![]() |
YumaPro SDK
Contains NCX constants. More...
#include <math.h>
#include <xmlstring.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | NC_VER "1.0" |
NETCONF Base URN Version. | |
#define | NC_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"yuma-netconf" |
Internal NETCONF YANG module. | |
#define | NCN_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"notifications" |
Internal notifications module from RFC 5277 RPC create-subscription notification header eventTime [sequence-id]. | |
#define | NCN2_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"nc-notifications" |
Internal notifications 2nd module from RFC 5277 container /netconf container streams. | |
#define | NEW_NCN_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"ietf-subscribed-notifications" |
RFC 8639 YANG module establish-subscription container subscriptions. | |
#define | PUSH_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"ietf-yang-push" |
RFC 8641 YANG module augment NEW_NCN_MODULE. | |
#define | NCX_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"yuma-ncx" |
Internal Yuma Extensions module. | |
#define | YANGAPI_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"yumaworks-yang-api" |
Obsolete YANG-API module. | |
#define | NCXSERVER_SOCKNAME "/tmp/ncxserver.sock" |
Default ncx-connect socket is AFLOCAL. | |
#define | NCXSERVER_FHS_SOCKNAME "/var/run/netconfd-pro/ncxserver.sock" |
Default ncx-connect socket when fileloc-fhs=true. | |
#define | NCXSERVER_SRID_SOCKNAME "/tmp/ncxserver.%s.sock" |
Multi-instance server mode uses server root ID in the socket name. | |
#define | NCXSERVER_SRID_FHS_SOCKNAME "/var/run/netconfd-pro/ncxserver.%s.sock" |
when fileloc-fhs=true Multi-instance server mode uses server root ID in the socket name | |
#define | NACM_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"nacm" |
source of secure and very-secure extensions! | |
#define | NC_OK_REPLY (const xmlChar *)"RpcOkReplyType" |
Schema element name for an OK reply. | |
#define | NC_URN (const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" |
NETCONF namespace used for base:10 and base:1.1. | |
#define | NC_SSH_END "]]>]]>" |
NETCONF SSH End of Message Marker. | |
#define | NC_SSH_END_LEN 6 |
Length of NETCONF SSH End of Message Marker. | |
#define | NC_SSH_END_CHUNKS "\n##\n" |
NETCONF SSH End of Chunks Marker. | |
#define | NC_SSH_END_CHUNKS_LEN 4 |
Length of NETCONF SSH End of Chunks Marker. | |
#define | NC_OWNER (const xmlChar *)"ietf" |
NETCONF Module Owner. | |
#define | NC_OPERATION_ATTR_NAME (const xmlChar *)"operation" |
NETCONF edit-config operation attribute name. | |
#define | NC_RPC_REPLY_TYPE (const xmlChar *)"rpc-reply" |
RPC Reply ELement Name. | |
#define | NCX_SSH_PORT 22 |
Default SSH port. | |
#define | NCX_NCSSH_PORT 830 |
Default NETCONF over SSH port. | |
#define | INVALID_URN (const xmlChar *)"INVALID" |
name used for invalid namespace | |
#define | WILDCARD_URN (const xmlChar *)"" |
base:1.1 subtree wildcard URN | |
#define | NCX_MAX_NUMLEN 47 |
max number len to use for static buffer allocation only | |
max number of moule load event callbacks | |
max number of YANG object callbacks | |
#define | NCX_MAX_NLEN 0x7ffffff |
all name fields in YANG can be 1 to N bytes set a limit based on likely malloc failure CHANGE TO MATCH NCX_MAX_STRLEN REAL MAX NAME LENGTH in 64 SO THIS LIMIT NOT APPLIED | |
#define | NCX_MAX_NCXNAME_LEN 64 |
matches name length restriction in NcxName and NcxNumName | |
#define | NCX_MAX_USERNAME_LEN 127 |
NCX User Name max length. | |
#define | NCX_MAX_GETBULK_COUNT 64 |
size of the val_getbulk_array_t in val_util.h | |
#define | NCX_MAX_LIMIT_GETBULK 512 |
max limit –max-getbulk count | |
#define | NCX_DEF_GETBULK_MAX 10 |
default –max-getbulk value | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_TRANSPORT "ssh" |
yumaserver server transport for SSH sessions | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_TRANSPORT_LOCAL "local" |
ncxserver server transport for local connections | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_TRANSPORT_HTTP "netconf-http" |
ncxserver server transport for Yuma HTTP/REST-API connections | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_TRANSPORT_CLI "netconf-cli" |
ncxserver server transport for Yuma CLI connections | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_TRANSPORT_WEBUI "netconf-webui" |
ncxserver server transport for Yuma WEBui connections | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_TRANSPORT_AFLOCAL "netconf-aflocal" |
ncxserver server transport for local system connections | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_TRANSPORT_TCP_NCX "netconf-tcp-ncx" |
ncxserver server transport for local system connections | |
#define | NCX_SERVER_VERSION 1 |
ncxserver version | |
#define | NC_URN1 (const xmlChar *)"urn:netconf:params:xml:ns:" |
URN for NETCONF standard modules. | |
#define | NC_WD_ATTR_URN |
URN for with-defaults 'default' XML attribute. | |
#define | NC_WD_ATTR_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"wda" |
with-defaults default prefix | |
#define | NCX_URN (const xmlChar *)"http://netconfcentral.org/ns/yuma-ncx" |
URN for NCX extensions. | |
#define | NCX_MOD (const xmlChar *)"yuma-ncx" |
NCX extensions module. | |
#define | XSD_URN (const xmlChar *)"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" |
URN for XSD. | |
#define | XSD_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"xs" |
prefix for XSD URN | |
#define | XSI_URN |
URN for XSI. | |
#define | XSI_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"xsi" |
prefix for XSI | |
#define | XML_URN |
URN for XML. | |
#define | XML_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"xml" |
prefix for XML | |
#define | NCN_URN |
URN for NETCONF Notifications. | |
#define | NCN_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"ncn" |
prefix for notifications | |
#define | YWATTRS_URN (const xmlChar *)"http://yumaworks.com/ns/yumaworks-attrs" |
URN for YumaWorks XML Attributes. | |
#define | ORIGIN_URN (const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-origin" |
URN for ietf-origin module. | |
#define | NCX_SCHEMA_LOC (const xmlChar *)"http://www.netconfcentral.org/xsd/" |
schemaLocation string | |
#define | NCX_XSD_EXT (const xmlChar *)"xsd" |
prefix for XSD | |
#define | NCX_URNP1 (const xmlChar *)"http://" |
default start of URI for RESTCONF | |
#define | NCX_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"ncx" |
default prefix to use for NCX namespace | |
#define | NCX_PREFIX_LEN 3 |
Length of default prefix to use for NCX namespace. | |
#define | YWX_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"ywx" |
default prefix to use for YumaWorks Extensions namespace | |
#define | YWX_PREFIX_LEN 3 |
Length of default prefix to use for YumaWorks Extensions namespace. | |
#define | OC_EXT_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"oc-ext" |
default prefix to use for OpenConfig Extensions namespace | |
#define | OC_EXT_PREFIX_LEN 6 |
Length of default prefix to use for OpenConfig Extensions namespace. | |
#define | YANGMNT_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"yangmnt" |
default prefix to use for Schema Mount namespace | |
#define | YANGMNT_PREFIX_LEN 7 |
Length of default prefix to use for Schema Mount namespace. | |
#define | NS_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"namespace" |
default prefix for the xmlns namespace (not really used) | |
#define | NS_PREFIX_LEN 9 |
Length of default prefix for the xmlns namespace (not really used. | |
#define | NS_URN (const xmlChar *)"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" |
XML Namespace URN. | |
#define | NCX_XML_URN (const xmlChar *)"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" |
needed for xml:lang attribute | |
#define | NCX_XML_SLOC |
needed for internal XML | |
#define | SMI_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"smi" |
default prefix to SMI V1 Extention namespace. More... | |
#define | SMIV2_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"smiv2" |
default prefix to SMI V2 Extention namespace, ietf-yang-smiv2.yang | |
#define | YW_CONFIG_ID_URN |
yumaworks config-id capability base string | |
#define | EMPTY_STRING (const xmlChar *)"" |
empty string used to get const xmlChar * cast | |
#define | NCX_DEF_MODULE (const xmlChar *)"yuma-netconf" |
Internal default module for NETCONF. | |
#define | NCX_DEF_LANG (const xmlChar *)"en" |
Default language for error messages. | |
#define | MAX_LANG_TAGLEN 7 |
Max length of language tag accepted. | |
NETCONF default insert type. | |
YANG default fraction-digits. | |
#define | NCX_DEF_LINELEN 72 |
yangdump default line length | |
#define | NCX_MAX_LINELEN 4095 |
Internal buffer max line length. | |
#define | NCX_DEF_WARN_IDLEN 64 |
warning identifier length | |
#define | NCX_DEF_WARN_LINELEN 0 |
default warning linelen value | |
default encoding | |
#define | NCX_DEF_SUBSYS_INFO_FILE (const xmlChar *)"/tmp/netconfd-pro-subsys-info.txt" |
subsystem info file | |
#define | NCX_SRID_SUBSYS_INFO_FILE (const xmlChar *)"/tmp/netconfd-pro-subsys-info.%s.txt" |
subsystem info file with SRID field | |
#define | NCX_DEF_SERVER_ROOT_MAP_FILE "/etc/yumapro/server-root-map.txt" |
server root map file | |
#define | NCX_DEF_SOCKET_ADDRESS (const xmlChar *)"" |
default –socket-address | |
#define | NCX_DEF_SOURCE_ADDRESS (const xmlChar *)"" |
default source address | |
#define | NCX_DEF_TCP_PORT 2023 |
port number for NETCONF over TCP | |
#define | NCX_DEF_HTTPS_PORT 443 |
port number for HTTPS | |
#define | NCX_DEF_HTTP_PORT 80 |
port number for HTTP | |
#define | NCX_DEF_COAP_PORT 5683 |
port number for RESTCONF over CoAP | |
#define | NCX_DEF_SSH_CALLHOME 4334 |
port number for NETCONF CallHome for SSH | |
#define | NCX_DEF_TLS_CALLHOME 4335 |
port number for NETCONF CallHome for TLS | |
port number for RESTCONF CallHome for TLS | |
#define | NCX_DEF_NETCONF_TLS_PORT 6513 |
port assignment for netconf-tls in RFC 7589 | |
#define | NCX_DEF_TRUST_STORE "$HOME/.ssl/trust-store.pem" |
default ssl-trust-store value | |
#define | NCX_DEF_TRUST_DIR "/etc/ssl/certs" |
Default SSL certificates directory. | |
#define | NCX_MIN_MAX_STRLEN 65536 |
support max-strlen parameter for server; other programs use the default only | |
max string length | |
#define | NCX_DEF_MAX_STRLEN 262144 |
default max strlen | |
#define | NCX_CONF_SUFFIX (const xmlChar *)"conf" |
etc config file suffix | |
#define | NCX_COMMENT_CH '#' |
start of comment token in all NCX text | |
#define | NCX_SCOPE_CH '/' |
scoped identifier field separator token | |
#define | NCX_PATHSEP_CH '/' |
filespec identifier field separator token | |
#define | NCX_MODSCOPE_CH ':' |
prefix scoped identifier field separator token | |
#define | NCX_QSTRING_CH '"' |
start of a double quoted string in NCX text | |
#define | NCX_SQSTRING_CH '\'' |
start of a single quoted string in NCX text | |
#define | NCX_VARBIND_CH '$' |
start of an NCX or XPath varbind | |
#define | NCX_IS_HEX_CH(c) ((c)=='x' || (c)=='X') |
Standard 0x0 syntax to indicate a HEX number is specified. | |
#define | NCX_MAX_HEXCHAR 16 |
max hex digits in the value part of a hex number | |
#define | NCX_ATTR_PER_LINE 3 |
max attributes that will be printed per line | |
#define | NCX_MAX_DCHAR 20 |
max decimal digits in a plain int | |
#define | NCX_MAX_RCHAR 255 |
max digits in a real number | |
#define | NCX_MAX_STRLEN 0x7fffffff |
Maximum string length (2^^31 - 1) | |
max number of cached ncx_filptr_t records | |
#define | NCX_DEF_INDENT 2 |
default indent amount for nesting XML or other structured output | |
#define | NCX_DEF_MSG_INDENT 0 |
default indent amount for protocol message output | |
#define | NCX_DEF_VTIMEOUT 1 |
default virtual value cache timeout value in seconds use 0 to disable the cache and refresh a virtual value every time is is retrieved (2 second default) Default value was 2 seconds! now set to 1 | |
#define | NCX_DEF_STARTUP_TXID_FILE (const xmlChar *)"startup-cfg-txid.txt" |
Default startup config transaction ID file name. | |
#define | NCX_DEF_STARTUP_FILE (const xmlChar *)"startup-cfg.xml" |
Default startup config data file name. | |
#define | NCX_DEF_BACKUP_FILE (const xmlChar *)"backup-cfg.xml" |
Default backup config data file name. | |
default conrm-tmieout value in seconds | |
default value for the with-defaults option | |
default value for the with-metadata option | |
default value for the agent superuser | |
#define | NCX_DEF_COAP_USER (const xmlChar *)"coap" |
default value for the agent CoAP user | |
#define | NCX_DEF_SNMP_USER (const xmlChar *)"snmp" |
default value for the agent SNMP user | |
#define | NCX_STR_START (xmlChar)'"' |
String start char: if the XML string starts with a double quote then it will be interpreted as whitespace-allowed. | |
#define | NCX_ENU_START (xmlChar)'(' |
Enumeration number start and end chars. | |
#define | NCX_PSTYP_CLI (const xmlChar *)"cli" |
String names matching psd_pstype_t enums. | |
#define | NCX_USER_SIL_PREFIX (const xmlChar *)"u_" |
file name prefix to use for split SIL files | |
#define | NCX_MIN_INT INT_MIN |
Min and max int. | |
#define | NCX_MAX_LONG 9223372036854775807LL |
Min and max long. | |
#define | NCX_MIN_UINT 0 |
Min and max uint. | |
#define | NCX_MIN_ULONG 0 |
Min and max uint64. | |
#define | NCX_MIN_FLOAT "-inf" |
Min and max float. | |
#define | NCX_MIN_DOUBLE "-inf" |
Min and max double. | |
#define | NCX_CFG_RUNNING (const xmlChar *)"running" |
NETCONF built-in config names. | |
#define | NCX_CFG_ROLLBACK (const xmlChar *)"rollback" |
NCX Extension configuration names. | |
#define | ALL_SERVICES (const xmlChar *)"*" |
YControl string for event to the YControl layer itself. | |
#define | NCX_EL_DASHDASH (const xmlChar *)"--" |
NCX and NETCONF element and attribute names. More... | |
#define | NCX_EL_AGT_ACCESS_CONTROL (const xmlChar *)"agt_accesscontrol" |
<agt-profile> message name strings | |
#define | NCX_FL_RANGE_ERR bit0 |
bit definitions for ncx_lstr_t flags field | |
#define | NCX_FL_PROTO_NETCONF10 bit0 |
bit definitions for NETCONF session protocol versions | |
#define | NCX_FL_MOD_DONE bit0 |
bit definitions for the ncx_module_t 32-bit flags field | |
#define | NCX_FL_FEAT_SET bit0 |
bit definitions for the feature_flags uint8 field that is coupled with an iffeatureQ of ncx_iffeature_t structs | |
#define | NCX_SAVESTR TRUE |
textual parameter tags for various NCX functions that use boolean parameters | |
#define | ISGLOBAL TRUE |
constants for isglobal function parameter | |
#define | E_BAD_DATA_IGNORE (const xmlChar *)"ignore" |
bad-data enumeration values | |
#define | E_BAD_REPLY_ADAPT (const xmlChar *)"adapt" |
handle-bad-reply enumeration values | |
#define | COPYRIGHT_STRING "Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Andy Bierman, All Rights Reserved.\n" |
This constant must not change. | |
#define | COPYRIGHT_STRING2 "Copyright (c) 2012-2025, YumaWorks, Inc., All Rights Reserved.\n" |
this constant must be updated each January | |
#define | NCX_INLINE_TAG "\"\"\"" |
start/end inline XML or JSON data | |
#define | WILDCARD_STRING (const xmlChar *)"_***_" |
yangcli test-suite allows wildcards in leafy nodes using the wildcar string | |
#define | NCX_CA_CHAIN_DEPTH 9 |
Contains NCX constants.