yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
No Matches
agt_tree.h File Reference

Server subtree filter processing for <filter> element in <get> and <get-config> operations. More...

#include "cbor_wr.h"
#include "cfg.h"
#include "rpc.h"
#include "ses.h"
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ncx_filptr_tagt_tree_prune_filter (ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, const cfg_template_t *cfg, boolean getop, boolean *do_all)
 get and get-config step 1. More...
ncx_filptr_tagt_tree_prune_filter2 (ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, val_value_t *root, obj_template_t *root_obj, val_value_t *filter, boolean getop, boolean *do_all)
 get and get-config step 1. More...
void agt_tree_output_filter (ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, ncx_filptr_t *top, int32 indent, boolean getop)
 get and get-config step 2. More...
boolean agt_tree_test_filter (xml_msg_hdr_t *msghdr, ses_cb_t *scb, val_value_t *filter, val_value_t *topval)
 notification filter evaluation More...
void agt_tree_output_node_from_obj_xml (ses_cb_t *scb, xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, ncx_filptr_t *filptr, obj_template_t *obj, int32 indent, boolean getop)
 Output the get2 callback node from the value node to the specified session. More...
void agt_tree_output_node_from_obj_json (ses_cb_t *scb, xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, ncx_filptr_t *filptr, obj_template_t *obj, int32 indent, boolean getop, boolean isfirst, boolean islast, boolean isfirstchild, boolean isfirstsibling, boolean force_lastsibling, boolean force_lastsib_value, boolean force_array_obj)
 Output the get2 callback node from the value node to the specified session; JSON format. More...
void agt_tree_output_node_from_obj_cbor (ses_cb_t *scb, xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, ncx_filptr_t *filptr, obj_template_t *obj, boolean getop, cbor_wr_parms_t *parms)
 Output the get2 callback node from the value node to the specified session. More...
boolean agt_tree_attr_test (val_value_t *filval, val_value_t *targval)
 Check any attribute match expressions. More...
boolean agt_tree_content_match_test (ses_cb_t *scb, const xmlChar *testval, val_value_t *curval)
 Check a content match node against the corresponding node in the target. More...
obj_template_tagt_tree_find_child_object (xmlns_id_t obj_id, const xmlChar *obj_name, obj_template_t *parent_obj, boolean *more_matches)
 find the child object template from a namespace ID (may be zero) More...
boolean agt_tree_filter_ok_for_nolock (val_value_t *filterval)
 Check a filter to see if it selects only top-level config=false. More...
status_t agt_tree_cvt_subtree_xpath (ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, const cfg_template_t *cfg, boolean getop, val_value_t *filter, boolean *skiptop, xmlChar **xpathstr)
 Convert a subtree filter to an XPath filter. More...

Detailed Description

Server subtree filter processing for <filter> element in <get> and <get-config> operations.