yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
getcb_get2_t Struct Reference

GET2 control block. More...

#include <getcb.h>

Collaboration diagram for getcb_get2_t:

Data Fields

dlq_hdr_t qhdr
 queue header
xmlChar * txid_str
 transaction ID string
 object template containing this callback
val_nodetest_fn_t testfn
 value node test function (may be obsolete for get2)
dlq_hdr_t keyQ
 Q of malloced val_value_t; 1 entry for each key leaf includes the ancestor keys and keys for the current list (if applicable) If the set of keys for the current list is incomplete, then the provided keys are 'fixed'.
dlq_hdr_t matchQ
 Q of malloced val_value_t; 1 entry for each content-match leaf in the subtree or XPath filter; these leafs only apply to the current object.
dlq_hdr_t selectQ
 Q of malloced getcb_get2_select_t; 1 entry for each child select node of the object in this get2cb these select nodes only apply to the current object if the 'select_only' flag is set then this queue is used. More...
getcb_mode_t cbmode
 reason for the callback (get or getnext)
uint32 max_entries
 max instances to get 0 for all entries, 1 . More...
uint32 max_levels
 0 for all levels, 1 . More...
boolean oper_data
 TRUE to get operational data.
boolean config_data
 TBD: TRUE to get configuration data not supported yet! All config must be in the cfg->root val_value_t tree.
boolean expand_varexpr
 variable expressions: TRUE if a varexpr node should be expanded; FALSE if printed as an expression
boolean keys_only
 keys-only: TRUE if only the key leafs are desired from list objects; FALSE if normal retrieval
boolean select_only
 select: TRUE if only the selectQ child nodes are desired from the parent for this callback; FALSE if no select mode retrieval
boolean with_defaults
 with_defaults: TRUE if default nodes should be returned this is needed for operational data because the server does not process when-stmts on operational data, so the instrumentation has to return operational defaults if they are requested
getcb_api_mode_t api_mode
 api_mode: consumer API callback mode More...
boolean with_origin
 get-request with-origin flag
 first key val node that was moved from the return_keyQ to the keyQ for nested nodes to process; needs to be removed after each nested list is processed
boolean acmtest_result
 acmtest result used for NACM check
boolean last_sibling
 flag to track JSON state
boolean isfirst_nokey
 flag to track JSON state
boolean first_llsibling
 leaf-list siblings
boolean last_llsibling
 leaf-list siblings
boolean islast
 Used only for AIO RESTCONF processing. More...
boolean isfirst
 also used for JSON subtree proc
boolean aio_done
 AIO processing is completed.
boolean first_child
 Used for JSON subtree proccessing. More...
boolean first_sibling
 first sibling done
boolean force_lastsibling
 force JSON state
boolean force_lastsib_value
 force JSON state
boolean force_array_obj
 force JSON array output
boolean finish_list
 Used for CBOR processing to know if the special finish-list callback mode is needed.
boolean more_data
 set by the callback function if there are more instances that follow the specified instance; this is a global flag that applies to the entire response
dlq_hdr_t getbulkQ
 set by the callback function if this is a list callback and multiple entries are returned; this is a global queue that applies to the entire response More...
xmlChar * active_case_modname
 set by a choice test_mode callback to return the name of the active case; If the active_case_modname is NULL then the module name of the parent choice-stmt will be used
xmlChar * active_case
 name of the active case
dlq_hdr_t return_keyQ
 Q of malloced val_value_t.
dlq_hdr_t return_valQ
 Q of malloced val_value_t.
val_value_t return_val
 if just 1 instance is returned, then the return_val will be used; if the btyp is set to something other than NCX_BT_NONE, then the server will use this value; otherwise 1 or more malloced val_value_t structs are expected in the return_valQ More...
dlq_hdr_t responseQ
 if this is a request that causes multiple responses then the responseQ will have each response get2cb
boolean match_test_done
 content-match done flag ignored unless the matchQ is non-empty If TRUE. More...
boolean wrote_some_lists
 If TRUE then Last list failed BUT some of the entries were written successfully. More...
 save parent backtrs for when-stmt processing of GET2 data
struct getcb_get2_t_ * parent_cb
 backptr to parent CB
dlq_hdr_t return_aioQ
 Q of malloced val_value_t. More...
ncx_nmda_ds_t nmda_ds
 save NMDA datastore for GET operational
ncx_nmda_origin_t nmda_origin
 caller will set the return nmda_origin
ncx_msg_encoding_t aio_encoding
 In AIO GET2 callback is used with JSON/XML buffers the encoding will represent corresponding encoding type.
xmlChar * aio_return_buff
 AIO XML or JSON malloced buffer from callback to use. More...
 If schema-mount is in use then the MPID is set for GET2 callbacks that have a ancestor that is a rootcb (MPID) This is a backpointer NOT a malloced struct.
boolean sm_mpid_malloced
 The MPID will be malloced on the SIL-SA side (TRUE) otherwise set to FALSE if the sm_mpid is a backptr.
void * user_data_ref
 User Data Reference Can be used by GET2 callbacks to store and reference a pointer during the GET2 callback walk through lists and data structures. More...
uint32 user_data_index
 User Data Index Can be used by GET2 callbacks to store and reference an index during the GET2 callback walk through lists and data structures. More...
boolean pre_process
 YPW-2273: pre_process_mode is TRUE if Subtree filter is doing Pre process Selection nodes to see if the server should start to write the parent node or not.

Detailed Description

GET2 control block.

Field Documentation

◆ aio_return_buff

xmlChar* aio_return_buff

AIO XML or JSON malloced buffer from callback to use.

Must be freed after it is converted to val value.

◆ api_mode

getcb_api_mode_t api_mode

api_mode: consumer API callback mode

       normal walk through objects including subtrees
       complex nodes are walked START, TERM*, END
       simple nodes are walked TERM
       the specified object is retrieved according to
       the keys and content-match nodes and the
       consumer callback is called only one
       The callbacks will not include nested subtrees
       The getcb code is retrieving implied choice-stmt
       active-case values and possibly terminal values

◆ first_child

boolean first_child

Used for JSON subtree proccessing.

first child done

◆ getbulkQ

dlq_hdr_t getbulkQ

set by the callback function if this is a list callback and multiple entries are returned; this is a global queue that applies to the entire response

Q of getcb_get2_getbulk_t

◆ islast

boolean islast

Used only for AIO RESTCONF processing.

also used for JSON subtree proc

◆ match_test_done

boolean match_test_done

content-match done flag ignored unless the matchQ is non-empty If TRUE.

indicates that the callback performed the requested content-match tests and the returned output is post-filter If FALSE, then the content-match tests were not done

◆ max_entries

uint32 max_entries

max instances to get 0 for all entries, 1 .

. N for specific max

◆ max_levels

uint32 max_levels

0 for all levels, 1 .

. N for max max_levels forced to 1 if testmode=TRUE

◆ return_aioQ

dlq_hdr_t return_aioQ

Q of malloced val_value_t.

Used for sil-aio-get2 extension only. Callbacks will fill in data into this Queue. The callback will be called only once and the server will expect the return_aioQ to be filled in with the whole set of children.

◆ return_val

val_value_t return_val

if just 1 instance is returned, then the return_val will be used; if the btyp is set to something other than NCX_BT_NONE, then the server will use this value; otherwise 1 or more malloced val_value_t structs are expected in the return_valQ


◆ selectQ

dlq_hdr_t selectQ

Q of malloced getcb_get2_select_t; 1 entry for each child select node of the object in this get2cb these select nodes only apply to the current object if the 'select_only' flag is set then this queue is used.

An empty selectQ means only keys should be returned (for a list) For a choice the active case must be set. For a P-container, the callback has to return NO_ERR instead of ERR_NCX_NO_INSTANCE

The get2 callback can ignore the select_only flag and selectQ The extra returned values will be ignored by the caller. Q of getcb_get2_select_t

◆ user_data_index

uint32 user_data_index

User Data Index Can be used by GET2 callbacks to store and reference an index during the GET2 callback walk through lists and data structures.

  • Many code scrubbers do not like casting pointers as numbers
  • Initially set to 0 for the first get2cb created during a walk
  • Up to the GET2 callback to set this field using the GETCB_GET2_USER_DATA_INDEX() macro
  • The server will copy the value from the parent get2cb when creating a child get2cb during a tree traversal

◆ user_data_ref

void* user_data_ref

User Data Reference Can be used by GET2 callbacks to store and reference a pointer during the GET2 callback walk through lists and data structures.

  • Initially set to NULL for the first get2cb created during a walk
  • Up to the GET2 callback to set this field using the GETCB_GET2_USER_DATA_REF() macro
  • The server will copy the value from the parent get2cb when creating a child get2cb during a tree traversal
  • The pointer must not be malloced and stored only here. There is no way to cleanup this pointer and the GET2 walk may exit on error at any time

◆ wrote_some_lists

boolean wrote_some_lists

If TRUE then Last list failed BUT some of the entries were written successfully.

So need to write comma after this list object.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: