yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
agt_profile_t Struct Reference

Multiple instances are not supported. More...

#include <agt.h>

Data Fields

ncx_agttarg_t agt_targ
 BEGIN DATA SENT TO SUBSYSTEMS; target type (candidate or running)
ncx_agtstart_t agt_start
 startup type enum (distinct or mirror)
log_debug_t agt_log_level
 requested log-level
log_debug_t agt_syslog_log_level
 requested SYSLOG log-level
log_debug_t agt_pthread_log_level
 requested PTHREADS log level
boolean agt_session_sync_mutex
 session sync mutex flag
boolean agt_log_acm_reads
 log NACM read requests
boolean agt_log_acm_writes
 log NACM write requests
boolean agt_validate_all
 validate all flag
boolean agt_has_startup
 has startup flag for –with-startup
boolean agt_usestartup
 track –no-startup flag
boolean agt_factorystartup
 track –factory-startup flag
boolean agt_startup_error
 –startup-error parameter: stop, continue enums only
boolean agt_running_error
 –running-error parameter: stop, continue enums only
boolean agt_logappend
 –log-append parameter
boolean agt_xmlorder
 use strict XML order flag
boolean agt_list_deleteall_ok
 allow delete-all and remove-all operations on a list
boolean agt_leaflist_deleteall_ok
 allow delete-all and remove-all operations on a leaf-list
boolean agt_stream_output
 stream message output: d:true; no CLI support yet
boolean agt_delete_empty_npcontainers
 delete empty config=true NP containers: d: false
boolean agt_notif_sequence_id
 d: false
boolean agt_yuma_system_notifs
 d: false
boolean agt_ietf_system_notifs
 d: true
boolean agt_yumaworks_system
 d: true
boolean agt_yumaworks_templates
 d: true
boolean agt_support_save
 d: true (needs WITH_SUPPORT_SAVE=1)
boolean agt_term_msg
 d: true for <term-msg> notification
boolean agt_alt_names
 Yuma REST-API urlselect extra parameters.
boolean agt_wildcards
 Allow wildcards in filters.
ncx_name_match_t agt_match_names
 match names behavior; needs to be EXACT for YANG
agt_transaction_model_t agt_transaction_model
 TBD private transaction model.
const xmlChar * agt_accesscontrol
 access control model
const xmlChar * agt_conffile
 config file: default: /etc/yumapro/netconfd-pro.conf
const xmlChar * agt_confdir
 config dir: default: /etc/yumapro/netconfd-pro.d
const xmlChar * agt_logfile
 main logfile
const xmlChar * agt_startup
 startup filespec
const xmlChar * agt_startup_factory_file
 factory startup filespec
const xmlChar * agt_defaultStyle
 default-style for with-defaults
const xmlChar * agt_extern_libspec
 superuser name (allowed to be NULL) moved to agt.c agt_superuserQ Q of ncx_backptr_t to malloced string from CLI parameters More...
const xmlChar * agt_backup_dir
 backup dir location
const xmlChar * agt_server_id
 assigned server ID NcxName (1 . More...
const xmlChar * agt_server_root
 assigned server root ID More...
uint32 agt_eventlog_size
 eventlog-size set to 0 to disable replay
uint32 agt_maxburst
 –maxburst parameter
uint32 agt_hello_timeout
 –hello-timeout parameter
uint32 agt_idle_timeout
 –idle-timeout parameter
uint32 agt_linesize
 line size for logging
int32 agt_indent
 –indent parameter
int32 agt_message_indent
 –message-indent parameter
boolean agt_usevalidate
 –with-validate parameter
boolean agt_useurl
 –with-url parameter
boolean agt_use_ccommit
 enable confirmed-comiit
boolean agt_use_yangapi
 enable YANG-API protocol (obsolete: ignored)
boolean agt_use_restconf
 enable RESTCONF protocol
boolean agt_use_cli
 enable yp-shell
boolean agt_use_netconf
 enable NETCONF protocol
boolean agt_use_local_transport
 use local transport flag
boolean agt_use_notifications
 enable notifications
boolean agt_system_sorted
 enable system-sorted (obsolete: sorted by val_child algorithms)
boolean agt_lax_namespaces
 lax namespace usage: will try to match element name
agt_acm_model_t agt_acm_model
 NACM or external ACM model.
ncx_withdefaults_t agt_defaultStyleEnum
 default with-defaults enum
agt_acmode_t agt_accesscontrol_enum
 access control enum
uint16 agt_max_sessions
 max sessions (total)
uint16 agt_max_cli_sessions
 max CLI sessions
uint16 agt_max_user_sessions
 max USER sessions
uint16 agt_subsys_timeout
 subsystem timeout in seconds
uint16 agt_ports [AGT_MAX_PORTS]
 these port numbers are for the NETCONF-over-SSH protocol
uint16 agt_coap_port
 the CoAP port number used only if WITH_COAP and agt_use_coap set
uint16 agt_coap_dtls_port
 Coap over DTLS port (not implemented)
const xmlChar * agt_coap_address
 Coap over DTLS address (not implemented)
const xmlChar * agt_yangapi_server_url
 YANG-API server URL (obsolete)
const xmlChar * agt_restconf_server_url
boolean agt_use_yuma_proc
 load yuma-proc module
boolean agt_use_yuma_arp
 load yuma-arp module
boolean agt_use_yuma_if
 load yuma-if module
boolean agt_use_yuma_mysession
 load yuma-mysession module
boolean agt_use_yumaworks_event_filter
 load yumaworks-event-filter module
boolean agt_use_yuma_system
 load yuma-system module
boolean agt_use_rollback_on_error
 Use rollback-on-error. More...
boolean agt_use_ycontrol
 enable YControl protocol
boolean agt_sil_skip_load
 skip the SIL callbacks for load-config Useful if the authoritative database is really the external system. More...
boolean agt_log_event_drops
 log event drops
boolean agt_sil_missing_error
 treat missing SIL libraries as an error, not warning
boolean agt_sil_skip_keys
 do not invoke the SIL callback for a key leaf
boolean agt_use_rollback_failed_backup
 save running config for a commit, in case the rollback fails
boolean agt_allow_tcp_socket
 allow a TCP socket instead of an AF_LOCAL socket for connections
boolean agt_use_tcp_socket
 use a TCP socket instead of an AF_LOCAL socket for connections
xmlChar * agt_subsys_info_file
 location of subsys info file YPW-2080: Multi-Instance Mode This filespec will contain the SRID so it is malloced and not hardwired to constant NCX_DEF_SUBSYS_INFO_FILE
boolean agt_save_owners
 flag to save owner strings in the database
boolean agt_json_leaf_list_1line
 flag to print JSON leaf-list value on 1 line
boolean agt_save_config_system
 flag to skip generation of the startup XML file when a save_config is done by the server. More...
uint8 agt_withdef_enabled
 bitmask of the with-defaults enumerations that should be enabled in the server More...
uint32 agt_watcher_interval
 Specifies the number of seconds the YPWatcher process will sleep before checking if the netconfd-pro process has died. More...
boolean agt_audit_log_candidate
 If true, then transactions to the candidate datastore will be recorded in the audit log. More...
boolean agt_sil_validate_candidate
 If true, the server will invoke the VALIDATE phase for SIL and SIL-SA callbacks when each edit is made to the candidate datastore.
boolean agt_restconf_strict_headers
 If 'true' the server will only accept requests with normative Accept header entries specified in the draft.
boolean agt_autodelete_pdu_error
 If 'true' the server will treat edit-config auto-delete because of false when-stmts as an error instead of silent delete.
uint32 agt_sil_getbulk_max
 Specifies the maximum number of getbulk entries to request from a GET2 callback. More...
const xmlChar * agt_crypt_hash_prefix
 specifies the string that will be pre-pended to the password before calling crypt_r to generate the hash for the crypt-hash leaf passed with $0$cleartext
uint8 agt_min_passwd_len
 minimum password length when setting crypt-hash variables
boolean agt_with_netconf
 If 'true' then the corresponding protocol will be enabled. More...
boolean agt_with_restconf
 enable RESTCONF sessions
boolean agt_with_yang_api
 enable YANG-API sessions (obsolete)
boolean agt_with_yp_shell
 enable yp-shell sessions
boolean agt_with_yp_coap
 enable YP-CoAP sessions (not supported)
boolean agt_with_yp_coap_dtls
 enable YP-CoAP DTLS sessions (not supported)
boolean agt_with_netconf_tls
 enable NETCONF over TLS sessions
boolean agt_tls_common_auth
 internal flag to enable Common Authentication Mode NO CLI PARAMETER FOR THIS SETTING IN 23.10
log_debug_t agt_audit_log_console_level
 log console level
log_debug_t agt_audit_log_level
 audit log level
boolean agt_audit_log_localtime
 audit log localtime
boolean agt_ha_enabled
 enable YP-HA
boolean agt_ha_sil_standby
 call SIL code in standby mode
uint16 agt_ha_port
 port number is default 8088
const xmlChar * agt_ha_server_key
 server-key to keep HA pools separate
const xmlChar * agt_ha_initial_active
 active server to use if standby
boolean agt_simple_json_names
 use simple JSON names instead of YANG JSON names
boolean agt_create_empty_npcontainers
 LAST DATA SENT TO SUBSYSTEMS create empty NP containers d: true.
boolean agt_create_empty_npcontainers_ro
 special flag for create NP containers if read-only child nodes
boolean agt_with_warnings
 this field indicates if agt_record_warning will be allowed to set the error-severity field to warning
boolean agt_library_mode
 this field indicates the server is operating in library mode It will look for YANG modules but only load them into its library.
boolean agt_with_config_id
 this field indicates if the :config-id capability is enabled or not. More...
boolean agt_no_nvstore
 this field indicates that the server should not load or save using the normal APIs during transaction management. More...
boolean agt_with_yang11_hello
 this field indicates whether the NETCONF hello message should conform to the standard and leave out YANG 1.1 modules.
boolean agt_with_callhome
 this field indicates that the IETF Callhome feature is enabled if true and WITH_CALLHOME is built into the image, then the server will attempt to connect to the callhome client servers specified in the callhome config (ietf-server module TBD)
uint16 agt_callhome_retry_interval
 this field specifies the number of seconds to wait after a connect attempt to the callhome server has failed.
uint16 agt_callhome_retry_max
 this field specifies the number of retry attempts the server should attempt to the callhome server before giving up. More...
const xmlChar * agt_sshd_path
 set the sshd exectuable path for callhome default is /usr/sbin/sshd only set by vendor in agt_init1 phase
const xmlChar * agt_subsys_path
 set the netconf subsystem for sshd exectuable path for callhome default is /usr/sbin/netconf-subsystem-pro only set by vendor in agt_init1 phase
const xmlChar * agt_sshd_config
 set the sshd_config file to use for sshd exectuable for callhome default is $HOME/.yumapro/ch_sshd_config. More...
boolean agt_with_ocpattern
 this flag enables/disables the special OpenConfig usage of the YANG pattern-statement. More...
boolean agt_fileloc_fhs
 this flag enables FHS file locations for server data files
boolean agt_no_audit_log
 this flag indicates the –no-audit-log CLI parameter
ncx_msg_encoding_t agt_restconf_default_encoding
 this enum indicates the –restconf-default-encoding CLI parameter
boolean agt_startup_fallback
 this flag indicates the –startup-error parm is set to fallback
boolean agt_running_fallback
 this flag indicates the –running-error parm is set to fallback
boolean agt_with_snmp
 this flag indicates that the snmp agent should be enabled
ncx_snmp_agt_role_t agt_snmp_agent_role
 identify the SNMP agent native mode master|subagent
uint16 agt_snmp_subagent_priority
 identify the SNMP subagent priority, what priority will be used for OID callbacks registration
boolean agt_useurl_tftp
 the libcurl variables More...
boolean agt_useurl_ftp
boolean agt_sil_delete_children_first
 –sil-delete-children-first CLI parameter
boolean agt_trim_whitespace
 –trim-whitespace CLI parameter
const xmlChar * agt_netconf_tls_address
 –netconf-tls-address parameter
const xmlChar * agt_netconf_tls_certificate
 –netconf-tls-cerificate parameter
const xmlChar * agt_netconf_tls_key
 –netconf-tls-key parameter
uint16 agt_netconf_tls_port
 –netconf-tls-port parameter
const xmlChar * agt_netconf_tls_trust_store
 –netconf-tls-trust-store parameter
boolean agt_insecure_ok
 –insecure-ok parameter
const xmlChar * agt_cert_default_user
 –cert-default-user parameter
const xmlChar * agt_errmsg_lang
 –errmsg-lang parameter
boolean agt_startup_prune_ok
 –startup-prune-ok parameter
boolean agt_startup_create_ok
 no CLI parameter!! set to TRUE! change in yp-system library or agt_profile.c
boolean agt_with_canonical
 –with-canonical parameter
boolean agt_with_modtags
 –with-modtags parameter
boolean agt_sil_invoke_false_when_deletes
 –sil-invoke-false-when-deletes parameter
boolean agt_sil_invoke_for_defaults
 –sil-invoke-for-defaults parameter
boolean agt_with_gnmi
 this flag indicates that the gNMI support should be enabled
boolean agt_ypserver_mode
 this flag indicates the server is rnning as yp-controller and not netconfd-pro
boolean agt_sil_prio_reverse_for_deletes
 –sil-prio-reverse-for-deletes parameter
uint32 agt_audit_log_events
 –audit-log-events to control audit log content
boolean agt_sil_root_check_first
 –sil-root-check-first to do root check in edit-config before the SIL validate callbacks are invoked the old (only) behavior is 'false'
boolean agt_sil_wait_sa
 No CLI parameter!! Set to TRUE in agt_profile.c the load-config will wait if agt_ncx_load_any_waiting() is true and this parameter is also true.
boolean agt_with_maint_mode
 allow maintenance mode to be used
boolean agt_callhome_reconnect
 CLI parameter –callhome-reconnect.
boolean agt_sil_test_get_when
 enable config=false when-stmt checking for GET1 and GET2 callback functions; if false then the callback is expected to check the when-stmt itself and return ERR_NCX_NO_INSTANCE if the when-stmts for the node are false; default is true
boolean agt_yuma_time_filter
 use the yuma-time-filter module
boolean agt_yumaworks_getbulk
 use the yumaworks-getbulk module
boolean agt_yumaworks_ids
 use the yumaworks-ids module
boolean agt_use_db_lock
 db-lock used only if WITH_YCONTROL=1 and CLI set
int32 agt_max_strlen
 max-strlen parameter
boolean agt_with_yumaworks_callhome
boolean agt_with_yumaworks_config_change
boolean agt_with_yumaworks_event_stream
agt_crl_mode_t agt_crl_mode
 tls-crl-mode parameter
boolean agt_crl_missing_ok
 tls-crl-missing-ok parameter
boolean agt_with_nmda
boolean agt_startup_skip_validation
boolean agt_cvt_subtree_filter
boolean agt_import_version_bestmatch
 import-version-bestmatch parameter
boolean agt_with_yang_patch_running
 with-yang-patch-running parameter
uint16 agt_push_min_period
 push-min-period parameter
uint16 agt_push_min_dampening
 push-min-dampening parameter
uint32 agt_push_max_periodic
 push-max-periodic parameter
uint32 agt_push_max_operational
 push-max-operational parameter
uint32 agt_push_simop_period
 push-simop-period parameter
boolean agt_push_simop_enabled
 push-simop-enabled parameter
boolean agt_push_simop_patch_update
 push-simop-patch-update parameter
uint32 agt_max_nodes_per_update
 IETF max-nodes-per-update NO CLI PARAMTER TO SET THIS VALUE. More...
boolean agt_wait_datastore_ready
 wait-datastore-ready parameter
boolean agt_return_status
 return exit code or zero
boolean agt_with_grpc
 this flag indicates that the gRPC support should be enabled
boolean agt_with_sm
 this flag indicates that the Schema Mount support should be enabled
const xmlChar * agt_sm_config
 set the Schema Mount configuration file. More...
ncx_msg_encoding_t agt_sm_config_encoding
 this flag indicates what parser engine to use to parse the SM Config file.
boolean agt_use_yumaworks_sm_yanglib
 load yumaworks-sm-yanglib module ignored unless agt_with_sm and agt_sm_config both set
boolean agt_use_yumaworks_cert_usermap
 load yumaworks-cert-usermap module
boolean agt_remove_schema_aug_leafs
 this flag indicates the deprecated schema list leafs added from yumaworks-system should be removed. More...
boolean agt_tls_debug
 –tls-debug CLI parameter this flag indicates that extra TLS debugging should be enabled in the server
const xmlChar * agt_tls_cipherlist
 –tls-cipherlist CLI parameter Use with extreme caution! Advanced libopenssl usage not supported passed directly to SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list in agt_openssl.c
boolean agt_silcall_delete_first
 YPW-1975: SILCALL delete first.
boolean agt_highres_event_time
 –highres-event-time parameter Affects the <eventTime> leaf in all notifications
boolean agt_with_yang_cbor
 with-yang-cbor parameter
ncx_yang_sid_mode_t agt_yang_sid_mode
 yang-sid-mode parameter
boolean agt_xpath_dblslash_ok
 YPW-1981: XPath Dblslash OK.
boolean agt_tls_deprecated_ok
 YPW-1984: TLS Deprecated OK.
boolean agt_tls_dh_enabled
 YPW-1994: enable TLS DH parameters needed for TLS 1.3 there is no CLI parameter for this flag; default true.
uint16 agt_max_lock_hold_time
 YPW-2027 Enforce a max lock hold time if non-zero value.
boolean agt_sil_cc_callback_all
 YPW-2042 Apply Commit Completeness Callbacks to All Edit Transactions instead of just the <commit> operation.
boolean agt_with_yumaworks_lock
 enable the <lock-all> and <unlock-all> operations
boolean agt_with_error_number
 enable the <error-number) element added to error info some NC clients do not implement the error-info correctly and do not parse <error-number> even th0ough the parent node is "anyxml" and the standard allows 'extra' error-info default is true for backward compatibility
const xmlChar * agt_user_parm
 back-pointer to the user-parm string if any
boolean agt_sil_autodelete
 enable SIL/SIL-SA callback for auto-deletions More...
boolean agt_return_empty_npcontainers
 –return-empty-npcontainers CLI parameter
boolean agt_save_load_events
 No CLI parameter for save load events! If true then NETCONF notifications generated for the YANG library load and <running> config load are enabled. More...
boolean agt_return_error_with_data
 enable returning rpc-error with data YPW-2187: add –return-error-with-data parameter Allow GET2 callback errors to be recorded and returned at the end of the response
uint8 agt_max_dblslash_matches
 Max number of dblslash wildcard matches to allow this is an arbitrary limit meant to prevent the XPath engine from using too much memory.
boolean agt_with_new_yanglib
 Flag to indicate that the YANG Library from RFC 8525 will be present, even if with-nmda=false This does not remove the /modules-state subtree but the new version has this subtree deprecated.
boolean agt_with_new_notifs
 flag to indicate that the new notifications defined in RFC 8639 should be used, even if bundle yang-push is not used. More...
boolean agt_with_ietf_caps
 flag to indicate the ietf-system-capabilities module should be loaded if WITH_YANG_PUSH is used and also 'bundle yang-push' is used and –with-new-notifcs is used.
boolean agt_disable_imported_ok
 YPW-2209: flag to enable disabling of imported objects that are not loaded via module or bundle parameter and marked as conformance-type='import' in yanglib Old behavior is 'false' which incorrectly adds all objects from the module into the schema tree and datastores New behavior is to mark these objects as disabled in the obj_is_enabled() function.
boolean agt_sil_skip_global_edit_validate
 YPW-2276: sil-skip-global-edit-* parameters.
obj_testflags_t agt_rootflags
 root commit descendant test flags
boolean agt_load_done
 server load-config done flag
boolean agt_load_validate_errors
 server load-config had errors flag
boolean agt_load_rootcheck_errors
 server load-config root-check had errors flag
boolean agt_load_top_rootcheck_errors
 server load-config had top root-check errors flag
boolean agt_load_apply_errors
 server load-config had apply phase errors flag
boolean agt_load_factory_fallback
 server load-config allowed to use factory-fallback flag
boolean agt_load_def_startup_factory
 server load-config factory flag
dlq_hdr_t agt_savedevQ
 Q of malloced ncx_save_deviations_t.
dlq_hdr_t agt_commit_testQ
 Q of malloced agt_commit_test_t.
xmlChar * agt_startup_txid_file
 cached location of startup transaction ID file
xmlChar * agt_socket_address
 strdup of socket-address CLI parameter
uint16 agt_socket_port
 listen on this TCP port if TCP socket is enabled
xmlChar * agt_conf_dirspec
 malloced string indicating the confdir pathspec in use
agt_ha_role_t agt_ha_role
 saved HA role
boolean agt_defer_load
 saved defer load config flag
boolean agt_no_yang_push
 flag indicates that yang-push bundle is loaded only to use the notifications. More...
boolean agt_enable_netconf
 flag to enable NETCONF sessions
boolean agt_enable_restconf
 flag to enable RESTCONF sessions
boolean agt_enable_cli
 flag to enable CLI sessions
boolean agt_enable_gnmi
 flag to enable gNMI sessions
boolean agt_enable_grpc
 flag to enable gRPC sessions

Detailed Description

Multiple instances are not supported.

The yp-server library has an API to override the default profile settings.

hardwire some of the server profile parameters because they are needed before the NCX engine is running They cannot be changed after boot-time. This data structure is sent from the main server to each subsystem, when the YControl initialization is done

!!! Keep the profile data in this struct in synch with !!! the agt_profile container in yumaworks-agt-profile.yang

the order of the fields below must exactly match the names and bit number assignments in the follwing files:

  • agt/agt_sil_profile.c
  • sil-sa/sil_sa_profile.c Both files must be changed together to keep the bit numbers aligned

Field Documentation

◆ agt_audit_log_candidate

boolean agt_audit_log_candidate

If true, then transactions to the candidate datastore will be recorded in the audit log.

If false, then transactions to the candidate datastore will not be recorded in the audit log.";

◆ agt_callhome_retry_max

uint16 agt_callhome_retry_max

this field specifies the number of retry attempts the server should attempt to the callhome server before giving up.

The value 0 indicates the server should never give up.

◆ agt_extern_libspec

const xmlChar* agt_extern_libspec

superuser name (allowed to be NULL) moved to agt.c agt_superuserQ Q of ncx_backptr_t to malloced string from CLI parameters

extern library spec

◆ agt_max_nodes_per_update

uint32 agt_max_nodes_per_update



◆ agt_no_nvstore

boolean agt_no_nvstore

this field indicates that the server should not load or save using the normal APIs during transaction management.

The 'start' choice will be ignored (e.g., –no-startup)) and the server will not attempt to load a startup-cfg.xml file. Transactions will not be saved to NV-storage at all. Any external NV-storage callbacks will be ignored.

Use this mode if NV-load and NV-storage are handled internally and not via the startup-cfg.xml file.

◆ agt_no_yang_push

boolean agt_no_yang_push

flag indicates that yang-push bundle is loaded only to use the notifications.

  • with-new=notifs=true
  • no 'bundle yang-push' in config

◆ agt_remove_schema_aug_leafs

boolean agt_remove_schema_aug_leafs

this flag indicates the deprecated schema list leafs added from yumaworks-system should be removed.

The nodes are not removed from the YANG module, but the server will not send these optional leafs in any response to a client. Fixes ODL bug which rejects session if an augmenting node is found in this list

◆ agt_save_config_system

boolean agt_save_config_system

flag to skip generation of the startup XML file when a save_config is done by the server.

Used with the external config mode where the external system database is already up to date so the XML file is not used Default is false. Set in yp_system_init_profile.

◆ agt_save_load_events

boolean agt_save_load_events

No CLI parameter for save load events! If true then NETCONF notifications generated for the YANG library load and <running> config load are enabled.

If false these evvents are suppressed. Affects events added to the replay buffer at boot-time. Suggest Do Not Enable to save memory

◆ agt_server_id

const xmlChar* agt_server_id

assigned server ID NcxName (1 .

. 64)

◆ agt_server_root

const xmlChar* agt_server_root

assigned server root ID

  • If set the server will run in Multi-Instance Mode
  • If NULL then the server will run in Single Instance Mode This is the old behavior and the default
  • NcxName (1 .. 64)

◆ agt_sil_autodelete

boolean agt_sil_autodelete

enable SIL/SIL-SA callback for auto-deletions

YPW-2157: add auto-deletion callbacks if target=running Always did these callbacks if –target=candidate TRUE == add the missing callbacks FALSE == make the undo and audit records but skip the SIL callbacks

◆ agt_sil_getbulk_max

uint32 agt_sil_getbulk_max

Specifies the maximum number of getbulk entries to request from a GET2 callback.

This value will be used in the get2cb 'max_entries' field. The value 0 is used to indicate there is no max and the GET2 callback can return as many getbulk entries as desired. This is the default for leaf-list GET2 callbacks

◆ agt_sil_skip_load

boolean agt_sil_skip_load

skip the SIL callbacks for load-config Useful if the authoritative database is really the external system.

All edits coming from DB-API or loaded from the startup-cfg.xml are already applied to the system via the other database

◆ agt_sm_config

const xmlChar* agt_sm_config

set the Schema Mount configuration file.

Specifies the XML or JSON file to read which contains the configuration data needed to create desired mount-points.

This config file controls what is in the YANG Library for each mount-point label.

◆ agt_sshd_config

const xmlChar* agt_sshd_config

set the sshd_config file to use for sshd exectuable for callhome default is $HOME/.yumapro/ch_sshd_config.

<ch-server-name> only set by vendor in agt_init1 phase

◆ agt_use_rollback_on_error

boolean agt_use_rollback_on_error

Use rollback-on-error.

All datastore transactions are all-or-none so this parameter is essentially ignored

◆ agt_useurl_tftp

boolean agt_useurl_tftp

the libcurl variables


◆ agt_watcher_interval

uint32 agt_watcher_interval

Specifies the number of seconds the YPWatcher process will sleep before checking if the netconfd-pro process has died.

Ignored if –no-watcher CLI parameter was used

◆ agt_with_config_id

boolean agt_with_config_id

this field indicates if the :config-id capability is enabled or not.

This is an enterprise URI and at least 1 opensource tool complains it is not a valid YANG module URI

◆ agt_with_netconf

boolean agt_with_netconf

If 'true' then the corresponding protocol will be enabled.

Otherwise, the protocol will not be enabled. The incoming connection will be droped if the protocol is disabled. NETCONF is usually enabled

◆ agt_with_new_notifs

boolean agt_with_new_notifs

flag to indicate that the new notifications defined in RFC 8639 should be used, even if bundle yang-push is not used.

Does not cause the old RFC 5277 <create-subscription> to be removed. This will be ignored if 'bundle yang-push' in the config

◆ agt_with_ocpattern

boolean agt_with_ocpattern

this flag enables/disables the special OpenConfig usage of the YANG pattern-statement.

If true then modules named openconfig-* will be checked as POSIX patterns, not YANG XSD patterns

◆ agt_withdef_enabled

uint8 agt_withdef_enabled

bitmask of the with-defaults enumerations that should be enabled in the server

     explicit: bit0
     trim: bit1
     report-all: bit2
     report-all-tagged: bit3

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: