yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches

Constants and macros used to manage YANG data nodes. More...

Collaboration diagram for Value Node Macros:


#define VAL_MAX_PLOCKS   1
 max number of concurrent partial locks by the same session
 max number of NACM data rules that can refer to the same value node
 maximum number of bytes in a number string
#define VAL_BINDEX_CH   '['
 constants used in generating C and Xpath instance ID strings More...
#define VAL_EINDEX_CH   ']'
 end index
#define VAL_PASSWORD_STRING   (const xmlChar *)"****"
 display instead of readl password contents
#define VAL_FL_DUPDONE   bit0
 starting val_value_t flags field if set the duplicates-ok test has been done
#define VAL_FL_DUPOK   bit1
 if set the duplicates-ok test was OK
#define VAL_FL_DEFSET   bit2
 if set, this value was added by val_add_defaults
#define VAL_FL_META   bit3
 if set, value is actually for an XML attribute
#define VAL_FL_DIRTY   bit4
 if set, value has been edited or added, or child deleted
#define VAL_FL_UNIDONE   bit5
 if set, value is a list which has unique-stmt already failed
#define VAL_FL_DEFVALSET   bit6
 if set, value has been checked to see if it is the default value
#define VAL_FL_DEFVAL   bit7
 if set, value is set to the YANG default value; only use if VAL_FL_DEFVALSET is 1
#define VAL_FL_WITHDEF   bit8
 if set, PDU value had the with-defaults wd:attribute set to true
#define VAL_FL_DELETED   bit9
 if set, value has been deleted or moved and awaiting commit or rollback
#define VAL_FL_SUBTREE_DIRTY   bit10
 if set, there was an edit operation in a descendant node; Used by agt_val_root_check to prune trees for faster processing
#define VAL_FL_CHILD_DELETED   bit11
 if set then the VAL_FL_DIRTY flag should also be set; this flags indicates the parent node is dirty because a child was deleted; Otherwise the delete will be interpreted as a 'replace' when the commit from candidate to running is done
#define VAL_FL_IS_VAREXPR   bit12
 if set then the value string parsed is really a complex XPath expression that needs to be evaluated before the actual value and btype is set THIS BIT IS NOT IMPLEMENTED SET. More...
#define VAL_FL_FIXED_VALUE   bit13
 if set then the value is considered a fixed-value for get2 callback purposes; used for content-match expressions
#define VAL_FL_EDIT2_MERGE   bit14
 if set then the value was an edit2 merge value; make sure it does not get treated as a 'replace' operation
#define VAL_FL_EXTERNAL   bit15
 if set then the value came from external XML or DB-API
#define VAL_FL_FORCE_CONFIG   bit16
 if set then the value is forced as config=true or config=false Do not use the val->obj pointer to figure out config-stmt if this bit is set
 if set then the forced config value is true if not set, then the forced config value is false Ignored unless VAL_FL_FORCE_CONFIG
#define VAL_FL_VALUE_SET   bit18
 set if the value has been set by client; not 100% reliable since the VAL_FOO(V) macros can access fields directly and set them to a zero value
#define VAL_FL_TEMP_XPATH   bit19
 set if value is a union that has a constrained leafref or i-i that has not been checked yet if a corresponding instance exists in the proper datastore
#define VAL_FL_UNCMTD_DELETE   bit20
 set if value was deleted, even if the node is default NP-Cont. More...
#define VAL_FL_RECREATED   bit21
 set if value was deleted and then is getting created again RE-create on the same node operation.
 if set, there was a re-create operation in a descendant node or there is an uncommitted deleted node in a descendant node; Used to clean recreated and uncommited delete flags for faster processing
#define VAL_FL_FROM_TEMPLATE   bit23
 set if a val_value_t node was created because it was added from a config template (see yumaworks-templates.yang, agt_tempaltes.c)
#define VAL_FL_CANONICAL   bit24
 set if a val_value_t node was set to canonical format already
#define VAL_FL_IS_INDEX   bit25
 set if this val_value_t represents a key leaf replaces val->index backptr
#define VAL_FL_WILDCARD   bit26
 set if this is a node in a yangcli test-suite template that is really a WILDCARD_STRING match; the real value will be ignored when comparing data replies in test steps
#define VAL_FL_ANYXML_KEY   bit27
 set if anyxml tracking is done and this node is identified as a key leaf
#define VAL_FL_ANYXML_CONFIG   bit28
 set if anyxml tracking is done and this node is identified as a config data node
#define VAL_FL_ANYXML_UNKNOWN   bit29
 set if anyxml tracking is done and this node is identified as an unknown node in a known namespace (could be disabled) could also be a nested notification or action that is will not match any nodes in a subtree filter
#define VAL_FL_DEFCON_DELETED   bit30
 set when default NP container is deleted
#define VAL_FL_ADDEDIT_DELETED   bit31
 YPW-1749: Set Hook add_edit API problem if it API called twice for the same deletion. More...
#define VAL_FL_GENERIC   bit0
 Begin val_child_hdr->flags fields. More...
#define VAL_FL_ROOT   bit1
 the value represents an ncx:root node
#define VAL_FL_USE_QUE   bit2
 the child_hdr->que is being used for multi-nodes
#define VAL_FL_USE_TREE   bit3
 the child_hdr->tree is being used
#define VAL_FL_HDR_DIRTY   bit4
 one of the instances is dirty
 one of the descendant instances is dirty
#define VAL_FL_HDR_RECREATED   bit6
 one of the descendant instances was marked as re-created or was set as uncommitted delete
#define VAL_FL_HDR_NOT_INSERTED   bit7
 the insertion into the AVL Tree failed due to sanity check error or due to some other reason.
 set the virtualval lifetime to 3 seconds
#define VAL_OBJ(V)   (V)->obj
 Access the object template.
#define VAL_OBJTYPE(V)   (V)->obj->objtype
 Access the object type.
#define VAL_TYPE(V)   (V)->btyp
 Access the base type : same as VAL_BTYPE.
#define VAL_HDR(V)   (V)->hdr
 Access the header backptr.
#define VAL_TYPDEF(V)   (V)->typdef
 Access the typedef (simple types only)
#define VAL_NSID(V)   (V)->nsid
 Access the namespace ID.
#define VAL_NAME(V)   (V)->name
 Access the value name.
#define VAL_RES(V)   (V)->res
 Access the value status enum.
#define VAL_BOOL(V)   (V)->v.boo
 Access the value as a boolean ONLY IF btyp == NCX_BT_BOOLEAN.
#define VAL_EMPTY(V)   (V)->v.boo
 Access the value as an empty ONLY IF btyp == NCX_BT_EMPTY.
#define VAL_DOUBLE(V)   (V)->v.num.d
 Access the value as a double : internal for XPath only NCX_BT_DOUBLE.
#define VAL_STRING(V)   (V)->v.str
 Access the value as a string ONLY if typ_is_string(typdef) is true.
#define VAL_BINARY(V)   (V)->v.binary.ustr
 Access the value binary : NOT A Z-TERMINATED STRING DO NOT USE THIS MACRO IN SIL CODE This is a binary string.
#define VAL_BINARY_LEN(V)   (V)->v.binary.ustrlen
 Access the value binary string length ONLY IF NCX_BT_BINARY.
#define VAL_ENU(V)   (&(V)->v.enu)
 Access the enum struct in the value ONLY if BCX_NT_ENUM.
#define VAL_ENUM(V)   (V)->v.enu.val
 Access the enum value in the value ONLY if BCX_NT_ENUM.
#define VAL_ENUM_NAME(V)   (V)->v.enu.name
 Access the enum name in the value ONLY if BCX_NT_ENUM This is the macro used to check values in SIL code.
#define VAL_FLAG(V)   (V)->v.boo
 Access the value as a flag (internal DO NOT USE)
#define VAL_NUMPTR(V)   (&(V)->v.num)
 Access the address of the number struct.
#define VAL_NUM(V)   (V)->v.num
 Access the number struct.
#define VAL_LONG(V)   (V)->v.num.l
 Access the value as a long int ONLY if NCX_BT_INT64.
#define VAL_INT(V)   (V)->v.num.i
 Access the value as an int ONLY if NCX_BT_INT8, 16, 32.
#define VAL_INT8(V)   ((int8)((V)->v.num.i))
 Access the value as an int8 ONLY if NCX_BT_INT8.
#define VAL_L_INT8(V)   (V)->v.num.i
 Access the left-hand-side value as an int8 ONLY if NCX_BT_INT8.
#define VAL_INT16(V)   ((int16)((V)->v.num.i))
 Access the value as an int16 ONLY if NCX_BT_INT16.
#define VAL_L_INT16(V)   (V)->v.num.i
 Access the left-hand-side value as an int16 ONLY if NCX_BT_INT16.
#define VAL_INT32(V)   (V)->v.num.i
 Access the value as an int32 ONLY if NCX_BT_INT32.
#define VAL_INT64(V)   (V)->v.num.l
 Access the value as an int64 ONLY if NCX_BT_INT64.
#define VAL_STR(V)   (V)->v.str
 Access the value as a string ONLY if typ_is_string() is true.
#define VAL_INSTANCE_ID(V)   (V)->v.str
 Access the value as an instance-identifier ONLY if NCX_BT_INSTANCE_ID.
#define VAL_IDREF(V)   (&(V)->v.idref)
 Access the value as an identityref ONLY if NCX_BT_IDREF.
#define VAL_IDREF_NSID(V)   (V)->v.idref.nsid
 Access the namespace ID value as an identityref ONLY if NCX_BT_IDREF.
#define VAL_IDREF_NAME(V)   (V)->v.idref.name
 Access the name string value as an identityref ONLY if NCX_BT_IDREF.
#define VAL_IDREF_IDENTITY(V)   (V)->v.idref.identity
 Access the found identity for an identityref ONLY if NCX_BT_IDREF.
#define VAL_UINT(V)   (V)->v.num.u
 Access the value as an uint32 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT8, 16, 32.
#define VAL_UINT8(V)   ((uint8)((V)->v.num.u))
 Access the value as an uint8 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT8.
#define VAL_L_UINT8(V)   (V)->v.num.u
 Access the left-hand-side value as an uint8 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT8.
#define VAL_UINT16(V)   ((uint16)((V)->v.num.u))
 Access the value as an uint16 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT16.
#define VAL_L_UINT16(V)   (V)->v.num.u
 Access the left-hand-side value as an uint16 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT16.
#define VAL_UINT32(V)   (V)->v.num.u
 Access the value as an uint32 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT32.
#define VAL_L_UINT32(V)   (V)->v.num.u
 Access the left-hand-side value as an uint32 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT32.
#define VAL_UINT64(V)   (V)->v.num.ul
 Access the value as an uint64 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT64.
#define VAL_ULONG(V)   (V)->v.num.ul
 Access the value as an uint64 ONLY if NCX_BT_UINT64.
#define VAL_DEC64(V)   (V)->v.num.dec.val
 Access the internal value as an decimal64 ONLY if NCX_BT_DEC64 Do not use, must use ncx_num access functions.
#define VAL_DEC64_DIGITS(V)   (V)->v.num.dec.digits
 Access the internal digits value as an decimal64 ONLY if NCX_BT_DEC64 Do not use, must use ncx_num access functions.
#define VAL_DEC64_ZEROES(V)   (V)->v.num.dec.zeroes
 Access the internal zeroes value as an decimal64 ONLY if NCX_BT_DEC64 Do not use, must use ncx_num access functions.
#define VAL_LIST(V)   (V)->v.list
 Access the value as an xsdlist ONLY if NCX_BT_SLIST.
 Access the value as a bits value ONLY if NCX_BT_BITS.
#define VAL_INTERN(V)   (V)->v.intbuff
 Access the internal buffer ONLY if NCX_BT_INTERN.
#define VAL_EXTERN(V)   (V)->v.fname
 Access the external filename ONLY if NCX_BT_EXTERN.
#define VAL_IS_DELETED(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_DELETED)
 Access the deleted flag.
#define VAL_CLR_DELETED(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_DELETED
 Clear the value as a deleted.
#define VAL_MARK_DELETED(V)   val_mark_deleted(V)
 Mark the value node as deleted.
#define VAL_UNMARK_DELETED(V)   val_mark_undeleted(V)
 Unmark the value node as deleted.
#define VAL_LAST_MODIFIED(V)   (V)->last_modified
 Access the last-modified field.
#define VAL_ETAG(V)   (V)->etag
 Access the ETag field.
#define VAL_BTYPE(V)   (V)->btyp
 Access the base type : same as VAL_TYPE.
#define VAL_SET_VAREXPR(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_IS_VAREXPR
 Set the value as a var expression.
#define VAL_CLR_VAREXPR(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_IS_VAREXPR
 Clear the value as a var expression.
#define VAL_IS_VAREXPR(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_IS_VAREXPR)
 Check if the value is a var expression.
#define VAL_VAREXPR(V)   val_get_varexpr(V)
 get the value var expression
#define VAL_SET_META(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_META
 Flag the value as metadeata which is stored within another val_value_t->metaQ.
#define VAL_REMOVE_META(M)   dlq_remove(M)
 Remove a metadata value node.
 flag the value as a fixed key value for GETNEXT processing
#define VAL_CLR_FIXED_VALUE(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_FIXED_VALUE
 clear the flag for the value as a fixed key value for GETNEXT processing
#define VAL_IS_FIXED_VALUE(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_FIXED_VALUE)
 check if the flag is as a fixed key value for GETNEXT processing
#define VAL_SET_EDIT2_MERGE(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_EDIT2_MERGE
 flag the value as an EDIT2 merge in progress
#define VAL_CLR_EDIT2_MERGE(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_EDIT2_MERGE
 clear the value as an EDIT2 merge in progress
#define VAL_IS_EDIT2_MERGE(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_EDIT2_MERGE)
 check if the value is an EDIT2 merge in progress
#define VAL_SET_EXTERNAL(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_EXTERNAL
 flag the value as an external value Not sure why this is different than NCX_BT_EXTERN
#define VAL_CLR_EXTERNAL(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_EXTERNAL
 clear the value as an external value
#define VAL_IS_EXTERNAL(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_EXTERNAL)
 check if the value is an external value
#define VAL_SET_VALUE_SET(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_VALUE_SET
 flag the value as a value has been set
#define VAL_CLR_VALUE_SET(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_VALUE_SET
 clear the value as a value has been set
#define VAL_IS_VALUE_SET(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_VALUE_SET)
 check if the value is a value has been set
#define VAL_SET_TEMP_XPATH(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_TEMP_XPATH
 flag the value as a temporary XPath in use
#define VAL_CLR_TEMP_XPATH(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_TEMP_XPATH
 clear the value as a temporary XPath in use
#define VAL_IS_TEMP_XPATH(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_TEMP_XPATH)
 check if the value is a temporary XPath in use
 flag the value as an uncommited delete
 clear the value as an uncommited delete
 check if the value is an uncommited delete
 flag the value as a recreated node (delete + add in candidate)
#define VAL_CLR_RECREATED(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_RECREATED
 clear the value as a recreated node (delete + add in candidate)
#define VAL_IS_RECREATED(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_RECREATED)
 check if the value is a recreated node (delete + add in candidate)
 flag the value as set from a template
 clear the value as set from a template
 check if the value is set from a template
#define VAL_XPATHPCB(V)   val_get_xpathpcb(V)
 Access the Xpath parser control block.
 flag the value as set by canonical
#define VAL_CLR_CANONICAL(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_CANONICAL
 clear the value as set by canonical
#define VAL_IS_CANONICAL(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_CANONICAL)
 check if the value is set by canonical
#define VAL_NMDA_ORIGIN(V)   (V)->nmda_origin
 Access the NMDA origin property.
#define VAL_IS_INDEX(V)   ((V)->flags & VAL_FL_IS_INDEX)
 Check if the value is a key leaf.
#define VAL_SET_IS_INDEX(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_IS_INDEX
 Flag the value as a key leaf.
#define VAL_CHILD_HDR_OBJ(H)   (H)->obj
 Access the object field in a child header.
#define VAL_CHILD_HDR_COUNT(H)   (H)->count
 Access the instance count field in a child header.
 Flag the value as a deleted default NP-container.
 Clear the value as a deleted default NP-container.
 Check if the value is a deleted default NP-container.
 YPW-1749: Set Hook add_edit API problem if it API called twice for the same deletion. More...
 Check if the value is add_edit API already done.
#define VAL_EDITOP(V)   (V)->editop
 access the editop field: used in cli_parse_raw and cli_parse to identify CLI parameters loaded from the command line by setting the editop to OP_EDITOP_LOAD.
#define VAL_SET_DEFSET(V)   (V)->flags |= VAL_FL_DEFSET
 Set the flag to indicate the value is set-by default This is for val_set_by_default NOT val_is_default.
#define VAL_CLR_DEFSET(V)   (V)->flags &= ~VAL_FL_DEFSET
 Clear the flag to indicate the value is set-by default This is for val_set_by_default NOT val_is_default.

Detailed Description

Constants and macros used to manage YANG data nodes.

Some VAL_FOO access macros are not safe to use unless the base type is exactly as expected. Use with caution.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define VAL_BINDEX_CH   '['

constants used in generating C and Xpath instance ID strings

begin index


#define VAL_FL_ADDEDIT_DELETED   bit31

YPW-1749: Set Hook add_edit API problem if it API called twice for the same deletion.

Set if the node was deleted by Set Hook Add_edit API to ensure that any other add_edit cannot delete the same node again.


#define VAL_FL_GENERIC   bit0

Begin val_child_hdr->flags fields.

the value represents a generic object so the val->obj field cannot be used to insert it into the child_hdrQ correctly The val->name and val->nsid fields will be used instead


#define VAL_FL_IS_VAREXPR   bit12

if set then the value string parsed is really a complex XPath expression that needs to be evaluated before the actual value and btype is set THIS BIT IS NOT IMPLEMENTED SET.



#define VAL_FL_UNCMTD_DELETE   bit20

set if value was deleted, even if the node is default NP-Cont.

VAL_FL_DELETED flag will not be set for those nodes.



YPW-1749: Set Hook add_edit API problem if it API called twice for the same deletion.

Flag the value as add_edit API already done