yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
val_editvars_t Struct Reference

one set of edit-in-progress variables for one value node More...

#include <val.h>

Data Fields

struct val_value_t_ * curparent
 these fields are only used in modified values before they are actually added to the config database (TBD: move into struct) curparent == parent of curnode for merge More...
op_insertop_t insertop
 YANG insert operation.
xmlChar * insertstr
 saved value or key attr
struct xpath_pcb_t_ * insertxpcb
 key attr for insert
struct val_value_t_ * insertval
 back-ptr if before or after
val_insert_mode_t insert_mode
 insert mode requested
uint8 silprio
 2nd SIL priority for server
boolean operset
 nc:operation here
void * pcookie
 user pointer cookie
int icookie
 user integer cookie
boolean is_move
 TRUE if YPATCH MOVE operation.
boolean skip_sil_partial
 TRUE if skip_sil_partial needed.
boolean deleted
 TRUE if deleted from commit_deletes.

Detailed Description

one set of edit-in-progress variables for one value node

Field Documentation

◆ curparent

struct val_value_t_* curparent

these fields are only used in modified values before they are actually added to the config database (TBD: move into struct) curparent == parent of curnode for merge

track the real parent

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: