaction Hook.
xpath_bool_eval_fn_t xpath_cbfn
 XPath Callback.
uint16 flags
 internal flags
agt_cb_sa_hook_t sa_set_hook_cbfn
 SIL-SA Set Hook.
agt_cb_sa_hook_t sa_post_set_hook_cbfn
 SIL-SA Post Set Hook.
agt_cb_sa_hook_t sa_trans_hook_cbfn
 SIL-SA Transaction Hook.
dlq_hdr_t subsysQ
 Q of agt_cb_subsys_t.

Detailed Description

set of server object callback functions back pointer to this struct stored in obj_template_t Shared by local and subsys callbacks

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: