yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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cli.h File Reference

command line interpreter parsing to internal val_value_t format More...

#include <xmlstring.h>
#include "dlq.h"
#include "ncxtypes.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "runstack.h"
#include "status.h"
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Data Structures

struct  cli_rawparm_t
 used for bootstrap CLI parms only, no validation More...


typedef val_value_t *(* cli_xml_buffer_fn_t) (const xmlChar *xmlbuff, obj_template_t *targetobj, status_t *res)
 Read an XML buffer and convert it into a real data structure. More...
typedef status_t(* cli_var_replace_fn_t) (runstack_context_t *rcxt, val_value_t *val)
 Check a val_value_t for variable usage to be replaced by the variable value. More...


enum  cli_mode_t {
 CLI parsing modes. More...


cli_rawparm_tcli_new_rawparm (const xmlChar *name, boolean xsdlist)
 bootstrap CLI support Malloc and init a raw parm entry More...
cli_rawparm_tcli_new_empty_rawparm (const xmlChar *name)
 Malloc and init a raw parm entry that has no value (NCX_BT_EMPTY) More...
void cli_free_rawparm (cli_rawparm_t *parm)
 Clean and free a raw parm entry. More...
void cli_clean_rawparmQ (dlq_hdr_t *parmQ)
 Clean and free a Q of raw parm entries. More...
cli_rawparm_tcli_find_rawparm (const xmlChar *name, dlq_hdr_t *parmQ)
 Find the specified raw parm entry. More...
status_t cli_parse_raw (int argc, char *argv[], dlq_hdr_t *rawparmQ)
 Generate N sets of variable/value pairs for the specified boot-strap CLI parameters. More...
val_value_tcli_parse (runstack_context_t *rcxt, int argc, char *argv[], obj_template_t *obj, boolean valonly, boolean script, boolean autocomp, cli_mode_t mode, status_t *status)
 schema based CLI support More...
val_value_tcli_parse_inline (runstack_context_t *rcxt, int argc, char *argv[], obj_template_t *obj, boolean valonly, boolean script, boolean autocomp, boolean rawxml, cli_mode_t mode, status_t *status, cli_xml_buffer_fn_t cbfn, cli_var_replace_fn_t cbfn2)
 schema based CLI support More...
status_t cli_parse_parm (runstack_context_t *rcxt, val_value_t *val, obj_template_t *obj, const xmlChar *strval, boolean script)
 Create a val_value_t struct for the specified parm value, and insert it into the parent container value. More...
status_t cli_parse_parm_ret (runstack_context_t *rcxt, val_value_t *val, obj_template_t *obj, const xmlChar *strval, boolean script, val_value_t **retval)
 Create a val_value_t struct for the specified parm value, and insert it into the parent container value. More...
status_t cli_parse_parm_binary (runstack_context_t *rcxt, val_value_t *val, obj_template_t *obj, const xmlChar *strval, boolean script, val_value_t **retval)
 Create a val_value_t struct for the specified parm value, and insert it into the value set Extended. More...
status_t cli_parse_parm_ex (runstack_context_t *rcxt, val_value_t *val, obj_template_t *obj, const xmlChar *strval, boolean script, ncx_bad_data_t bad_data)
 Create a val_value_t struct for the specified parm value, and insert it into the parent container value Allow different bad data error handling vioa parameter. More...

Detailed Description

command line interpreter parsing to internal val_value_t format