yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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agt_action_cbset_t Struct Reference

the agt_rpc module stores a set of callbacks for each RPC More...

#include <agt_action.h>

Collaboration diagram for agt_action_cbset_t:

Data Fields

agt_action_cb_t acb [AGT_RPC_NUM_CALLBACK_PHASES]
 array of callback functions keyed by callback phase
boolean regdone
 flag registration done
dlq_hdr_t subsysQ
 Q of agt_rpc_subsys_t for transaction handling to 0 or more subsystem handlers for this action.

Detailed Description

the agt_rpc module stores a set of callbacks for each RPC

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: