109#define AGT_CFG_SET_VALIDATE_DEF(C) (C)->is_validate_def = TRUE
112#define AGT_CFG_GET_VALIDATE_DEF(C) (C)->is_validate_def
115#define AGT_CFG_SET_SKIP_SIL(C) (C)->skip_sil = TRUE
118#define AGT_CFG_GET_SKIP_SIL(C) (C)->skip_sil
121#define AGT_CFG_SET_SKIP_SIL_PARTIAL(C) (C)->skip_sil_partial = TRUE
124#define AGT_CFG_GET_SKIP_SIL_PARTIAL(C) (C)->skip_sil_partial
127#define AGT_CFG_SET_SKIP_SAVE(C) (C)->skip_save = TRUE
130#define AGT_CFG_GET_SKIP_SAVE(C) (C)->skip_save
133#define AGT_CFG_GET_COMMENT(C) (C)->comment
136#define AGT_CFG_SET_COMMENT(C,S) (C)->comment = S
141#define AGT_CFG_GET_TXCB(M) (M)->rpc_txcb
144#define AGT_CFG_SET_CUR_SILCALL(C,S) (C)->cur_silcall = S
147#define AGT_CFG_GET_CUR_SILCALL(C) (C)->cur_silcall
150#define AGT_CFG_SET_TOP_REPLACE(C) (C)->top_replace = TRUE
153#define AGT_CFG_IS_TOP_REPLACE(C) (C)->top_replace
156#define AGT_CFG_NEWMPIDQ(C) &((C)->newmpidQ)
159#define AGT_CFG_CHECK_REDO(C) (C)->check_redo_root_check
162#define AGT_CFG_IS_CC_TIMEOUT(C) (C)->is_cc_timeout
165#define AGT_CFG_TEST_ONLY_CLEANUP(C) (C)->test_only_cleanup
175typedef enum agt_cfg_edit_action_t_ {
200typedef enum agt_cfg_edit_type_t_ {
235typedef struct agt_cfg_transaction_t_ {
469 struct agt_cfg_set_hook_t_ *current_hook;
487typedef struct agt_cfg_nested_silcall_t_ {
525 struct agt_cfg_nested_silcall_t_ *
559typedef struct agt_cfg_undo_rec_t_ {
727typedef struct agt_cfg_child_silcall_t_ {
744typedef struct agt_cfg_silcall_t_ {
781typedef struct agt_cfg_audit_rec_t_ {
804typedef struct agt_cfg_commit_test_t_ {
829typedef struct agt_cfg_xpath_visit_t_ {
842typedef struct agt_cfg_trans_hook_t_ {
864typedef struct agt_cfg_set_hook_t_ {
1009 boolean is_validate,
1010 boolean is_rollback,
1057 boolean is_validate,
1058 boolean is_rollback,
1060 boolean no_silsa_cb,
1096 boolean is_validate,
1097 boolean is_rollback,
1098 boolean no_silsa_cb,
1286 dlq_hdr_t *subsysQ);
1399 boolean in_reverse_delete,
Multi-Protocol Network Management Server.
