yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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xpath_yang.h File Reference

YANG-specific Xpath support. More...

#include <xmlstring.h>
#include <xmlreader.h>
#include <xmlregexp.h>
#include "dlq.h"
#include "ncxtypes.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "tk.h"
#include "val.h"
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status_t xpath_yang_parse_path (tk_chain_t *tkc, ncx_module_t *mod, xpath_source_t source, xpath_pcb_t *pcb)
 Parse the leafref path as a leafref path. More...
status_t xpath_yang_parse_path_ex (tk_chain_t *tkc, ncx_module_t *mod, xpath_source_t source, xpath_pcb_t *pcb, boolean logerrors, ncx_leafref_class_t *leafref_class)
 Parse the leafref path as a leafref path (extended) More...
status_t xpath_yang_parse_path_ex2 (tk_chain_t *tkc, ncx_module_t *mod, xpath_source_t source, xpath_pcb_t *pcb, boolean logerrors, boolean is_xpath, ncx_leafref_class_t *leafref_class)
 Parse the leafref path as a leafref path (extended2) More...
status_t xpath_yang_validate_path (ncx_module_t *mod, obj_template_t *obj, xpath_pcb_t *pcb, boolean schemainst, obj_template_t **leafobj)
 Validate the previously parsed leafref path. More...
status_t xpath_yang_validate_path_ex (ncx_module_t *mod, obj_template_t *obj, xpath_pcb_t *pcb, boolean schemainst, obj_template_t **leafobj, boolean logerrors, boolean is_xpath)
 Validate the previously parsed leafref path (extended) More...
status_t xpath_yang_validate_path_dev (ncx_module_t *mod, obj_template_t *obj, xpath_pcb_t *pcb, boolean schemainst, obj_template_t **leafobj, boolean logerrors, boolean is_xpath, ncx_module_t *rootmod)
 Validate the previously parsed leafref path (deviation) More...
status_t xpath_yang_validate_xmlpath (xmlTextReaderPtr reader, xpath_pcb_t *pcb, obj_template_t *pathobj, boolean logerrors, obj_template_t **targobj)
 Validate an instance-identifier expression (XML path) within an XML PDU context. More...
status_t xpath_yang_validate_xmlkey (xmlTextReaderPtr reader, xpath_pcb_t *pcb, obj_template_t *obj, boolean logerrors)
 Validate a key XML attribute value given in (XML Key) More...
val_value_txpath_yang_make_instanceid_val (xpath_pcb_t *pcb, status_t *retres, val_value_t **deepest)
 Make a value subtree out of an instance-identifier Used by yangcli to send PDUs from CLI target parameters. More...
status_t xpath_yang_get_namespaces (const xpath_pcb_t *pcb, ncx_prefix_info_t *nsid_array, uint32 max_nsids, uint32 *num_nsids)
 Get the namespace URI IDs used in the specified XPath expression;. More...
val_value_txpath_yang_make_instanceid_str (const xmlChar *target, status_t *retres, val_value_t **targval)
 Return the instance ID string for the target object. More...

Detailed Description

YANG-specific Xpath support.