yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches

one ENUM typdef value – stored in simple.valQ Used for NCX_BT_ENUM and NCX_BT_BITS data type More...

#include <typ.h>

Data Fields

dlq_hdr_t qhdr
 queue header
xmlChar * name
 enum name
xmlChar * descr
 enum description-stmt (not saved in server)
xmlChar * ref
 enum reference-stmt (not saved in server)
ncx_status_t status
 status-stmt (cannot be obsolete in the server
int32 val
 YANG value-stmt or implied value – used if NCX_BT_ENUM.
uint32 pos
 YANG position-stmt or implied position – used if NCX_BT_BITS.
dlq_hdr_t appinfoQ
 any extensions found in the enum-stmt (not used by server)
dlq_hdr_t iffeatureQ
 YANG 1.1 or 1.0 if-feature statements.
uint8 flags
 internal processing flags
uint8 feature_flags
 YANG 1.1 processing flags.

Detailed Description

one ENUM typdef value – stored in simple.valQ Used for NCX_BT_ENUM and NCX_BT_BITS data type

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: