yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
cfg.h File Reference

@ brief NCX configuration database manager More...

#include <xmlstring.h>
#include "dlq.h"
#include "ncx.h"
#include "ncxconst.h"
#include "plock.h"
#include "ses.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "val.h"
#include "val_util.h"
#include "thd.h"
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Data Structures

struct  cfg_template_t
 struct representing 1 configuration database More...


typedef void(* cfg_reload_candidate_cb_t) (void)
 support for server callback anytime the candidate config is reloaded from the running config <discard-changes>


enum  cfg_state_t {
 current configuration state More...
enum  cfg_source_t
 classify the config source
enum  cfg_location_t
 classify the config location


void cfg_ypinit (void)
 Initialize the config manager. More...
void cfg_clean_roots (void)
 Cleanup the cfg->root nodes before all the objects are freed. More...
void cfg_cleanup (void)
 Cleanup the config manager. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_rdlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Take out the read lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure May be called recursively. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_wrlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Take out a write lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_unlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Release a lock associated with a cfg (datastore) RWLOCK structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_init_req_locks (thd_tcb_t *tcb)
 Initialize TCB multiple lock structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_release_all_locks (thd_tcb_t *tcb)
 Release all RWLOCKs recorded in TCB lock state structure. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_locks (thd_tcb_t *tcb)
 Acquire multiple locks in order to help prevent deadlock. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_lock_pair (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg1, boolean wrlock1, cfg_template_t *cfg2, boolean wrlock2)
 Acquire multiple (2) locks in predetermined, repeatable in order to help prevent deadlock. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_lock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg, boolean wrlock)
 Acquire a single RWLOCK. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_rdlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Acquire a single RWLOCK for read access. More...
status_t cfg_rwlock_acquire_single_wrlock (thd_tcb_t *tcb, cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Acquire a single RWLOCK for write access. More...
status_t cfg_init_static_db (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Initialize the specified static configuration slot. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_new_template (const xmlChar *name, ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Malloc and initialize a cfg_template_t struct. More...
void cfg_free_template (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Clean and free the cfg_template_t struct. More...
void cfg_set_state (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id, cfg_state_t new_state)
 Change the state of the specified static config. More...
cfg_state_t cfg_get_state (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Get the state of the specified static config. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_get_config (const xmlChar *cfgname)
 Get the config struct from its name. More...
const xmlChar * cfg_get_config_name (ncx_cfg_t cfgid)
 Get the config name from its ID. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_get_config_id (ncx_cfg_t cfgid)
 Get the config struct from its ID. More...
void cfg_set_target (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Set the CFG_FL_TARGET flag in the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_running (ses_id_t sesid)
 Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <running> config. More...
status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_startup (ses_id_t sesid)
 Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <startup> config. More...
status_t cfg_fill_candidate_from_inline (ses_id_t sesid, val_value_t *newroot)
 Fill the <candidate> config with the config contents of the <config> inline XML node. More...
void cfg_set_dirty_flag (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Mark the config as 'changed'. More...
void cfg_clear_dirty_flag (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Clear the cfg dirty flag upon request. More...
void cfg_clear_running_dirty_flag (void)
 Clear the running dirty flag when it is saved to NV-storage or loaded into running from startup. More...
void cfg_clear_candidate_dirty_flag (void)
 Clear the candidate dirty flag when it is saved to NV-storage or loaded into running from startup. More...
boolean cfg_get_dirty_flag (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the config dirty flag value. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_lock (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config can be locked right now for global lock only. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_unlock (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t sesid)
