yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
NETCONF Configuration Datastores

Configuration segments are stored in sequential order. More...

Collaboration diagram for NETCONF Configuration Datastores:

Data Structures

struct  cfg_template_t
 struct representing 1 configuration database More...


typedef void(* cfg_reload_candidate_cb_t) (void)
 support for server callback anytime the candidate config is reloaded from the running config <discard-changes>


enum  cfg_state_t {
 current configuration state More...
enum  cfg_source_t
 classify the config source
enum  cfg_location_t
 classify the config location


void cfg_ypinit (void)
 Initialize the config manager. More...
void cfg_clean_roots (void)
 Cleanup the cfg->root nodes before all the objects are freed. More...
void cfg_cleanup (void)
 Cleanup the config manager. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_rdlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Take out the read lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure May be called recursively. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_wrlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Take out a write lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_unlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Release a lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_init_req_locks (thd_tcb_t *tcb)
 Initialize TCB multiple lock structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_release_all_locks (thd_tcb_t *tcb)
 Release all RWLOCKs recorded in TCB lock state structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_locks (thd_tcb_t *tcb)
 Acquire multiple locks in order to help prevent deadlock. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_lock_pair (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg1, boolean wrlock1, cfg_template_t *cfg2, boolean wrlock2)
 Acquire multiple (2) locks in predetermined, repeatable in order to help prevent deadlock. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_lock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg, boolean wrlock)
 Acquire a single RWLOCK. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_rdlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Acquire a single RWLOCK for read access. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_wrlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Acquire a single RWLOCK for write access. More...
status_t cfg_init_static_db (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Initialize the specified static configuration slot. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_new_template (const xmlChar *name, ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Malloc and initialize a cfg_template_t struct. More...
void cfg_free_template (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Clean and free the cfg_template_t struct. More...
void cfg_set_state (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id, cfg_state_t new_state)
 Change the state of the specified static config. More...
cfg_state_t cfg_get_state (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Get the state of the specified static config. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_get_config (const xmlChar *cfgname)
 Get the config struct from its name. More...
const xmlChar * cfg_get_config_name (ncx_cfg_t cfgid)
 Get the config name from its ID. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_get_config_id (ncx_cfg_t cfgid)
 Get the config struct from its ID. More...
void cfg_set_target (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Set the CFG_FL_TARGET flag in the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_running (ses_id_t sesid)
 Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <running> config. More...
status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_startup (ses_id_t sesid)
 Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <startup> config. More...
status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_inline (ses_id_t sesid, val_value_t *newroot)
 Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <config> inline XML node. More...
void cfg_set_dirty_flag (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Mark the config as 'changed'. More...
void cfg_clear_dirty_flag (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Clear the cfg dirty flag upon request. More...
void cfg_clear_running_dirty_flag (void)
 Clear the running dirty flag when it is saved to NV-storage or loaded into running from startup. More...
void cfg_clear_candidate_dirty_flag (void)
 Clear the candidate dirty flag when it is saved to NV-storage or loaded into running from startup. More...
boolean cfg_get_dirty_flag (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the config dirty flag value. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_lock (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config can be locked right now for global lock only. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_unlock (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t sesid)
 Check if the specified config can be unlocked right now by the specified session ID; for global lock only. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_unlock2 (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t sesid, boolean lockall)
 Check if the specified config can be unlocked right now by the specified session ID; for global lock only. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_read (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config can be read right now. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_write (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t sesid)
 Check if the specified config can be written right now by the specified session ID. More...
boolean cfg_is_global_locked (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config has ab active global lock. More...
boolean cfg_is_partial_locked (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config has any active partial locks. More...
status_t cfg_get_global_lock_info (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t *sesid, const xmlChar **locktime)
 Get the current global lock info. More...
status_t cfg_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, cfg_source_t lock_src)
 Lock the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_lock2 (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, cfg_source_t lock_src, boolean lockall)
 Lock the specified config (with lockall) More...
status_t cfg_unlock (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by)
 Unlock the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_unlock2 (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, boolean lockall)
 Unlock the specified config (2nd rev) More...
status_t cfg_unlock_ex (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, boolean skip_reload)
 Unlock the specified config. More...
void cfg_release_locks (ses_id_t sesid)
 Release any configuration locks held by the specified session. More...
void cfg_release_partial_locks (ses_id_t sesid)
 Release any configuration locks held by the specified session. More...
void cfg_get_lock_list (ses_id_t sesid, val_value_t *retval)
 Get a list of all the locks held by a session. More...
void cfg_apply_load_root (cfg_template_t *cfg, val_value_t *newroot)
 Apply the AGT_CB_APPLY function for the OP_EDITOP_LOAD operation. More...
void cfg_update_last_ch_time (cfg_template_t *cfg, time_t *timestamp)
 Update the last-modified timestamp. More...
void cfg_update_last_txid (cfg_template_t *cfg, ncx_transaction_id_t txid)
 Update the last good transaction ID. More...
void cfg_update_stamps (cfg_template_t *source, cfg_template_t *dest)
 Update the last-modified and last-txid stamps. More...
const xmlChar * cfg_get_last_ch_time (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the last-modified timestamp. More...
ncx_transaction_id_t cfg_get_last_txid (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the last good transaction ID. More...
status_t cfg_sprintf_etag (cfg_template_t *cfg, xmlChar *buff, int32 buffsize)
 Write the Entity Tag for the datastore to the specified buffer. More...
status_t cfg_sprintf_etag_id (ncx_transaction_id_t id, xmlChar *buff, int32 buffsize)
 Write the Entity Tag for the datastore to the specified buffer Use the last_id instead of the cfg template. More...
status_t cfg_add_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, plock_cb_t *plcb)
 Add a partial lock the specified config. More...
plock_cb_tcfg_find_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, plock_id_t lockid)
 Find a partial lock in the specified config. More...
plock_cb_tcfg_first_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the first partial lock in the specified config. More...
plock_cb_tcfg_next_partial_lock (plock_cb_t *curplockcb)
 Get the next partial lock in the specified config. More...
void cfg_delete_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, plock_id_t lockid)
 Remove a partial lock from the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_partial_lock (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config can be locked right now for partial lock only. More...
val_value_tcfg_get_root (ncx_cfg_t cfgid)
 Get the config root for the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_setup_running (void)
 Setup the running config root if load_running_config did not add anything. More...
void cfg_register_reload_candidate_cb (cfg_reload_candidate_cb_t cbfn)
 Register a callback function to be called anytime the. More...
const xmlChar * cfg_get_startup_filespec (void)
 Get the filespec string for the XML file to save the running database. More...
boolean cfg_running_is_wrlocked (void)
 Check if the running datastore is currently pthreads write-locked. More...
boolean cfg_candidate_is_wrlocked (void)
 Check if the candidate datastore is currently pthreads write-locked. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_new_fake_candidate (const xmlChar *name, ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Malloc and initialize a new fake Candidate cfg_template_t struct. More...
void cfg_set_defer_load (boolean val)
 Set the config defer load flag to the config. More...
time_t cfg_get_lock_itime (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Get the lock_itime field. More...
status_t cfg_lock_hold_timeout (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Force a cfg lock to be undone due to max-lock-hold-time. More...

Detailed Description

Configuration segments are stored in sequential order.


    Configuration database (running, candidate, startup, etc.)
      +-- (root: /)
           +--- object X  (netconf, security, routing, etc.)
           |         |
           |         +---- object A , B, C
           +--- object Y
           |         |
           |         +---- object D , E


   1) call cfg_ypinit()

   2) call cfg_init_static_db for the various hard-wired databases
      that need to be created by the agent

   3) call cfg_apply_load_root() with the startup database contents
      to load into the running config

   4) call cfg_set_target() [NCX_CFGID_CANDIDATE or NCX_CFGID_RUNNING]

   4a) call cfg_fill_candidate_from_running if the target is candidate;
       after agt.c/load_running_config is called

   5) call cfg_set_state() to setup config db access, when ready
      for NETCONF operations

   6) Use cfg_ok_to_* functions to test config access

   7) use cfg_lock and cfg_unlock as desired to set global write locks

   8) use cfg_release_locks when a session terminates

   9) call cfg_cleanup() when program is terminating

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ cfg_state_t

current configuration state


not set


init in progress


ready and no locks


partial lock active


full lock active


cleanup in progress

Function Documentation

◆ cfg_add_partial_lock()

status_t cfg_add_partial_lock ( cfg_template_t cfg,
plock_cb_t plcb 

Add a partial lock the specified config.

This will not really have an effect unless the CFG_FL_TARGET flag in the specified config is also set For global lock only

cfgConfig template to lock
plcbpartial lock control block, already filled out, to add to this configuration
status; if NO_ERR then the memory in plcb is handed off and will be released when cfg_remove_partial_lock is called for 'plcb'
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_apply_load_root()

void cfg_apply_load_root ( cfg_template_t cfg,
val_value_t newroot 

Apply the AGT_CB_APPLY function for the OP_EDITOP_LOAD operation.

cfgconfig target
newrootnew config tree
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_candidate_is_wrlocked()

boolean cfg_candidate_is_wrlocked ( void  )

Check if the candidate datastore is currently pthreads write-locked.

TRUE if write locked; FALSE if not
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_clean_roots()

void cfg_clean_roots ( void  )

Cleanup the cfg->root nodes before all the objects are freed.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_cleanup()

void cfg_cleanup ( void  )

Cleanup the config manager.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_clear_candidate_dirty_flag()

void cfg_clear_candidate_dirty_flag ( void  )

Clear the candidate dirty flag when it is saved to NV-storage or loaded into running from startup.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_clear_dirty_flag()

void cfg_clear_dirty_flag ( cfg_template_t cfg)

Clear the cfg dirty flag upon request.

cfgpointer to valid config template
See also
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_clear_running_dirty_flag()

void cfg_clear_running_dirty_flag ( void  )

Clear the running dirty flag when it is saved to NV-storage or loaded into running from startup.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_delete_partial_lock()

void cfg_delete_partial_lock ( cfg_template_t cfg,
plock_id_t  lockid 

Remove a partial lock from the specified config.

cfgConfig template to use
lockidlock-id for the plcb to remove
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_fill_candidate_from_inline()

status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_inline ( ses_id_t  sesid,
val_value_t newroot 

Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <config> inline XML node.

Called internally only, do not use!

sesidcurrent session ID
newrootnew root for the candidate config
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_fill_candidate_from_running()

status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_running ( ses_id_t  sesid)

Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <running> config.

sesidsession ID setting the config
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_fill_candidate_from_startup()

status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_startup ( ses_id_t  sesid)

Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <startup> config.

Called internally only, do not use!

sesidsession ID setting the config
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_find_partial_lock()

plock_cb_t * cfg_find_partial_lock ( cfg_template_t cfg,
plock_id_t  lockid 

Find a partial lock in the specified config.

cfgConfig template to use
lockidlock-id for the plcb to find
pointer to the partial lock control block found NULL if not found
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_first_partial_lock()

plock_cb_t * cfg_first_partial_lock ( cfg_template_t cfg)

Get the first partial lock in the specified config.

cfgConfig template to use
pointer to the first partial lock control block; NULL if none exist at this time
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_free_template()

void cfg_free_template ( cfg_template_t cfg)

Clean and free the cfg_template_t struct.

cfgcfg_template_t to clean and free
See also
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_get_config()

cfg_template_t * cfg_get_config ( const xmlChar *  cfgname)

Get the config struct from its name.

cfgnameConfig Name
pointer to config struct or NULL if not found
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_get_config_id()

cfg_template_t * cfg_get_config_id ( ncx_cfg_t  cfgid)

Get the config struct from its ID.

cfgidconfig ID
pointer to config struct or NULL if not found
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_get_config_name()

const xmlChar * cfg_get_config_name ( ncx_cfg_t  cfgid)

Get the config name from its ID.

cfgidconfig ID
pointer to config name or NULL if not found
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_get_dirty_flag()

boolean cfg_get_dirty_flag ( const cfg_template_t cfg)

Get the config dirty flag value.

cfgconfiguration template to check
TRUE if the config is flagged as dirty
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_get_global_lock_info()

status_t cfg_get_global_lock_info ( const cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t sesid,
const xmlChar **  locktime 

Get the current global lock info.

cfgConfig template to check
[out]sesidaddress of return session ID pointer
  • *sesid session ID of lock holder
[out]locktimeaddress of return lock time
  • *locktime pointer to lock time string
status, NCX_ERR_SKIPPED if not locked

◆ cfg_get_last_ch_time()

const xmlChar * cfg_get_last_ch_time ( cfg_template_t cfg)

Get the last-modified timestamp.

cfgconfig target
pointer to timestamp to use or NULL to get cvurrent time

◆ cfg_get_last_txid()

ncx_transaction_id_t cfg_get_last_txid ( cfg_template_t cfg)

Get the last good transaction ID.

cfgconfig target
last transaction ID to use

◆ cfg_get_lock_itime()

time_t cfg_get_lock_itime ( ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id)

Get the lock_itime field.

cfg_idcfg ID
lock_itime value or 0 if none

◆ cfg_get_lock_list()

void cfg_get_lock_list ( ses_id_t  sesid,
val_value_t retval 

Get a list of all the locks held by a session.

sesidsession ID to check for any locks
[out]retvalpointer to malloced and initialized NCX_BT_SLIST
  • *retval is filled in with any lock entryies or left empty if none found
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_get_root()

val_value_t * cfg_get_root ( ncx_cfg_t  cfgid)

Get the config root for the specified config.

cfgidconfig ID to get root from
config root or NULL if none or error
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_get_startup_filespec()

const xmlChar * cfg_get_startup_filespec ( void  )

Get the filespec string for the XML file to save the running database.

filespec for startup-cfg.xml or NULL if none

◆ cfg_get_state()

cfg_state_t cfg_get_state ( ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id)

Get the state of the specified static config.

cfg_idConfig ID
config state (CFG_ST_NONE if some error)

◆ cfg_init_static_db()

status_t cfg_init_static_db ( ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id)

Initialize the specified static configuration slot.

cfg_idcfg ID to intialize
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_is_global_locked()

boolean cfg_is_global_locked ( const cfg_template_t cfg)

Check if the specified config has ab active global lock.

cfgConfig template to check
TRUE if global lock active, FALSE if not

◆ cfg_is_partial_locked()

boolean cfg_is_partial_locked ( const cfg_template_t cfg)

Check if the specified config has any active partial locks.

cfgConfig template to check
TRUE if partial lock active, FALSE if not

◆ cfg_lock()

status_t cfg_lock ( cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  locked_by,
cfg_source_t  lock_src 

Lock the specified config.

This will not really have an effect unless the CFG_FL_TARGET flag in the specified config is also set

cfgConfig template to lock
locked_bysession ID of the lock owner
lock_srcenum classifying the lock source
See also
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_lock2()

status_t cfg_lock2 ( cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  locked_by,
cfg_source_t  lock_src,
boolean  lockall 

Lock the specified config (with lockall)

This will not really have an effect unless the CFG_FL_TARGET flag in the specified config is also set

cfgConfig template to lock
locked_bysession ID of the lock owner
lock_srcenum classifying the lock source
lockallTRUE if from "<lock-all>"; FALSE otherwise
See also
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_lock_hold_timeout()

status_t cfg_lock_hold_timeout ( ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id)

Force a cfg lock to be undone due to max-lock-hold-time.

cfg_idConfig ID to force global lock released

◆ cfg_new_fake_candidate()

cfg_template_t * cfg_new_fake_candidate ( const xmlChar *  name,
ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id 

Malloc and initialize a new fake Candidate cfg_template_t struct.

namecfg name
cfg_idcfg ID
malloced struct or NULL if some error This struct needs to be freed by the caller
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_new_template()

cfg_template_t * cfg_new_template ( const xmlChar *  name,
ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id 

Malloc and initialize a cfg_template_t struct.

namecfg name
cfg_idcfg ID
malloced struct or NULL if some error. This struct needs to be freed by the caller
See also
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_next_partial_lock()

plock_cb_t * cfg_next_partial_lock ( plock_cb_t curplockcb)

Get the next partial lock in the specified config.

curplockcbcurrent lock control block; get next CB
pointer to the next partial lock control block; NULL if none exist at this time

◆ cfg_ok_to_lock()

status_t cfg_ok_to_lock ( const cfg_template_t cfg)

Check if the specified config can be locked right now for global lock only.

cfgConfig template to check
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_ok_to_partial_lock()

status_t cfg_ok_to_partial_lock ( const cfg_template_t cfg)

Check if the specified config can be locked right now for partial lock only.

cfgConfig template to check
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_ok_to_read()

status_t cfg_ok_to_read ( const cfg_template_t cfg)

Check if the specified config can be read right now.

cfgConfig template to check
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_ok_to_unlock()

status_t cfg_ok_to_unlock ( const cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  sesid 

Check if the specified config can be unlocked right now by the specified session ID; for global lock only.

cfgConfig template to check
sesidsession ID requesting to unlock the config
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_ok_to_unlock2()

status_t cfg_ok_to_unlock2 ( const cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  sesid,
boolean  lockall 

Check if the specified config can be unlocked right now by the specified session ID; for global lock only.

Support for lock-all added

cfgConfig template to check
sesidsession ID requesting to unlock the config
lockallTRUE if from "<unlock-all>"; FALSE otherwise
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_ok_to_write()

status_t cfg_ok_to_write ( const cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  sesid 

Check if the specified config can be written right now by the specified session ID.

This is not an access control check, only locks and config state will be checked

cfgConfig template to check
sesidsession ID requesting to write to the config
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_register_reload_candidate_cb()

void cfg_register_reload_candidate_cb ( cfg_reload_candidate_cb_t  cbfn)

Register a callback function to be called anytime the.

cfg_fill_candidate_from_ FOO function is called This is an internal server callback – not a SIL callback

cbfncallback function to register

◆ cfg_release_locks()

void cfg_release_locks ( ses_id_t  sesid)

Release any configuration locks held by the specified session.

sesidsession ID to check for
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_release_partial_locks()

void cfg_release_partial_locks ( ses_id_t  sesid)

Release any configuration locks held by the specified session.

sesidsession ID to check for
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_running_is_wrlocked()

boolean cfg_running_is_wrlocked ( void  )

Check if the running datastore is currently pthreads write-locked.

TRUE if write locked; FALSE if not
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_acquire_lock_pair()

status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_lock_pair ( thd_tcb_t tcb,
cfg_template_t cfg1,
boolean  wrlock1,
cfg_template_t cfg2,
boolean  wrlock2 

Acquire multiple (2) locks in predetermined, repeatable in order to help prevent deadlock.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
cfg1config ptr 1
wrlock1TRUE => write lock ELSE read lock
cfg2config ptr 2
wrlock2TRUE => write lock ELSE read lock
res status_t indicating if any error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_acquire_locks()

status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_locks ( thd_tcb_t tcb)

Acquire multiple locks in order to help prevent deadlock.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
res status_t indicating if an error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_lock()

status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_lock ( thd_tcb_t tcb,
cfg_template_t cfg,
boolean  wrlock 

Acquire a single RWLOCK.

NOTE: Call once only. Do NOT use this to acquire multiple locks.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
cfgdata store
wrlockTRUE == write access requested
res status_t indicating if an error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_rdlock()

status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_rdlock ( thd_tcb_t tcb,
cfg_template_t cfg 

Acquire a single RWLOCK for read access.

NOTE: Call once only per RPC. Do NOT use this to acquire multiple locks.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
cfgdata store
res status_t indicating if an error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_wrlock()

status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_wrlock ( thd_tcb_t tcb,
cfg_template_t cfg 

Acquire a single RWLOCK for write access.

NOTE: Call once only per RPC. Do NOT use this to acquire multiple locks.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
cfgdata store
status_t indicating if an error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_init_req_locks()

status_t cfg_rwlock_init_req_locks ( thd_tcb_t tcb)

Initialize TCB multiple lock structure.

WARNING: Will attempt to unlock (and generate error message) but should NOT be called for this purpose.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_rdlock()

status_t cfg_rwlock_rdlock ( thd_tcb_t tcb,
cfg_template_t cfg 

Take out the read lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure May be called recursively.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
cfgdatastore descriptor (e.g., running, candidate, or startup)
res status_t indicating if an error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_release_all_locks()

status_t cfg_rwlock_release_all_locks ( thd_tcb_t tcb)

Release all RWLOCKs recorded in TCB lock state structure.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
res status_t indicating if any error was encountered (NO_ERR == success)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_unlock()

status_t cfg_rwlock_unlock ( thd_tcb_t tcb,
cfg_template_t cfg 

Release a lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure.

May be called recursively.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
cfgdatastore descriptor (e.g., running, candidate, or startup)
res == status_t indicating if an error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_rwlock_wrlock()

status_t cfg_rwlock_wrlock ( thd_tcb_t tcb,
cfg_template_t cfg 

Take out a write lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure.

May be called recursively.

tcbthread control block for session (caller)
cfgdatastore descriptor (e.g., running, candidate, or startup)
res status_t indicating if an error was encountered (NO_ERR = success)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_set_defer_load()

void cfg_set_defer_load ( boolean  val)

Set the config defer load flag to the config.

valTRUE if this config is in defer load mode; FALSE if not
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_set_dirty_flag()

void cfg_set_dirty_flag ( cfg_template_t cfg)

Mark the config as 'changed'.

cfgconfiguration template to set
See also

◆ cfg_set_state()

void cfg_set_state ( ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id,
cfg_state_t  new_state 

Change the state of the specified static config.

cfg_idConfig ID to change
new_statenew config state to set

◆ cfg_set_target()

void cfg_set_target ( ncx_cfg_t  cfg_id)

Set the CFG_FL_TARGET flag in the specified config.

cfg_idConfig ID to set as a valid target

◆ cfg_setup_running()

status_t cfg_setup_running ( void  )

Setup the running config root if load_running_config did not add anything.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_sprintf_etag()

status_t cfg_sprintf_etag ( cfg_template_t cfg,
xmlChar *  buff,
int32  buffsize 

Write the Entity Tag for the datastore to the specified buffer.

cfgcfg_templatet data structure to use
[out]buffbuffer to use
  • buff filled in if big enough
buffsizebuffer size to use
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_sprintf_etag_id()

status_t cfg_sprintf_etag_id ( ncx_transaction_id_t  id,
xmlChar *  buff,
int32  buffsize 

Write the Entity Tag for the datastore to the specified buffer Use the last_id instead of the cfg template.

idcfg id to use
[out]buffbuffer to use
  • buff filled in if big enough
buffsizebuffer size to use
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_unlock()

status_t cfg_unlock ( cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  locked_by 

Unlock the specified config.

cfgConfig template to unlock
locked_bysession ID of the lock owner
See also

◆ cfg_unlock2()

status_t cfg_unlock2 ( cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  locked_by,
boolean  lockall 

Unlock the specified config (2nd rev)

cfgConfig template to unlock
locked_bysession ID of the lock owner
lockallTRUE if called from <unlock-all>; FALSE otherwise
See also

◆ cfg_unlock_ex()

status_t cfg_unlock_ex ( cfg_template_t cfg,
ses_id_t  locked_by,
boolean  skip_reload 

Unlock the specified config.

Do not always force a remove changes. This is needed for the <unload> operation which locks the datastores while deleting data nodes and schema nodes for the module being unloaded

cfgConfig template to unlock
locked_bysession ID of the lock owner
skip_reloadTRUE to skip cfg reload test

◆ cfg_update_last_ch_time()

void cfg_update_last_ch_time ( cfg_template_t cfg,
time_t *  timestamp 

Update the last-modified timestamp.

cfgconfig target
timestamptimestamp to use or NULL to get cvurrent time
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_update_last_txid()

void cfg_update_last_txid ( cfg_template_t cfg,
ncx_transaction_id_t  txid 

Update the last good transaction ID.

cfgconfig target
txidtrnasaction ID to use
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cfg_update_stamps()

void cfg_update_stamps ( cfg_template_t source,
cfg_template_t dest 

Update the last-modified and last-txid stamps.

sourcesource config
destdestoination config
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cfg_ypinit()

void cfg_ypinit ( void  )

Initialize the config manager.

YPW-1360: netconfd: naming issue in ncx module (cfg.c cfg_init() API) changed function name cfg_init to cfg_ypinit.

Here is the caller graph for this function: