yumapro  24.10-1
YumaPro SDK
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NCX Module Library Utility Functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for libyumapro_ncx:


 Global Callbacks
 Initialize and cleanup the Global Callbacks.
 System logging access functions.
 NCX Data Structures
 C Data Structures used to represent YANG module constructs.
 NCX Error Codes
 error code definitions–be sure to add any err code definitions to the copy in err.c to register the errcode name, the error severity, and the error string
 NCX Library Global Data
 Module static data in ncx.c.
 NCX Utilities
 Utlities for application layer to use.
 Protocol support functions.
 XPath Support
 XPath 1.0 filtering and YANG validation.
 YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language.

Detailed Description

NCX Module Library Utility Functions.

                      Container of Definitions
                        |   ncx_module_t  |
                        |   ncxtypes.h    |

          | obj_template_t  |
          |     obj.h       |
             ^          |
             |          |       Value Instances
             |          |     +-----------------+
             |          +---->|   val_value_t   |
             |                |      val.h      |
             |                +-----------------+
             |       Data Types
             |   +--------------------+
             +---|   typ_template_t   |
                 |       typ.h        |