@ brief NCX configuration database manager
dlq provides general double-linked list and queue support:
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_first_active_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the first active undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4163
agt_cfg_transaction_t * agt_cfg_new_transaction_ex(ncx_cfg_t cfgid, agt_cfg_edit_type_t edit_type, boolean rootcheck, boolean is_validate, boolean is_rollback, boolean no_cb, status_t *res)
Malloc and initialize agt_cfg_transaction_t struct Extended.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1212
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_last_active_child_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *parent_undo)
Get the last active child undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4378
boolean agt_cfg_transaction_is_unload(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Check if this transaction is a commit for unloading a module.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2165
agt_cfg_trans_hook_t * agt_cfg_prev_trans_hook(agt_cfg_trans_hook_t *cur_hook)
Get the previous Trans Hook entry.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4072
agt_cfg_audit_rec_t * agt_cfg_new_auditrec(const xmlChar *target, op_editop_t editop)
Malloc and initialize a new agt_cfg_audit_rec_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2019
agt_cfg_trans_hook_t * agt_cfg_new_trans_hook(obj_template_t *target_obj, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, op_editop_t editop)
Create and fill in a Trans Hook callback back pointer.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3949
agt_cfg_commit_test_t * agt_cfg_new_commit_test(void)
Malloc a agt_cfg_commit_test_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2077
boolean agt_cfg_check_parent_edits(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Make sure that current undo is unique and does not have the same undo in different parent undo.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3880
void agt_cfg_child_edit_fields(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *child_undo, op_editop_t *editop, val_value_t **newval, val_value_t **curval)
Get the child edit fields from the undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3118
agt_cfg_set_hook_t * agt_cfg_first_set_hook(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the first Set Hook record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4950
agt_cfg_set_hook_t * agt_cfg_get_next_expanded_sethook(agt_cfg_set_hook_t *cur_hook)
Get the next expanded Set Hook entry that was expanded.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:5026
agt_cfg_transaction_t * agt_cfg_new_transaction(ncx_cfg_t cfgid, agt_cfg_edit_type_t edit_type, boolean rootcheck, boolean is_validate, boolean is_rollback, status_t *res)
Malloc and initialize agt_cfg_transaction_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1167
agt_cfg_transaction_t * agt_cfg_rerun_transaction(ncx_cfg_t cfgid, agt_cfg_edit_type_t edit_type, boolean rootcheck, boolean is_validate, boolean is_rollback, boolean no_silsa_cb, ncx_transaction_id_t txid, ses_cb_t *scb, status_t *res)
Malloc and initialize agt_cfg_transaction_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1535
agt_cfg_nested_silcall_t * agt_cfg_find_nested_silcall(dlq_hdr_t *silcallQ, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Match nested callback in provided undo record nested silcall Queue.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4580
boolean agt_cfg_find_duplicate_silcall(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Check if there is already the same callback in the nested silcall.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3800
status_t agt_cfg_finish_new_transaction(ses_cb_t *scb, agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Call the start transaction callback if it was deferred.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1449
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_find_undo_node(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Find an undo node.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2868
void agt_cfg_free_auditrec(agt_cfg_audit_rec_t *auditrec)
Free all the memory used by the specified agt_cfg_audit_rec_t.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2055
status_t agt_cfg_add_silcall(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, op_editop_t editop, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, dlq_hdr_t *subsysQ, val_value_t *callval)
Create and fill in a remote SIL callback back pointer Add it to the transaction control block silcall...
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2439
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_find_child_undo_node(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *parent_undo, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Find a child undo node.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3469
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_next_child_undo(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *cur_undo)
Get the next child undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3440
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_next_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *cur_undo)
Get the next undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3345
boolean agt_cfg_ascendant_lists_check(val_value_t *test_val, val_value_t *next_parent)
Test an undo node within specified parent list.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3603
void agt_cfg_clean_undorec(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo)
Clean all the memory used by the specified agt_cfg_undo_rec_t but do not free the struct itself.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1996
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_first_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the first undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3322
void agt_cfg_free_trans_hook(agt_cfg_trans_hook_t *hook)
Clean and free a malloced Trans Hook callback.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3980
void agt_cfg_free_silcall(agt_cfg_silcall_t *silcall)
Clean and free a mallocedremote SIL callback back pointer.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2305
ncx_transaction_id_t agt_cfg_txid_in_progress(ncx_cfg_t cfgid)
Return the ID of the current transaction ID in progress.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1893
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_prev_active_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *cur_undo)
Get the prev active undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4282
agt_cfg_set_hook_t * agt_cfg_next_set_hook(agt_cfg_set_hook_t *cur_hook)
Get the next Set Hook callback.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4973
boolean agt_cfg_undo_match(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Check if provided undo is the one for newval and curval.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4688
boolean agt_cfg_use_child_undo(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *child_undo)
Check if the child edit node should be invoked.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3292
boolean agt_cfg_has_added_edits(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Check if there are added edits in the Queue.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4649
agt_cfg_transaction_t * agt_cfg_new_transaction_ex3(ncx_cfg_t cfgid, agt_cfg_edit_type_t edit_type, boolean rootcheck, boolean is_validate, boolean is_rollback, boolean no_cb, boolean no_silsa_cb, ses_cb_t *scb, status_t *res)
Malloc and initialize agt_cfg_transaction_t struct Extended3.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1315
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_last_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the last undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3370
status_t agt_cfg_add_nested_silcall(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo, op_editop_t editop, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, obj_template_t *callback_obj, boolean indelete, boolean in_reverse_delete, agt_cfg_nested_silcall_t **result)
Malloc and fill in a new nested SIL callback record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2675
void agt_cfg_dump_undo(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo)
Debug log a description of the undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3221
agt_cfg_set_hook_t * agt_cfg_new_set_hook(obj_template_t *target_obj, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, op_editop_t editop)
Create and fill in a Set Hook callback back pointer.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4864
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_prev_active_child_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *cur_undo)
Get the prev active child undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4416
void agt_cfg_clear_config_txid(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
Clear current config txid if any.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4325
void agt_cfg_remove_module_commit_tests(ncx_module_t *mod)
Remove module commit tests for specified module.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2205
agt_cfg_trans_hook_t * agt_cfg_last_trans_hook(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the last Transaction Hook entry.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4049
uint32 agt_cfg_transaction_edit_count(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Check the undo record count for the transaction.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4839
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_next_active_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *cur_undo)
Get the next active undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4203
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_find_undo_node_ascendant(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Find an undo node and check for the ascendant lists match.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4463
void agt_cfg_cleanup_transactions(const xmlChar *txidfile)
Cleanup the transaction ID functionality.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1869
void agt_cfg_restore_newnode(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo)
Swap the newnode and newnode_pointers.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3263
void agt_cfg_force_full_root_check(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Tag this transaction as needing a full root check.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2184
val_value_t * agt_cfg_generate_edit2_newval(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval)
Generate newval from child_edits.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4728
agt_cfg_trans_hook_t * agt_cfg_next_trans_hook(agt_cfg_trans_hook_t *cur_hook)
Get the next Transaction Hook callback.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4026
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_first_child_edit(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Get the first child node edit record for a given transaction.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2982
agt_cfg_set_hook_t * agt_cfg_get_first_expanded_sethook(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the first expanded Set Hook entry that was expanded.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4996
void agt_cfg_set_transaction_commit(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Tag this transaction as a commit from candidate to running.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2124
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_last_active_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the last active undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4246
void agt_cfg_free_set_hook(agt_cfg_set_hook_t *hook)
Clean and free a malloced Set Hook callback.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4918
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_find_undo_node_slow(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newnode, val_value_t *curnode)
Find an undo node and check for the ascendant lists match.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3648
void agt_cfg_init_undorec(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo)
Initialize a new agt_cfg_undo_rec_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1939
void agt_cfg_free_commit_test(agt_cfg_commit_test_t *commit_test)
Free a previously malloced agt_cfg_commit_test_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2098
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_next_child_edit(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *curedit)
Get the next child node edit record for a given transaction.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3065
agt_cfg_silcall_t * agt_cfg_new_silcall(op_editop_t editop, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, dlq_hdr_t *subsysQ)
Create and fill in a remote SIL callback back pointer.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2272
status_t agt_cfg_add_hook_silcall(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, op_editop_t editop, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, dlq_hdr_t *subsysQ, val_value_t *callval, agt_hook_type_t hook_type)
Create and fill in a remote Hook SIL callback back pointer Add it to the transaction control block si...
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2345
void agt_cfg_free_undorec(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo)
Free all the memory used by the specified agt_cfg_undo_rec_t.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1970
agt_cfg_trans_hook_t * agt_cfg_first_trans_hook(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Get the first transaction hook record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4003
void agt_cfg_set_transaction_unload(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Tag this transaction as a commit for unloading a module.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2144
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_prev_undo(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *cur_undo)
Get the prev undo record.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3393
void agt_cfg_free_transaction(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb)
Clean and free a agt_cfg_transaction_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1659
status_t agt_cfg_init_transactions(const xmlChar *txidfile, boolean foundfile)
Initialize the transaction ID functionality.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1799
agt_cfg_transaction_t * agt_cfg_new_transaction_ex2(ncx_cfg_t cfgid, agt_cfg_edit_type_t edit_type, boolean rootcheck, boolean is_validate, boolean is_rollback, boolean no_cb, ses_cb_t *scb, status_t *res)
Malloc and initialize agt_cfg_transaction_t struct Extended2.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1261
status_t agt_cfg_add_edit2_silcall(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, op_editop_t editop, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, dlq_hdr_t *subsysQ, val_value_t *callval)
Create and fill in a remote SIL callback back pointer.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:2531
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_first_child_undo(agt_cfg_undo_rec_t *undo)
Get the first child undo record for EDIT2 mode.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:3418
agt_cfg_undo_rec_t * agt_cfg_new_undorec(void)
Malloc and initialize a new agt_cfg_undo_rec_t struct.
Definition: agt_cfg.c:1915
boolean agt_cfg_check_hook_created(agt_cfg_transaction_t *txcb, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval)
Check if the Transaction Hook has been already setup for the current undo record or newval/curval val...
Definition: agt_cfg.c:4102
classify the config edit action type
Definition: agt_cfg.h:175
classify the config edit type
Definition: agt_cfg.h:200
replace edit action
Definition: agt_cfg.h:189
delete default edit action
Definition: agt_cfg.h:195
move edit action
Definition: agt_cfg.h:186
set edit action
Definition: agt_cfg.h:183
not set
Definition: agt_cfg.h:177
delete edit action
Definition: agt_cfg.h:192
add edit action
Definition: agt_cfg.h:180
REPLACE = subtree replace.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:203
REPLACE = full database replace.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:202
not set
Definition: agt_cfg.h:201
Hook types enumeration to specify Hook type.
Definition: agt.h:824
NETCONF edit-config test-option types.
Definition: op.h:160
NETCONF edit-config operation types.
Definition: op.h:122
global error return code
Definition: status_enum.h:210
hardwire the 3 standard configs
Definition: ncxtypes.h:548
uint64 ncx_transaction_id_t
transaction is scoped to single session write operation on a config
Definition: ncxtypes.h:728
enumeration of the built-in NCX types These types cannot be overridden and cannot be imported
Definition: ncxtypes.h:213
YANG module data structures Many internal representations of YANG module constructs.
NETCONF protocol operations.
Global error messages for status code enumerations.
struct of params to use when generating sysConfigChange notification.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:781
xmlChar * target
target for audit record
Definition: agt_cfg.h:786
op_editop_t editop
edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:789
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:783
const val_value_t * newval
support for yumaworks-config-change extensions must clone with val_clone_config_data instead of using...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:795
const val_value_t * curval
current value from edit
Definition: agt_cfg.h:798
struct of data for 1 children of one remote SIL callback
Definition: agt_cfg.h:727
op_editop_t editop
edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:732
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:729
val_value_t * newval
new value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:735
val_value_t * curval
current value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:738
struct for the commit-time tests for a single object
Definition: agt_cfg.h:804
obj_template_t * obj
object template for commit test
Definition: agt_cfg.h:809
ncx_transaction_id_t result_txid
transaction ID for result
Definition: agt_cfg.h:818
xpath_pcb_t * objpcb
XPath control block for object.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:812
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:806
ncx_btype_t btyp
base type of this object
Definition: agt_cfg.h:821
uint32 testflags
test flags for this object AGT_TEST_FL_FOO bits
Definition: agt_cfg.h:824
xpath_result_t * result
XPath result for object eval of objpcb.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:815
struct of data for 1 nested SIL callback within 1 undo.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:487
val_value_t * curval_clone
In case of delete-children-first mode newval and curval may get cleaned and deleted before the actual...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:536
status_t validate_res
validate status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:495
status_t rollback_res
rollback status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:504
op_editop_t editop
edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:492
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:489
status_t commit_res
commit status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:501
struct agt_cfg_nested_silcall_t_ * parent
back pointer to parent silcall
Definition: agt_cfg.h:525
dlq_hdr_t nested_silcallQ
Q of cchild SIL calls.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:522
obj_template_t * callback_obj
object template for this callback
Definition: agt_cfg.h:519
status_t apply_res
apply status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:498
struct of Set Hooks parameters
Definition: agt_cfg.h:864
val_value_t * curval_clone
Maintain curval for the Set Hook callbacks in case the actual curval is deleted already by some paren...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:890
boolean expanded
Indicates that the Hook Entry expanded existing edit in transaction.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:898
op_editop_t editop
edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:893
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:866
val_value_t * newval
new value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:872
val_value_t * newval_clone
Maintain curval for the Set Hook callbacks in case the actual newval could be modified by another Set...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:880
obj_template_t * target_obj
target object
Definition: agt_cfg.h:869
val_value_t * curval
current value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:883
struct of data for 1 remote SIL callback
Definition: agt_cfg.h:744
boolean hook_edit
SIL-SA Hook support.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:764
dlq_hdr_t * subsysQ
Q of subsystems that need this edit.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:758
agt_hook_type_t hook_type
SIL-SA Hook type.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:767
op_editop_t editop
edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:749
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:746
dlq_hdr_t child_editQ
Queue of EDIT2 children edits that will be used in the callback Q of agt_cfg_child_silcall_t.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:772
dlq_hdr_t keyptrQ
manage list keys: Q of ncx_backptr_t to val_value_t
Definition: agt_cfg.h:761
val_value_t * newval
new value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:752
val_value_t * curval
current value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:755
struct of Transaction Hooks parameters
Definition: agt_cfg.h:842
op_editop_t editop
edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:856
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:844
val_value_t * newval
new value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:850
obj_template_t * target_obj
target object
Definition: agt_cfg.h:847
val_value_t * curval
current value
Definition: agt_cfg.h:853
boolean subtree_mode
subtree mode active
Definition: agt_cfg.h:859
Transaction Control Block.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:235
boolean skip_cb
Add_edit API flag : skip callback.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:349
dlq_hdr_t silcall_undoQ
silcall undo Q
Definition: agt_cfg.h:429
xmlChar * txid_str
transaction ID string
Definition: agt_cfg.h:243
boolean post_sethook_mode
Add_edit API flag : Post Set hook mode flag.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:346
boolean is_load
loading startup at boot-time
Definition: agt_cfg.h:305
dlq_hdr_t transhookQ
Queue of the Transaction Hook callbacks rigistered for the current transaction.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:411
status_t validate_res
saved validate phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:255
agt_cfg_edit_type_t edit_type
edit type enum
Definition: agt_cfg.h:249
boolean skip_sil
need to skip SIL callbacks
Definition: agt_cfg.h:331
boolean is_rollback
transaction is a rollback
Definition: agt_cfg.h:296
dlq_hdr_t deadnodeQ
contains nodes marked as deleted by the delete_dead_nodes test used for false when-stmt test deletion...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:391
boolean rootcheck_done
root-check done flag
Definition: agt_cfg.h:281
struct agt_cfg_nested_silcall_t_ * cur_silcall
Q of ncx_backptr_t to xpath_pcb_t for keeping track of which auxillary must-stmt validation tests and...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:405
time_t timestamp
transaction start timestamp
Definition: agt_cfg.h:246
dlq_hdr_t added_silcallQ
Q of agt_cfg_silcall_t used to track which objects have remote SIL callbacks involved in this transac...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:450
boolean is_commit
transaction is commit candidate to running
Definition: agt_cfg.h:293
boolean hook_merge
Add_edit API flag : hook merge flag.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:352
status_t rollback_res
saved rollback phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:264
dlq_hdr_t newmpidQ
Queue of backptrs to undo records that are for the creation of an MPID for schema mount This will be ...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:419
boolean commitcheck
commit check needed flag
Definition: agt_cfg.h:284
const xmlChar * comment
comment provided by the caller: do not clone; just use backptr!!
Definition: agt_cfg.h:377
boolean test_only_cleanup
TRUE if the rollback is not an error but just a cleanup for a test-only edit transaction.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:374
boolean sethook_mode
Add_edit API flag : Set hook mode flag.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:343
boolean need_reverse_edit
TRUE if remote edit on multiple subsystems failed and now a reverse edit is needed.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:369
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:237
boolean top_replace
top replace in progress
Definition: agt_cfg.h:317
boolean silcall_done
silcall done flag
Definition: agt_cfg.h:435
boolean skip_save
need to skip NV-save
Definition: agt_cfg.h:340
boolean skip_sil_partial
need to skip SIL partial callbacks
Definition: agt_cfg.h:337
boolean is_restore
loading a backup file with restore operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:308
dlq_hdr_t silcallQ
Q of agt_cfg_silcall_t used to track which objects have remote SIL callbacks involved in this transac...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:426
boolean skip_silsa_hooks
need to skip SIL-SA hooks
Definition: agt_cfg.h:438
boolean cancel_done
cancel transaction must only be done once
Definition: agt_cfg.h:444
ncx_transaction_id_t txid
transaction ID (uint64
Definition: agt_cfg.h:240
boolean subsys_add_edit_mode
add_edit mode form subsystem
Definition: agt_cfg.h:441
boolean is_unload
transaction is for an unload operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:299
op_testop_t test_option
YPW-1356: netconfd: server crash when test-option is test-only and target=running and check-root-firs...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:272
boolean start_bad
running config has YANG validation errors
Definition: agt_cfg.h:275
boolean root_check_first
need root-check first
Definition: agt_cfg.h:358
dlq_hdr_t sethookQ
Queue of the Set Hook callbacks (agt_cfg_set_hook_t) registered for the current transaction.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:463
status_t commit_res
saved commit phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:261
boolean force_full_root_check
need to force a full root check
Definition: agt_cfg.h:320
boolean check_redo_root_check
need to force a full root check after patch mode validations could not process all possible changes
Definition: agt_cfg.h:325
boolean is_cc_timeout
Rollback is from Confirmed-Commit Timeout.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:314
boolean no_txcb_start_comp_cb
need to skip Transaction Start/ Complete callbacks
Definition: agt_cfg.h:334
boolean is_transhook
Trans Start-Cmplt hooks flag.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:311
dlq_hdr_t auditQ
TBD: this is redundant and can be derived from the undoQ contains edit record highlights used in the ...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:386
boolean enable_force_delete
YPW-2210: this is EDIT2 merge with Deletes Mode The delete mode is set in check_commit_deletes() API.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:457
boolean root_check_first_done
root-check first done flag
Definition: agt_cfg.h:361
boolean rootcheck
root-check needed flag
Definition: agt_cfg.h:278
boolean is_commit_completeness
Commit completeness cb flag.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:302
boolean fill_candidate_failed
flag fill candidate from running failed
Definition: agt_cfg.h:328
boolean silcall_undo_mode
silcall undo mode active
Definition: agt_cfg.h:432
ncx_cfg_t cfg_id
configuration datastore being edited
Definition: agt_cfg.h:252
boolean silcall_invoke_only_sethook
TRUE if the only set-hook callbacks should be invoked.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:364
boolean check_duplicate_silcall
check duplicate SIL call
Definition: agt_cfg.h:355
dlq_hdr_t undoQ
each distinct effective edit point in the data tree will have a separate undo record in the undoQ
Definition: agt_cfg.h:381
boolean is_validate_def
validate default flag
Definition: agt_cfg.h:290
boolean is_validate
transaction is for the <validate> operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:287
status_t apply_res
saved apply phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:258
struct of params to undo an edit operation.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:559
boolean skip_cb
used by add_edit only
Definition: agt_cfg.h:590
struct agt_cfg_undo_rec_t_ * updated_undo
malloced pointer to a new undo with all updates from Set Hook Child undos are all setup here as well.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:716
boolean free_curnode
need to free curnode
Definition: agt_cfg.h:564
val_value_t * newnode_parent
newnode parent node
Definition: agt_cfg.h:616
boolean in_reverse_edit
reverse edit active
Definition: agt_cfg.h:573
status_t validate_res
validate phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:681
dlq_hdr_t child_undoQ
child undo recs can occur in edit2 mode if an existing entry is modified with a merge operation Inste...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:678
status_t rollback_res
rollback phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:693
val_value_t * hook_parent_clone
clone of current node parent before it changes.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:711
val_value_t * newnode_marker
newnode marker if swapped out
Definition: agt_cfg.h:613
val_value_t * curnode_clone
clone of current node before it changes
Definition: agt_cfg.h:625
boolean subsys_add_edit
add_edit mode form subsystem only iused if WITH_YCONTROL=1
Definition: agt_cfg.h:698
val_value_t * parentnode
parent node of edit node
Definition: agt_cfg.h:631
agt_cfg_nested_silcall_t * cur_silcall
current SIL call control block pointer
Definition: agt_cfg.h:634
op_editop_t editop
edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:601
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:561
boolean skip_sil_partial
skip SIL partial mode
Definition: agt_cfg.h:579
boolean is_insert
insert or move
Definition: agt_cfg.h:593
boolean is_autodelete
undo is from an auto-delete (other-case or false-when) must not try to replace with defaults if true
Definition: agt_cfg.h:598
val_editvars_t * newnode_editvars
need to save the newnode->editvars for YP-HA and later YANG Push so the insert operation will not be ...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:641
struct agt_cfg_undo_rec_t_ * orig_rev_undo
back pointer to original undo for reverse edit
Definition: agt_cfg.h:701
agt_cfg_edit_action_t edit_action
internal edit action
Definition: agt_cfg.h:607
boolean added_edit
Add_edit API flag.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:587
boolean force_delete
YPW-2210: this is EDIT2 merge Undo record with at least one delete in it The delete is set from check...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:706
xmlChar * save_path
if YP-HA Active mode then this path string will be saved so the correct path will be used in YANG Pat...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:648
dlq_hdr_t extra_deleteQ
extra deletes can occur if a node is added that is part of a choice.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:657
op_editop_t cvtop
converted edit operation
Definition: agt_cfg.h:604
status_t commit_res
commit phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:690
status_t sil_apply_res
SIL apply phase status.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:687
boolean is_sil_force_replay
nthis is a SIL force replay transaction
Definition: agt_cfg.h:567
boolean parent_is_edit2_merge
tells if the undo is in the child_undoQ and its parent is in EDIT2 mode
Definition: agt_cfg.h:584
boolean when_force_delete
when-stmt force delete flag
Definition: agt_cfg.h:576
val_value_t * curnode
current node in edit
Definition: agt_cfg.h:619
boolean edit2_merge
this is EDIT2 merge so child edits needed
Definition: agt_cfg.h:570
val_value_t * newnode
new node in edit
Definition: agt_cfg.h:610
val_value_t * child_undo_curnode_clone
clone of child node
Definition: agt_cfg.h:628
val_value_t * curnode_marker
curnode marker if swapped out
Definition: agt_cfg.h:622
boolean free_newnode
this undo was expanded by Set Hook
Definition: agt_cfg.h:719
dlq_hdr_t nested_silcallQ
nested silcalls can occur if an edit is created for a node with nested SIL callbacks,...
Definition: agt_cfg.h:667
status_t apply_res
apply phase status
Definition: agt_cfg.h:684
struct to keep track of XPath tests run in this transaction
Definition: agt_cfg.h:829
val_value_t * valnode
valnode for XPath visit
Definition: agt_cfg.h:837
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_cfg.h:831
xpath_pcb_t * xpath
XPath control block for XPath visit.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:834
struct representing 1 configuration database
Definition: cfg.h:229
representation of one module or submodule during and after parsing
Definition: ncxtypes.h:1138
One YANG data-def-stmt.
Definition: obj.h:1230
Session Control Block.
Definition: ses.h:573
one set of edit-in-progress variables for one value node
Definition: val.h:823
one value to match one type
Definition: val.h:912
XPath parser control block.
Definition: xpath.h:754
XPath expression result.
Definition: xpath.h:705
Value Node Basic Support.
Schema and data model Xpath search support.