yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
obj_refine_t Struct Reference

One YANG refine statement struct. More...

#include <obj.h>

Collaboration diagram for obj_refine_t:

Data Fields

xmlChar * target
 relative-path of the object to refine
struct obj_template_t_ * targobj
 resolved target object to refine
xmlChar * descr
 description-stmt (not saved on server)
ncx_error_t descr_tkerr
 the token for each sub-clause is saved because when the refine-stmt is parsed, the target is not known yet so picking the correct variant such as refine-leaf-stmts or refine-list-stmts needs to wait until the resolve phase
xmlChar * ref
 reference-stmt (not saved on server)
ncx_error_t ref_tkerr
 same comment as descr_tkerr applies here
xmlChar * presence
 refining the presence-stmt
ncx_error_t presence_tkerr
 same comment as descr_tkerr applies here
dlq_hdr_t defval_tkQ
 Q of obj_defval_tk_t.
ncx_error_t config_tkerr
 config and confset are in the object flags
ncx_error_t mandatory_tkerr
 mandatory and mandset are in the object flags
uint32 minelems
 min-elements value
ncx_error_t minelems_tkerr
 also minset
uint32 maxelems
 max-elements value
ncx_error_t maxelems_tkerr
 also maxset
dlq_hdr_t mustQ
 Q of xpath_pcb_t.

Detailed Description

One YANG refine statement struct.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: