Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- u -
- u : ncx_num_t
- ub : typ_rangedef_t
- ubstr : typ_rangedef_t
- ubufflen : ncx_binary_t
- uflags : obj_template_t
- ul : ncx_num_t
- undoQ : agt_cfg_transaction_t
- unionQ : typ_simple_t
- uniqrefQ : obj_leaf_t
- uniqueQ : obj_deviate_t, obj_list_t
- units : obj_deviate_t, obj_leaf_t, obj_leaflist_t, typ_template_t
- units_tkerr : obj_deviate_t
- unload_active : ncx_module_t
- unloadable : ncx_module_t
- unmodified_since : subsys_cb_t
- unobj : obj_unique_comp_t
- update : agt_editcb_t, sil_sa_edit_t
- updated_undo : agt_cfg_undo_rec_t
- use_traceid : ses_cb_t
- used : ext_template_t, grp_template_t, ncx_import_t, typ_template_t
- usemsgid : agt_not_msg_t
- user : subsys_cb_t
- user_data_index : getcb_get2_t
- user_data_ref : getcb_get2_t
- user_id : agt_editcb_t, sil_sa_cb_t
- user_val : rpc_err_info_t
- userdef : typ_def_t
- username : agt_maxuser_t, ses_cb_t
- usesobj : obj_template_t
- useval : ncx_filptr_t
- usexsd : ncx_import_t, ncx_include_t
- ustr : ncx_binary_t
- ustrlen : ncx_binary_t