yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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ncxtypes.h File Reference

YANG module data structures Many internal representations of YANG module constructs. More...

#include <xmlstring.h>
#include <xmlregexp.h>
#include "dlq.h"
#include "xmlns.h"
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Data Structures

struct  ncx_dec64_t
 Decimal64 data type. More...
union  ncx_num_t
 union of all the basic number types if float not supported, then it is stored as an int64 More...
struct  ncx_enum_t
 one NCX_BT_ENUM enumeration value (user may enter 1 of 3 forms) More...
struct  ncx_bit_t
 one NCX_BT_BITS bit value More...
struct  ncx_lmem_t
 NCX list member: list of string or number Usually used within a val_value_t structure. More...
union  ncx_lmem_t::val_
 union of various data structures to represent different base types More...
struct  ncx_list_t
 header for a NCX List More...
struct  ncx_binary_t
 NCX base64 string node for YANG 'binary' built-in type. More...
struct  ncx_error_t
 struct to remember error info tkc->cur_err will be checked before tkc->cur for error information More...
struct  ncx_appinfo_t
 YANG extension usage entry A nested external statement will produce a tree of ncx_appinfo_t. More...
struct  ncx_revhist_t
 YANG revision entry. More...
struct  ncx_iff_ref_t
 YANG 1.1 identifier-ref-arg that within an if-feature expression. More...
struct  ncx_iffeature_t
 YANG if-feature entry. More...
struct  ncx_feature_t
 YANG feature entry. More...
struct  ncx_filptr_t
 struct for holding r/o pointer to generic internal node for filtering purposes More...
struct  ncx_idlink_t
 back pointer to a YANG identity used to create an inline tree of valid values for an identity used as a base More...
struct  ncx_identity_base_t
 YANG identity base. More...
struct  ncx_identity_t
 YANG identity entry. More...
struct  ncx_module_t
 representation of one module or submodule during and after parsing More...
struct  ncx_import_t
 One 'import' clause in YANG. More...
struct  ncx_include_t
 One 'include' clause, YANG only. More...
struct  ncx_errinfo_t
 YANG error info statement struct used to override default error handling in the server. More...
struct  ncx_typname_t
 keep track of the typenames used for local typedefs only used by ncxdump to generate XSDs OBSOLETE: DO NOT USE More...
struct  ncx_save_deviations_t
 used with obj_deviation_t to defer object lookups More...
struct  ncx_backptr_t
 used with various structs to cache back-ptrs the 'node' pointer may or may not be malloced! the ncx_free_backptr() function will not free the 'node' the ncx_free_mbackptr() function will free the 'node' More...
struct  ncx_modcache_t
 server module info cache record for def_reg_add_mod More...
struct  ncx_errmsg_t
 error message replacement record More...
struct  ncx_origin_filter_t
 internal NMDA origin filter (negate field stored separately) More...
struct  ncx_nmda_params_t
 internal NMDA get-data state parameters; rest of parameter are stored directly in the xml_msg_hdr_t using existing params More...
struct  ncx_prefix_info_t
 gather the prefix/nsid bindings used in an XPath string needed to generate the correct xmlns directives in XML JSON just loses all the namespace bindings in an XPath string More...
struct  ncx_sm_mpid_t
 Moint Point Instance This struct lives in a val_value_t.val_extra struct. More...
struct  ncx_yanglib_cb_t
 one context for a yang library. More...
struct  ncx_sm_rootcb_t
 Schema Mount Root Control Block used in the object template. More...


#define SET_MOD_ABORTED(M)   (M)->flags |= NCX_FL_MOD_ABORTED
 Set module aborted flag.
#define GET_MOD_ABORTED(M)   ((M)->flags & NCX_FL_MOD_ABORTED)
 Check module aborted flag.
 set flag used by agt_sil_lib to make sure modules loaded by import do not get skipped when they are explicitly loaded later
#define GET_MOD_SIL_LOADED(M)   ((M)->flags & NCX_FL_MOD_SIL_LOADED)
 check flag used by agt_sil_lib to make sure modules loaded by import
#define SET_MOD_NO_SIL_CODE(M)   (M)->flags |= NCX_FL_MOD_NO_SIL_CODE
 set flag used by SIL-SA to know fi register-request really needed Only register if this bit is not set
#define GET_MOD_NO_SIL_CODE(M)   ((M)->flags & NCX_FL_MOD_NO_SIL_CODE)
 check flag used by SIL-SA to know fi register-request really needed
 set flag used by agt_cb.c to make sure a <load-event> on SIL-SA does not cause a module to be registered multiple times A modhdr is not maintained if only rpc callbacks are used
#define GET_MOD_SILSA_DONE(M)   ((M)->flags & NCX_FL_MOD_SILSA_DONE)
 check flag used by agt_cb.c to make sure a <load-event> on SIL-SA
#define NCX_YANG_SID(X)   (X)->yang_sid
 YANG SID access macro for ncx types All entries have the same form so the macro should work for each SID namespace.
#define NCX_YANG_SID_TREE(X)   (X)->yang_sid_tree
 YANG SID Tree access macros for ncx types All entries have the same form so the macro should work for each SID namespace.
 default max-access is all
 Should match CFG_NUM_STATIC.
#define TXID_T   long long unsigned int
 For convenience.


typedef uint64 ncx_transaction_id_t
 transaction is scoped to single session write operation on a config
typedef uint32 ncx_sid_t
 Standard YANG SID is a 63-bit integer defined as uint64. More...
typedef uint32 ncx_etag_t
 The ETag used in RESTCONF messages is the lower 32 bits of a ncx_transaction_id_t.
typedef xmlChar * ncx_str_t
 string alias for data types: More...
typedef void(* ncx_load_cbfn_t) (ncx_module_t *mod)
 user function callback template when a module is loaded into the system More...
typedef void(* ncx_unload_cbfn_t) (ncx_module_t *mod)
 user function callback template when a module is unloaded from the system More...
typedef void(* ncx_yang_obj_cbfn_t) (ncx_module_t *mod, struct obj_template_t_ *obj)
 user function callback template when a YANG object is parsed by yang_obj.c. More...
typedef boolean(* ncx_object_cbfn_t) (const ncx_module_t *mod, struct obj_template_t_ *object, void *cookie)
 user function callback template to traverse all module objects for a specified module More...
typedef boolean(* ncx_feature_cbfn_t) (const ncx_module_t *mod, ncx_feature_t *feature, void *cookie)
 user function callback template to traverse all module features for a specified module More...
typedef boolean(* ncx_identity_cbfn_t) (ncx_identity_t *identity, void *cookie)
 user function callback template to traverse all module identities looking for matches for a specified base More...
typedef uint8 ncx_owner_id_t
 used as index into the agt_owner registry
typedef const xmlChar *(* ncx_get_owner_fn_t) (ncx_owner_id_t owner_id)
 get owner name callback function to check if a value node has an owner name; get the value if so More...
typedef status_t(* ncx_def_hook_cbfn_t) (struct val_value_t_ *parentval, struct obj_template_t_ *obj, xmlChar **buff)
 Typedef of the ncx_def_hook_cbfn_t callback. More...


enum  ncx_access_t {
 NCX Access Control 'max-access' enumeration values Note that access control is applied to the session and the max-access applies to the user max-access, not the agent max-access. More...
enum  ncx_data_class_t {
 NCX Persistence Control. More...
enum  ncx_btype_t {
  NCX_BT_INT16 ,
  NCX_BT_INT32 ,
  NCX_BT_INT64 ,
 enumeration of the built-in NCX types These types cannot be overridden and cannot be imported More...
enum  ncx_tclass_t {
 Enumeration of the basic value type classifications. More...
enum  ncx_indextyp_t {
 Enumeration of the different types of index components YANG ONLY SUPPORTS NCX_IT_LOCAL. More...
enum  ncx_node_t {
 NCX Internal Node Types. More...
enum  ncx_iqual_t {
 The instance qualifier types are borrowed from ABNF and RelaxNG. More...
enum  ncx_merge_t {
 The merge type for the NETCONF merge operation. More...
enum  ncx_squal_t {
 typdef search qualifier list (internal compiler modes) More...
enum  ncx_strrest_t {
 Enumeration of string restriction types. More...
enum  ncx_numfmt_t {
 Enumeration of number format types. More...
enum  ncx_layer_t {
 Enumeration of NETCONF protocol layers. More...
enum  ncx_agttarg_t {
 enum to identify the agent native target More...
enum  ncx_agtstart_t {
 enum to identify the agent native startup mode More...
enum  ncx_shutdowntyp_t {
 enumeration of the different program shutdown modes More...
enum  ncx_cfg_t {
 hardwire the 3 standard configs More...
enum  ncx_instfmt_t {
 instance identifier string format types More...
enum  ncx_msgtyp_t {
 enumeration for different NETCONF message types More...
enum  ncx_status_t {
 enumeration for different YANG data-def status values More...
enum  ncx_bad_data_t {
 enumeration for CLI handling of bad input data used by yangcli, all others use NCX_BAD_DATA_ERROR More...
enum  ncx_display_mode_t {
 enumeration of val_dump_value display modes Some RESTCONF code uses this field incorrectly for message encoding instead of the intended logging display Must update the ncx_get_display_mode_enum and ncx_get_display_mode_str functions if this typedef is changed! More...
enum  ncx_msg_encoding_t {
 enumeration for message encoding formats More...
enum  ncx_xpath_axis_t {
 XPath expression axis types. More...
enum  ncx_name_match_t {
 Node name match modes. More...
enum  ncx_result_format_t {
 specify the requested result format type Used by yangcli-pro assign statement More...
enum  ncx_feature_code_t {
 Feature code generation type (deprecated) More...
enum  ncx_protocol_t {
 NCX session protocol versions supported. More...
enum  ncx_yang_version_t
 enumeration for different YANG language versions
enum  ncx_cvttyp_t {
 enumeration for different NCX module conversion output types More...
enum  ncx_withdefaults_t {
 enum for with-defaults enum values More...
enum  ncx_xpath_type_t {
 enumeration for different XPath back pointer types More...
enum  ncx_opt_t {
 enum for REQUIRED vs. More...
enum  ncx_strtyp_t {
 enum for WHITESPACE ALLOWED vs. More...
enum  ncx_modformat_t {
 enum for get-schema format type enum values matches the schema-format identities in RFC 6022 More...
enum  ncx_confirm_event_t {
 type of confirmEvent in the sysConfirmedCommit notification Used in confirmed-commit standard as well More...
enum  ncx_leafref_class_t {
 Classification for the types of leafref path statements wrt/ how they can be cached. More...
enum  ncx_snmp_agt_role_t {
 enum to identify the SNMP agent native mode More...
enum  ncx_nmda_ds_t {
 internal enumerations for standard NMDA datastores More...
enum  ncx_nmda_origin_t {
 internal enumerations for standard NMDA origins More...
enum  ncx_nmda_filtyp_t
 internal enumerations for NMDA filter types used in the /filters container NCX_NMDA_FILTYP_STREAM == list /filters/stream-filter NCX_NMDA_FILTYP_SELECTION == list /filters/selection-filter
enum  ncx_ses_event_t {
 internal enumerations for session event types More...
enum  ncx_config_state_t {
 server config state Root Check More...
enum  ncx_bad_reply_enum {
 enumeration for CLI handling of bad nodes from RPC reply Controls the behavior of the MGR XML parser More...
enum  ncx_sid_ns_t {
 enumeration for YANG SID namespace identifiers More...
enum  ncx_yang_sid_mode_t {
 YANG SID Allocation mode from yang-sid-mode typedef. More...
enum  ncx_sm_state_t {
 enumeration for yangcli processsing of schema mount info More...
enum  ncx_sort_type_t {
 the sort type enumeration used for system-ordered list aand leaf-list objects More...

Detailed Description

YANG module data structures Many internal representations of YANG module constructs.