yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
Core Agent Functions

Contains Library entry points and handles init and cleanup. More...

Collaboration diagram for Core Agent Functions:


status_t agt_init1 (int argc, char *argv[], boolean *showver, help_mode_t *showhelpmode)
 Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile. More...
status_t agt_init1_ex (int argc, char *argv[], boolean factory_restart, boolean *showver, help_mode_t *showhelpmode)
 Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile Added factory_restart parameter. More...
status_t agt_init1_sil_sa (void)
 Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile. More...
status_t agt_init1_ypserver (int argc, char *argv[], boolean factory_restart, boolean *showver, help_mode_t *showhelpmode)
 Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile Added factory_restart parameter yp-controller is running. More...
status_t agt_init2 (void)
 Initialize the Server Library (phase 2 init) More...
status_t agt_init2_ex (boolean factory_restart)
 Initialize the Server Library (phase 2 init - extended) More...
status_t agt_init2_sil_sa (void)
 Initialize the Server Library for SIL-SA. More...
void agt_cleanup (void)
 Cleanup the Server Library. More...
void agt_cleanup_sil_sa (void)
 Cleanup the Server Library for SIL-SA usage. More...
agt_profile_tagt_get_profile (void)
 Get the server profile struct. More...
void agt_request_shutdown (ncx_shutdowntyp_t mode, int intnum)
 Request some sort of server shutdown. More...
boolean agt_shutdown_requested (void)
 Check if some sort of server shutdown is in progress. More...
ncx_shutdowntyp_t agt_shutdown_mode_requested (void)
 Check what shutdown mode was requested. More...
int agt_shutdown_term_signal (void)
 Get the shutdown termination signal if any. More...
const xmlChar * agt_cbtype_name (agt_cbtyp_t cbtyp)
 Get the string for the server callback phase. More...
boolean agt_advertise_module_needed (const xmlChar *modname)
 Check if the module should be advertised or not. More...
void agt_request_replay (void)
 Request replay of the running config to SIL modules because SIL hardware has reset somehow. More...
void agt_request_replay_ex (void *cookie)
 Request replay of the running config to SIL modules because SIL hardware has reset somehow. More...
void * agt_get_replay_cookie (void)
 Get the current replay cookie. More...
void agt_request_replay_subsys (const xmlChar *subsys_id)
 Request replay of the running config to the SIL-SA modules on the specified subsystem. More...
boolean agt_replay_requested (void)
 Check if config replay is pending. More...
void agt_start_replay (void)
 Start replay of the running config to SIL modules. More...
void agt_finish_replay (void)
 Finish replay of the running config to SIL modules. More...
status_t agt_register_local_nv_handler (agt_nvload_fn_t load_fn, agt_nvsave_fn_t store_fn)
 Register a set of nvstore and nvload callback functions to handle the non-volatile storage of the configuration. More...
status_t agt_check_save_external_config (ncx_display_mode_t encoding, const xmlChar *filespec)
 Check if an external NV handler needs to be used to save the config. More...
status_t agt_add_allowed_user (const xmlChar *username)
 Add a backptr to the string in the val_value_t containing the username that is allowed. More...
void agt_remove_allowed_user (const xmlChar *username)
 Remove an allowed-user name from the running system Does not change any config file allowed-user parameter. More...
status_t agt_check_allowed_user (const xmlChar *username)
 Check a username in the allowed-user Q. More...
status_t agt_add_superuser (const xmlChar *username)
 Add a backptr to the string in the val_value_t containing the username that is a superuser. More...
void agt_remove_superuser (const xmlChar *username)
 Remove a superuser name from the running system Does not change any config file allowed-user parameter. More...
status_t agt_check_superuser (const xmlChar *username)
 Check a username in the superuser Q. More...
void agt_register_replay_callback (agt_replay_fn_t cbfn)
 Register a callback function for a replay config event. More...
const xmlChar * agt_get_server_id (void)
 Get the server-id string. More...
const xmlChar * agt_get_server_root (void)
 Get the server-root string. More...
const xmlChar * agt_get_server_key (void)
 Get the ha-server-key string. More...
boolean agt_is_sil_sa (void)
 Check if server running in SIL-SA mode. More...
dlq_hdr_t * agt_get_savedevQ (void)
 Get the agt_savedevQ pointer. More...
boolean agt_replay_subsys_is_active (const xmlChar *subsys_id)
 Find a subsys replay request struct in the activeQ. More...
boolean agt_replay_main_is_active (void)
 Check if the replay in progress is for the main server or could be for a subsystem. More...
const xmlChar * agt_ha_role_str (agt_ha_role_t ha_role)
 Get the string for the specified HA role enumeration. More...
agt_ha_role_t agt_ha_role_enum (const xmlChar *ha_role)
 Get the enum for the specified HA role string. More...
boolean agt_use_notifications (void)
 Check if notifications currently enabled. More...
status_t agt_check_load_config (agt_ha_role_t ha_role)
 Check if the boot-time load-config should be done because it was deferred while waiting for the YP-HA role to be set. More...
boolean agt_init2_done (void)
 Check if the init2 phase is complete. More...
boolean agt_init2_load_done (void)
 Check if the init2 phase is complete and all modules loaded. More...
boolean agt_advertise_yang11_module_needed (ncx_module_t *mod)
 Check whether the NETCONF hello message should conform to the standard and leave out YANG 1.1 modules. More...
void agt_set_factory_restart (void)
 Set the flag so the server will restart with the factory config. More...
boolean agt_in_factory_restart (void)
 Check if a factory restort is in progress. More...
status_t agt_add_modcache (ncx_modcache_t *mc)
 Add a module to the modcache queue and hash table. More...
ncx_modcache_tagt_find_modcache (const xmlChar *modname)
 Find a module to the modcache queue and hash table. More...
status_t agt_run_extloop (void)
 Run the agt_ncxserver in external loop mode. More...
status_t agt_enter_maintenance_mode (boolean read_ok, boolean operation_ok)
 Set the server to mainenance mode to block client activity. More...
status_t agt_exit_maintenance_mode (void)
 Exit the server from mainenance mode to unblock client activity. More...
boolean agt_in_maintenance_mode (void)
 Return true if in mainenance mode now. More...
boolean agt_maintenance_mode_read_ok (void)
 Return true if in maintenance mode reads OK;. More...
boolean agt_maintenance_mode_operation_ok (void)
 Return true if in maintenance mode operations OK;. More...
boolean agt_maintenance_mode_session_ok (void)
 Return true if in maintenance mode new sessions OK;. More...
void agt_set_eventlog_size (uint32 eventlog_size)
 Set the eventlog-size parameter. More...
void agt_set_max_burst (uint32 max_burst)
 Set the max-burst parameter. More...
void agt_set_max_getbulk (uint32 max_getbulk)
 Set the max-getbulk parameter. More...
agt_not_msg_tagt_make_term_msg (const xmlChar *msg, status_t *res)
 Create a <term-msg> notification. More...
status_t agt_init_term_msg_module (void)
 Init the term-msg module and object backptr. More...
boolean agt_use_nmda (void)
 Check if NMDA is enabled. More...
boolean agt_use_new_yanglib (void)
 Check if NMDA or use-new-yanglib is enabled. More...
boolean agt_waiting_datastore_ready (void)
 Check if client sessions are blocked until the datastore is ready. More...
boolean agt_use_yang_cbor (void)
 Check if YANG CBOR is enabled. More...
const char * agt_get_aflocal_sockname (void)
 Get the AFLOCAL socket name to use for <ncx-connect> More...
const xmlChar * agt_get_user_parm (void)
 Get the user-parm string (if any) More...
status_t agt_add_maxuser_parm (const xmlChar *cliparm)
 Add a maxuser parameter value. More...
status_t agt_get_maxuser_parm (const xmlChar *username, uint16 *retval)
 Get the maxuser max-sessions value for a specified user. More...
boolean agt_protocol_enabled (const xmlChar *proto)
 Check if protocol sessions are enabled. More...
status_t agt_enable_protocol (const xmlChar *proto)
 Enable the named protocol. More...
status_t agt_disable_protocol (const xmlChar *proto)
 Disable the named protocol. More...
boolean agt_yang_push_is_enabled (void)
 Check if agt_push is enabled. More...

Detailed Description

Contains Library entry points and handles init and cleanup.

All server components are hard-wired intot he init and cleanup functions.

Function Documentation

◆ agt_add_allowed_user()

status_t agt_add_allowed_user ( const xmlChar *  username)

Add a backptr to the string in the val_value_t containing the username that is allowed.

usernameuser to add to allowed-user list
status ERR_INTERNAL_MEM if malloc fails
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_add_maxuser_parm()

status_t agt_add_maxuser_parm ( const xmlChar *  cliparm)

Add a maxuser parameter value.

cliparmthe CLI parameter string value to convert and add
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_add_modcache()

status_t agt_add_modcache ( ncx_modcache_t mc)

Add a module to the modcache queue and hash table.

mcmodcache entry to add
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_add_superuser()

status_t agt_add_superuser ( const xmlChar *  username)

Add a backptr to the string in the val_value_t containing the username that is a superuser.

usernameuser to add to superuser list
status ERR_INTERNAL_MEM if malloc fails
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_advertise_module_needed()

boolean agt_advertise_module_needed ( const xmlChar *  modname)

Check if the module should be advertised or not.

There is a hard-wired list plus "--hide-module" parameter values that need to be hidden from clients

modnamemodule name to check
TRUE if the module should be advertised to clients
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_advertise_yang11_module_needed()

boolean agt_advertise_yang11_module_needed ( ncx_module_t mod)

Check whether the NETCONF hello message should conform to the standard and leave out YANG 1.1 modules.

modmodule to check
FALSE: leave out YANG 1.1 modules from <capability> used in <hello>. Also keep out of monitoring <capabilities> list
TRUE: ignore the standard and advertise YANG 1.1 module capabilities.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_cbtype_name()

const xmlChar * agt_cbtype_name ( agt_cbtyp_t  cbtyp)

Get the string for the server callback phase.

cbtypcallback type enum
const string for this enum
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_check_allowed_user()

status_t agt_check_allowed_user ( const xmlChar *  username)

Check a username in the allowed-user Q.

usernameuser name string to check
OK if username is allowed or allowedQ is empty
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_check_load_config()

status_t agt_check_load_config ( agt_ha_role_t  ha_role)

Check if the boot-time load-config should be done because it was deferred while waiting for the YP-HA role to be set.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_check_save_external_config()

status_t agt_check_save_external_config ( ncx_display_mode_t  encoding,
const xmlChar *  filespec 

Check if an external NV handler needs to be used to save the config.

encodingencoding of the config file may be NCX_DISPLAY_MODE_NONE if filespec is NULL
filespecfilespec of config file to save to external NV-save may be NULL if external save does not need this file
status (NO_ERR if no external handler)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_check_superuser()

status_t agt_check_superuser ( const xmlChar *  username)

Check a username in the superuser Q.

usernameuser name string to check
OK if username is allowed or allowedQ is empty
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_cleanup()

void agt_cleanup ( void  )

Cleanup the Server Library.

This function will call ncx_cleanup. Sets up server ready to restart.

◆ agt_cleanup_sil_sa()

void agt_cleanup_sil_sa ( void  )

Cleanup the Server Library for SIL-SA usage.

TBD : put platform-specific server cleanup here

◆ agt_disable_protocol()

status_t agt_disable_protocol ( const xmlChar *  proto)

Disable the named protocol.

Has no effect if "--with-foo" flag for protocol not true Does not check if protocol already disabled.

protoprotocol name that matches bit names in the "--disabled-protocols" field
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_enable_protocol()

status_t agt_enable_protocol ( const xmlChar *  proto)

Enable the named protocol.

Has no effect if "--with-foo" flag for protocol not true Does not check if already enabled.

protoprotocol name that matches bit names in the "--disabled-protocols" field
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_enter_maintenance_mode()

status_t agt_enter_maintenance_mode ( boolean  read_ok,
boolean  operation_ok 

Set the server to mainenance mode to block client activity.

read_okclient read sessions OK
operation_okclient non-datastore OPS session OK
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_exit_maintenance_mode()

status_t agt_exit_maintenance_mode ( void  )

Exit the server from mainenance mode to unblock client activity.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_find_modcache()

ncx_modcache_t * agt_find_modcache ( const xmlChar *  modname)

Find a module to the modcache queue and hash table.

modnamemodule name to find
module cache record if found
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_finish_replay()

void agt_finish_replay ( void  )

Finish replay of the running config to SIL modules.