 Check if the specified config can be unlocked right now by the specified session ID; for global lock only. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_unlock2 (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t sesid, boolean lockall)
 Check if the specified config can be unlocked right now by the specified session ID; for global lock only. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_read (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config can be read right now. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_write (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t sesid)
 Check if the specified config can be written right now by the specified session ID. More...
boolean cfg_is_global_locked (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config has ab active global lock. More...
boolean cfg_is_partial_locked (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config has any active partial locks. More...
status_t cfg_get_global_lock_info (const cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t *sesid, const xmlChar **locktime)
 Get the current global lock info. More...
status_t cfg_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, cfg_source_t lock_src)
 Lock the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_lock2 (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, cfg_source_t lock_src, boolean lockall)
 Lock the specified config (with lockall) More...
status_t cfg_unlock (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by)
 Unlock the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_unlock2 (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, boolean lockall)
 Unlock the specified config (2nd rev) More...
status_t cfg_unlock_ex (cfg_template_t *cfg, ses_id_t locked_by, boolean skip_reload)
 Unlock the specified config. More...
void cfg_release_locks (ses_id_t sesid)
 Release any configuration locks held by the specified session. More...
void cfg_release_partial_locks (ses_id_t sesid)
 Release any configuration locks held by the specified session. More...
void cfg_get_lock_list (ses_id_t sesid, val_value_t *retval)
 Get a list of all the locks held by a session. More...
void cfg_apply_load_root (cfg_template_t *cfg, val_value_t *newroot)
 Apply the AGT_CB_APPLY function for the OP_EDITOP_LOAD operation. More...
void cfg_update_last_ch_time (cfg_template_t *cfg, time_t *timestamp)
 Update the last-modified timestamp. More...
void cfg_update_last_txid (cfg_template_t *cfg, ncx_transaction_id_t txid)
 Update the last good transaction ID. More...
void cfg_update_stamps (cfg_template_t *source, cfg_template_t *dest)
 Update the last-modified and last-txid stamps. More...
const xmlChar * cfg_get_last_ch_time (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the last-modified timestamp. More...
ncx_transaction_id_t cfg_get_last_txid (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the last good transaction ID. More...
status_t cfg_sprintf_etag (cfg_template_t *cfg, xmlChar *buff, int32 buffsize)
 Write the Entity Tag for the datastore to the specified buffer. More...
status_t cfg_sprintf_etag_id (ncx_transaction_id_t id, xmlChar *buff, int32 buffsize)
 Write the Entity Tag for the datastore to the specified buffer Use the last_id instead of the cfg template. More...
status_t cfg_add_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, plock_cb_t *plcb)
 Add a partial lock the specified config. More...
plock_cb_tcfg_find_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, plock_id_t lockid)
 Find a partial lock in the specified config. More...
plock_cb_tcfg_first_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Get the first partial lock in the specified config. More...
plock_cb_tcfg_next_partial_lock (plock_cb_t *curplockcb)
 Get the next partial lock in the specified config. More...
void cfg_delete_partial_lock (cfg_template_t *cfg, plock_id_t lockid)
 Remove a partial lock from the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_ok_to_partial_lock (const cfg_template_t *cfg)
 Check if the specified config can be locked right now for partial lock only. More...
val_value_tcfg_get_root (ncx_cfg_t cfgid)
 Get the config root for the specified config. More...
status_t cfg_setup_running (void)
 Setup the running config root if load_running_config did not add anything. More...
void cfg_register_reload_candidate_cb (cfg_reload_candidate_cb_t cbfn)
 Register a callback function to be called anytime the. More...
const xmlChar * cfg_get_startup_filespec (void)
 Get the filespec string for the XML file to save the running database. More...
boolean cfg_running_is_wrlocked (void)
 Check if the running datastore is currently pthreads write-locked. More...
boolean cfg_candidate_is_wrlocked (void)
 Check if the candidate datastore is currently pthreads write-locked. More...
cfg_template_tcfg_new_fake_candidate (const xmlChar *name, ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Malloc and initialize a new fake Candidate cfg_template_t struct. More...
void cfg_set_defer_load (boolean val)
 Set the config defer load flag to the config. More...
time_t cfg_get_lock_itime (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Get the lock_itime field. More...
status_t cfg_lock_hold_timeout (ncx_cfg_t cfg_id)
 Force a cfg lock to be undone due to max-lock-hold-time. More...

Detailed Description

@ brief NCX configuration database manager