yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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sil_sa_cb_t Struct Reference

control block for the SIL-SA module More...

#include <sil_sa_types.h>

Collaboration diagram for sil_sa_cb_t:

Data Fields

 yumaworks-sil-sa YANG module
 <sil-sa> object within the /ycontrol/payload object
 cached <payload> element for use in request messages
sil_sa_state_t state
 SIL-SA module state.
boolean sil_load_done
 SIL-SA library load is done.
boolean need_replay
 SIL-SA library needs to trigger a config replay from the server.
boolean init2_done
 init2 phase has been done. More...
uint32 msgid
 request msgid that is expected in the response
 cached <config-response> message body; list of modules/bundles to load
 cached <start-transaction> message body
ncx_transaction_id_t txid
 transaction ID derived from start_request
boolean is_validate
 transaction is a <validate> operation
boolean is_reverse_edit
 transaction is a reverse-edit during rollback
boolean is_load_config
 transaction is an internal <load-config>
dlq_hdr_t editQ
 parsed from start request msg
struct sil_sa_edit_t_ * cur_edit
 edit-id maintained during the callback
 dummy msg used for SIL-SA callback functions
const xmlChar * user_id
 user-id backptr from the transaction
const xmlChar * client_addr
 client address backptr from the transaction
const xmlChar * target
 datastore target backptr from the transaction
const xmlChar * txid_str
 transaction ID from the transaction
uint32 error_edit_index
 saved by the sil_call_edit_phase code if an error occurs with a specific edit. More...
status_t error_edit_res
 edit entry failure status
const xmlChar * error_edit_str
 edit string for error
dlq_hdr_t bundleQ
 queue of ncx_backptr to ncx_module_t
dlq_hdr_t library_parmQ
 queue of ncx_backptr to malloced string
dlq_hdr_t bundle_unloadQ
 queue of sil_sa_bundle_t struct
 backptr to the <keys> container passed in an <action-request>
dlq_hdr_t added_editQ
 Queue of Hook added edits that will be used in the hook-respose msg Q of sil_sa_added_edit_t.
boolean is_hook_load
 SIL-SA Hook support.
boolean is_hook_validate
 Not the same as is_validate. More...
 <hook-get-response> return value
boolean skip_reverse_edit
 keep track of a subsys already did the rollback phase so the cancel-transaction in commit phase caused a rollback callback. More...
void * get2_user_data_ref
 keep track of the GETCB_GET2_USER_DATA_REF value one per entire SIL-SA which may not be OK if multiple client sessions called different GET2 callbacks
uint32 get2_user_data_index
 keep track of the GETCB_GET2_USER_DATA_INDEX value one per entire SIL-SA which may not be OK if multiple client sessions called different GET2 callbacks

Detailed Description

control block for the SIL-SA module

Field Documentation

◆ error_edit_index

uint32 error_edit_index

saved by the sil_call_edit_phase code if an error occurs with a specific edit.

Edit index is the edit key leaf value that had an error

◆ init2_done

boolean init2_done

init2 phase has been done.

Could be deferred on the server

◆ is_hook_validate

boolean is_hook_validate

Not the same as is_validate.

is_hook_validate if only TRUE if this is a Validate operation. is_validate is also TRUE when the transaction is happening during the validate phase.

◆ skip_reverse_edit

boolean skip_reverse_edit

keep track of a subsys already did the rollback phase so the cancel-transaction in commit phase caused a rollback callback.

If so then skip the reverse_edit that might follow if another subsystem also registers for this object

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: