yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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tk.h File Reference

NCX Syntax Token Handler. More...

#include <xmlstring.h>
#include "dlq.h"
#include "ncxtypes.h"
#include "xmlns.h"
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Data Structures

struct  tk_origstr_t
 each entry in the origstrQ is the 2nd through Nth string to be concated. More...
struct  tk_token_t
 single YANG language token type More...
struct  tk_token_ptr_t
 token backptr to get at original token chain for strings used only by yangdump –format=yang|html More...
struct  tk_chain_t
 token parsing chain (main parser control block) More...


#define TK_BUFF_SIZE   0xffff
 maximum line size allowed in an YANG module
#define TK_NEXT(T)   ((tk_token_t *)dlq_nextEntry(T))
 move through token chain without advancing the cur pointer
#define TK_TYP(T)   ((T)->typ)
 return the token type
#define TK_ID(T)   ((T)->typ==TK_TT_TSTRING || (T)->typ==TK_TT_MSTRING)
 return TRUE if the token type is an identifier
#define TK_VAL(T)   (T)->val
 return the token value
#define TK_NSID(T)   (T)->nsid
 return the token namespace ID value
#define TK_MOD(T)   (T)->mod
 return the token prefix pointer if any
#define TK_ADV(T)
 advance the current token pointer
#define TK_BKUP(T)
 back-up the current token pointer
#define TK_CUR(T)   ((T)->cur)
 return the current token
#define TK_CUR_TYP(T)   ((T)->cur->typ)
 return the current token type
#define TK_CUR_VAL(T)   ((T)->cur->val)
 return the current token value
#define TK_CUR_LEN(T)   ((T)->cur->len)
 return the current token value length
#define TK_CUR_MOD(T)   (T)->cur->mod
 return the current token module qualifier value
#define TK_CUR_MODLEN(T)   ((T)->cur->modlen)
 return the current token module qualifier value length
#define TK_CUR_STR(T)
 return TRUE if the current token type is a string
#define TK_TYP_STR(T)   ((T) >= TK_TT_STRING && (T) <= TK_TT_SQSTRING)
 return TRUE if the specified token type is a string
#define TK_CUR_NOWSTR(T)
 return TRUE if the cur tk type allows a non-whitespace string
#define TK_CUR_NUM(T)
 return TRUE if the current token type is a number
#define TK_TYP_NUM(T)   (((T) >= TK_TT_DNUM) && ((T) <= TK_TT_RNUM))
 return TRUE if the specified token type is a number
#define TK_CUR_INUM(T)
 return TRUE if the current token type is an integral number
#define TK_CUR_IQUAL(T)
 return TRUE if the current token type is an instance qualifier
#define TK_CUR_ID(T)
 return TRUE if the current token type is an identifier
#define TK_CUR_SID(T)
 return TRUE if the current token type is a scoped identifier
#define TK_CUR_LNUM(T)   ((T)->cur->linenum)
 return the current line number
#define TK_CUR_LPOS(T)   ((T)->cur->linepos)
 return the current line position
#define TK_CUR_TEXT(T)
 return TRUE if the token is a text or number type, as opposed to a 1 or 2 char non-text token type YPW-1763: the plain string type should also be accepted
#define TK_CUR_NSID(T)   (T)->cur->nsid
 return the namespace ID field in the token
#define TK_DOCMODE(TKC)   ((TKC)->flags & TK_FL_DOCMODE)
 return non-zero if token preservation docmode
 token has an origval saved
#define TK_SET_ESCERR(TK)   (TK)->flags |= TK_FL_ESCSTR_ERR
 SET access the escaped string error fields.
#define TK_GET_ESCERR(TK)   ((TK)->flags & TK_FL_ESCSTR_ERR)
 GET access the escaped string error fields.
#define TK_FL_REDO   bit0
 start bits for tk_chain_t flags field
== 1: the current parse call is to redo a previously parsed token
== 0: normal parse mode
#define TK_FL_MALLOC   bit1
 == 1: the tkc->buff field is malloced by this module and will be freed in tk_free_chain
== 0: the tkc->buff memory was provided externally and will not be freed in tk_free_chain
#define TK_FL_DOCMODE   bit2
 == 1: DOC mode: the tk->origtkQ field will be used to preserve pre-string concat and processing
== 0: normal mode: the tkc->origtkQ will not be used and only the result token will be saved
#define TK_FL_BINARYMODE   bit3
 == 1: BINARY mode: the tkc->buff buffer is allowed to contain binary characters
== 0: TEXT mode: the tkc->buff is not allowed to contain binary characters
#define TK_FL_ESCSTR_ERR   bit4
 == 1: escerr fields are set for YANG 1.1 illegal escaped char 1 or more double-quoted strings have been converted
== 0: no escerr was detected in the parsed tokens
#define TK_FL_VAL_MALLOC   bit0
 start flags for the tk->flags field
== 1: VAL malloc: the tk->val field is malloced
== 0: VAL buffer: tk->val points to tk->valbuff
#define TK_FL_ORIGVAL_MALLOC   bit1
 == 1: ORIGVAL malloc: the tk->origval field is malloced
== 0: ORIGVAL buffer: tk->origval points to tk->valbuff


typedef status_t(* tk_getline_fn_t) (xmlChar *fillbuff, uint32 fillbuffsize, void *cookie)
 callback function to read a line into a buffer More...


enum  tk_type_t {
 different types of tokens parsed during 1st pass More...
enum  tk_source_t {
 token source context More...
enum  tk_origstr_typ_t {
 preserve the original string type More...


tk_chain_ttk_new_chain (void)
 Allocatate a new token parse chain. More...
void tk_setup_chain_conf (tk_chain_t *tkc, FILE *fp, const xmlChar *filename)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a text config file. More...
void tk_setup_chain_cli (tk_chain_t *tkc, xmlChar *line)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a CLI command line. More...
void tk_setup_chain_fields (tk_chain_t *tkc, xmlChar *str)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for 'fields' RESTCONF query parameter str value. More...
void tk_setup_chain_feature (tk_chain_t *tkc, xmlChar *str)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for 'if-feature' YANG 1.1. More...
void tk_setup_chain_yang (tk_chain_t *tkc, FILE *fp, const xmlChar *filename)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a YANG file. More...
void tk_setup_chain_yin (tk_chain_t *tkc, const xmlChar *filename)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a YIN file. More...
void tk_setup_chain_json_file (tk_chain_t *tkc, FILE *fp, const xmlChar *filename)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a JSON input stream. More...
void tk_setup_chain_json_buffer (tk_chain_t *tkc, xmlChar *buff)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a JSON buffer. More...
void tk_setup_chain_json_buffs (tk_chain_t *tkc, tk_getline_fn_t getline_fn, void *cookie)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a JSON buffer chain. More...
void tk_setup_chain_docmode (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for a yangdump docmode output. More...
void tk_setup_chain_cli_line (tk_chain_t *tkc, xmlChar *str)
 Setup a previously allocated chain for yangcli CLI line of input. More...
void tk_free_chain (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Cleanup and deallocate a tk_chain_t. More...
ncx_btype_t tk_get_yang_btype_id (const xmlChar *buff, uint32 len)
 Check if the specified string is a YANG builtin type name checks for valid YANG data type name. More...
const char * tk_get_token_name (tk_type_t ttyp)
 Get the symbolic token name. More...
const char * tk_get_token_sym (tk_type_t ttyp)
 Get the symbolic token symbol. More...
const char * tk_get_btype_sym (ncx_btype_t btyp)
 Get the symbolic token symbol for one of the base types. More...
tk_type_t tk_next_typ (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Get the token type of the next token. More...
tk_type_t tk_next_typ2 (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Get the token type of the token after the next token. More...
boolean tk_next_is_null (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Get the special sequence [null] is next. More...
const xmlChar * tk_next_val (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Get the token type of the next token. More...
void tk_dump_token (const tk_token_t *tk)
 Debug printf the specified token !!! Very verbose !!! More...
void tk_dump_chain (const tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Debug printf the token chain !!! Very verbose !!! More...
boolean tk_is_wsp_string (const tk_token_t *tk)
 Check if the current token is a string with whitespace in it. More...
status_t tk_tokenize_input (tk_chain_t *tkc, ncx_module_t *mod)
 Parse the input (FILE or buffer) into tk_token_t structs. More...
status_t tk_retokenize_cur_string (tk_chain_t *tkc, ncx_module_t *mod)
 The current token is some sort of a string Reparse it according to the full YANG token list, as needed. More...
tk_chain_ttk_tokenize_metadata_string (ncx_module_t *mod, xmlChar *str, status_t *res)
 The specified ncx:metadata string is parsed into tokens convert the ncx:metadata content to 1 or 2 tokens. More...
tk_chain_ttk_tokenize_xpath_string (ncx_module_t *mod, xmlChar *str, uint32 curlinenum, uint32 curlinepos, status_t *res)
 The specified XPath string is parsed into tokens. More...
uint32 tk_token_count (const tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Get the number of tokens in the queue. More...
void tk_reset_chain (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Reset the token chain current pointer to the start. More...
tk_chain_ttk_clone_chain (tk_chain_t *oldtkc)
 Allocatate and a new token parse chain and fill it with the specified token chain contents. More...
status_t tk_add_id_token (tk_chain_t *tkc, const xmlChar *valstr)
 Allocatate a new ID token and add it to the parse chain. More...
status_t tk_add_pid_token (tk_chain_t *tkc, const xmlChar *prefix, uint32 prefixlen, const xmlChar *valstr)
 Allocatate a new prefixed ID token and add it to the parse chain. More...
status_t tk_add_string_token (tk_chain_t *tkc, const xmlChar *valstr)
 Allocatate a new string token and add it to the parse chain. More...
status_t tk_add_lbrace_token (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Allocatate a new left brace token and add it to the parse chain. More...
status_t tk_add_rbrace_token (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Allocatate a new right brace token and add it to the parse chain. More...
status_t tk_add_semicol_token (tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Allocatate a new semi-colon token and add it to the parse chain. More...
status_t tk_check_save_origstr (tk_chain_t *tkc, tk_token_t *tk, const void *field)
 Check the docmode and the specified token; Save a tk_origptr_t if needed with the field address. More...
const xmlChar * tk_get_first_origstr (const tk_token_ptr_t *tkptr, boolean *dquote, boolean *morestr)
 Get the first original string to use. More...
const tk_origstr_ttk_first_origstr_rec (const tk_token_ptr_t *tkptr)
 Get the first tk_origstr_t struct (if any) More...
const tk_origstr_ttk_next_origstr_rec (const tk_origstr_t *origstr)
 Get the next tk_origstr_t struct (if any) More...
const xmlChar * tk_get_origstr_parts (const tk_origstr_t *origstr, boolean *dquote, boolean *newline)
 Get the fields from the original string record. More...
const tk_token_ptr_ttk_find_tkptr (const tk_chain_t *tkc, const void *field)
 Find the specified token pointer record. More...
uint32 tk_tkptr_quotes (const tk_token_ptr_t *tkptr)
 Get the specified token pointer record token ID type Use the first string or only string. More...
boolean tk_cur_is_first (const tk_chain_t *tkc)
 Check if the current token is the first token. More...

Detailed Description

NCX Syntax Token Handler.