Called from the server to end the replay procedure.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_get_aflocal_sockname()

const char * agt_get_aflocal_sockname ( void  )

Get the AFLOCAL socket name to use for <ncx-connect>

const pointer to string
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_get_maxuser_parm()

status_t agt_get_maxuser_parm ( const xmlChar *  username,
uint16 *  retval 

Get the maxuser max-sessions value for a specified user.

usernamethe username to find
[out]retvalmax-session value
Return values
NO_ERRthe *retval is set
ERR_NCX_SKIPPEDno entry found for this username
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_get_profile()

agt_profile_t * agt_get_profile ( void  )

Get the server profile struct.

Always returns an address. Do not need to check for NULL.

pointer to the server profile

◆ agt_get_replay_cookie()

void * agt_get_replay_cookie ( void  )

Get the current replay cookie.

cookie value

◆ agt_get_savedevQ()

dlq_hdr_t * agt_get_savedevQ ( void  )

Get the agt_savedevQ pointer.

save deviations Q
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_get_server_id()

const xmlChar * agt_get_server_id ( void  )

Get the server-id string.

pointer to the name string
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_get_server_key()

const xmlChar * agt_get_server_key ( void  )

Get the ha-server-key string.

pointer to the server-key string
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_get_server_root()

const xmlChar * agt_get_server_root ( void  )

Get the server-root string.

pointer to the server root name string
Return values
NULLthe server is running in Single-Instance Mode

◆ agt_get_user_parm()

const xmlChar * agt_get_user_parm ( void  )

Get the user-parm string (if any)

pointer to user-parm value string or NULL if none
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_ha_role_enum()

agt_ha_role_t agt_ha_role_enum ( const xmlChar *  ha_role)

Get the enum for the specified HA role string.

ha_roleHA role string
HA role enum
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_ha_role_str()

const xmlChar * agt_ha_role_str ( agt_ha_role_t  ha_role)

Get the string for the specified HA role enumeration.

ha_roleHA role enum
HA role string

◆ agt_in_factory_restart()

boolean agt_in_factory_restart ( void  )

Check if a factory restort is in progress.

Set to TRUE when restart with factory config occurs Cleared (set to FALSE) when agt_init2 phase is complete

TRUE if factory restart is in progress
FALSE if factory restart is not in progress

◆ agt_in_maintenance_mode()

boolean agt_in_maintenance_mode ( void  )

Return true if in mainenance mode now.

T: in maintenance mode ; F: not in maintenance mode
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_init1()

status_t agt_init1 ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
boolean *  showver,
help_mode_t showhelpmode 

Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile.

TBD : put platform-specific server init here

argccommand line argument count
argvarray of command line strings
[out]showveraddress of version return quick-exit status
*showver TRUE if user requsted version quick-exit mode
[out]showhelpmodeaddress of help return quick-exit status
*showhelpmode TRUE if user requsted help quick-exit mode
status of the initialization procedure

◆ agt_init1_ex()

status_t agt_init1_ex ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
boolean  factory_restart,
boolean *  showver,
help_mode_t showhelpmode 

Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile Added factory_restart parameter.

argccommand line argument count
argvarray of command line strings
factory_restartTRUE if forced factory restart
[out]showveraddress of version return quick-exit status
*showver TRUE if user requsted version quick-exit mode
[out]showhelpmodeaddress of help return quick-exit status
*showhelpmode TRUE if user requsted help quick-exit mode
status of the initialization procedure

◆ agt_init1_sil_sa()

status_t agt_init1_sil_sa ( void  )

Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile.

Used when SIL-SA module initializing the agt core

status of the initialization procedure
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_init1_ypserver()

status_t agt_init1_ypserver ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
boolean  factory_restart,
boolean *  showver,
help_mode_t showhelpmode 

Initialize the Server Library: stage 1: CLI and profile Added factory_restart parameter yp-controller is running.

The server will be run in extloop mode

argccommand line argument count
argvarray of command line strings
factory_restartTRUE if forced factory restart
[out]showveraddress of version return quick-exit status
*showver TRUE if user requsted version quick-exit mode
[out]showhelpmodeaddress of help return quick-exit status
*showhelpmode TRUE if user requsted help quick-exit mode
status of the initialization procedure

◆ agt_init2()

status_t agt_init2 ( void  )

Initialize the Server Library (phase 2 init)

The agt_profile is set and the object database is ready to have YANG modules loaded

RPC and data node callbacks should be installed after the module is loaded, and before the running config is loaded.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_init2_done()

boolean agt_init2_done ( void  )

Check if the init2 phase is complete.

This function actually indicates that INIT2 has started It could be in process and return TRUE!!

TRUE if init2 done or in progress; FALSE if not
See also
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_init2_ex()

status_t agt_init2_ex ( boolean  factory_restart)

Initialize the Server Library (phase 2 init - extended)

The agt_profile is set and the object database is ready to have YANG modules loaded

RPC and data node callbacks should be installed after the module is loaded, and before the running config is loaded.

factory_restartTRUE if restart with factory-config in progress
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_init2_load_done()

boolean agt_init2_load_done ( void  )

Check if the init2 phase is complete and all modules loaded.

This function indicates that INIT2 has completed

TRUE if init2 done and completed; FALSE if not

◆ agt_init2_sil_sa()

status_t agt_init2_sil_sa ( void  )

Initialize the Server Library for SIL-SA.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_init_term_msg_module()

status_t agt_init_term_msg_module ( void  )

Init the term-msg module and object backptr.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_is_sil_sa()

boolean agt_is_sil_sa ( void  )

Check if server running in SIL-SA mode.

TRUE if running in SIL-SA mode; FALSE if SIL mode
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_maintenance_mode_operation_ok()

boolean agt_maintenance_mode_operation_ok ( void  )

Return true if in maintenance mode operations OK;.

Not relevant unless agt_in_mantenance_mode() return trus

T: maintenance mode read OK ; F: maintenance mode read not OK
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_maintenance_mode_read_ok()

boolean agt_maintenance_mode_read_ok ( void  )

Return true if in maintenance mode reads OK;.

Not relevant unless agt_in_mantenance_mode() return trus

T: maintenance mode read OK ; F: maintenance mode read not OK
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_maintenance_mode_session_ok()

boolean agt_maintenance_mode_session_ok ( void  )

Return true if in maintenance mode new sessions OK;.

T: maintenance mode session OK ; F: maintenance mode session not OK
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_make_term_msg()

agt_not_msg_t * agt_make_term_msg ( const xmlChar *  msg,
status_t res 

Create a <term-msg> notification.

msgstring to send as the data field
[out]resaddress of return status; *res return status
malloced agt_not_msg_t struct if OK; NULL if some error
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_protocol_enabled()

boolean agt_protocol_enabled ( const xmlChar *  proto)

Check if protocol sessions are enabled.

protoprotocol name that matches bit names in the "--disabled-protocols" field
TRUE if named protocol is anabled and sessions enabled
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_register_local_nv_handler()

status_t agt_register_local_nv_handler ( agt_nvload_fn_t  load_fn,
agt_nvsave_fn_t  store_fn 

Register a set of nvstore and nvload callback functions to handle the non-volatile storage of the configuration.

load_fnNV-load callback function
store_fnNV-save callback function

◆ agt_register_replay_callback()

void agt_register_replay_callback ( agt_replay_fn_t  cbfn)

Register a callback function for a replay config event.

cbfnreplay function to use (==NULL to clear)

◆ agt_remove_allowed_user()

void agt_remove_allowed_user ( const xmlChar *  username)

Remove an allowed-user name from the running system Does not change any config file allowed-user parameter.

usernameuser name string to remove
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_remove_superuser()

void agt_remove_superuser ( const xmlChar *  username)

Remove a superuser name from the running system Does not change any config file allowed-user parameter.

usernameuser name string to remove
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_replay_main_is_active()

boolean agt_replay_main_is_active ( void  )

Check if the replay in progress is for the main server or could be for a subsystem.

TRUE if active; FALSE if not
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_replay_requested()

boolean agt_replay_requested ( void  )

Check if config replay is pending.

TRUE if replay request is pending

◆ agt_replay_subsys_is_active()

boolean agt_replay_subsys_is_active ( const xmlChar *  subsys_id)

Find a subsys replay request struct in the activeQ.

subsys_idsubsystem to check
TRUE if active; FALSE if not
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_request_replay()

void agt_request_replay ( void  )

Request replay of the running config to SIL modules because SIL hardware has reset somehow.

This is used by SIL code to force a complete replay attempt SIL-SA code will send a <trigger-replay> message to cause a subsystem replay.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_request_replay_ex()

void agt_request_replay_ex ( void *  cookie)

Request replay of the running config to SIL modules because SIL hardware has reset somehow.

Use the function agt_get_replay_cookie() to retrieve the cookie from a SIL callback function

cookiepointer to set as the replay_cookie.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_request_replay_subsys()

void agt_request_replay_subsys ( const xmlChar *  subsys_id)

Request replay of the running config to the SIL-SA modules on the specified subsystem.

Could be for subsystem reset or initial load-config

This is called when a <trigger-replay> event is received for a subsystem.

subsys_idsubsystem ID requesting the replay
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_request_shutdown()

void agt_request_shutdown ( ncx_shutdowntyp_t  mode,
int  intnum 

Request some sort of server shutdown.

moderequested shutdown mode
intnuminterrupt number if called from agt_signal_handler()
0 if not called from agt_ginal_handler()
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_run_extloop()

status_t agt_run_extloop ( void  )

Run the agt_ncxserver in external loop mode.

Internal API for server IO

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_set_eventlog_size()

void agt_set_eventlog_size ( uint32  eventlog_size)

Set the eventlog-size parameter.

eventlog_sizevalue to set
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_set_factory_restart()

void agt_set_factory_restart ( void  )

Set the flag so the server will restart with the factory config.

Internal API used during restart to support 'fallback' mode

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_set_max_burst()

void agt_set_max_burst ( uint32  max_burst)

Set the max-burst parameter.

max_burstvalue to set
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_set_max_getbulk()

void agt_set_max_getbulk ( uint32  max_getbulk)

Set the max-getbulk parameter.

If the provided value is 0, the internal limit is set to 512.

max_getbulkvalue to set (0 will be interpreted as 512)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_shutdown_mode_requested()

ncx_shutdowntyp_t agt_shutdown_mode_requested ( void  )

Check what shutdown mode was requested.

shutdown mode

◆ agt_shutdown_requested()

boolean agt_shutdown_requested ( void  )

Check if some sort of server shutdown is in progress.

TRUE if shutdown mode has been started
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_shutdown_term_signal()

int agt_shutdown_term_signal ( void  )

Get the shutdown termination signal if any.

shutdown signal interrupt number
0 if not shutdown by signal

◆ agt_start_replay()

void agt_start_replay ( void  )

Start replay of the running config to SIL modules.

Called from the server to begin the replay procedure.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_use_new_yanglib()

boolean agt_use_new_yanglib ( void  )

Check if NMDA or use-new-yanglib is enabled.

TRUE if new YANG Library from RFC 8525 should be used
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ agt_use_nmda()

boolean agt_use_nmda ( void  )

Check if NMDA is enabled.

TRUE if enabled
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_use_notifications()

boolean agt_use_notifications ( void  )

Check if notifications currently enabled.

TRUE if OK to generate and queuew a notification
FALSE if notifications disabled via profile or YP-HA
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_use_yang_cbor()

boolean agt_use_yang_cbor ( void  )

Check if YANG CBOR is enabled.

TRUE if enabled
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_waiting_datastore_ready()

boolean agt_waiting_datastore_ready ( void  )

Check if client sessions are blocked until the datastore is ready.

If so, check if the running datastore is no ready to use

TRUE if CLI parm set to true and need to wait; FALSE otherwise
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ agt_yang_push_is_enabled()

boolean agt_yang_push_is_enabled ( void  )

Check if agt_push is enabled.

could be false if –with-new-notifs is set to true and no yang-push bundle

TRUE if YANG Push enabled or at least initialized; FALSE if not
Here is the call graph for this function: