83#define MAX_STD_CAP_NAME_LEN 31
85#define CAP_VERSION_LEN 15
88#define CAP_BASE_URN ((const xmlChar *) \
89 "urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0")
92#define CAP_BASE_URN11 ((const xmlChar *) \
93 "urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.1")
96#define CAP_URN ((const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:")
99#define CAP_REST_URN ((const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:restconf:capability:")
103 (const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:"
106 (const xmlChar *)"http://xml.juniper.net/netconf/junos/1.0"
108#define CAP_SEP_CH '/'
118#define CAP_BIT_V1 bit0
119#define CAP_BIT_WR_RUN bit1
120#define CAP_BIT_CANDIDATE bit2
121#define CAP_BIT_CONF_COMMIT bit3
122#define CAP_BIT_ROLLBACK_ERR bit4
123#define CAP_BIT_VALIDATE bit5
124#define CAP_BIT_STARTUP bit6
125#define CAP_BIT_URL bit7
126#define CAP_BIT_XPATH bit8
127#define CAP_BIT_NOTIFICATION bit9
128#define CAP_BIT_INTERLEAVE bit10
129#define CAP_BIT_PARTIAL_LOCK bit11
130#define CAP_BIT_WITH_DEFAULTS bit12
131#define CAP_BIT_V11 bit13
132#define CAP_BIT_CONF_COMMIT11 bit14
133#define CAP_BIT_VALIDATE11 bit15
134#define CAP_BIT_DEPTH bit16
135#define CAP_BIT_FIELDS bit17
136#define CAP_BIT_FILTER bit18
137#define CAP_BIT_REPLAY bit19
138#define CAP_BIT_DEFAULTS bit20
139#define CAP_BIT_YANGPATCH bit21
140#define CAP_BIT_YANGLIB bit22
141#define CAP_BIT_YANGLIB11 bit23
145#define CAP_NAME_V1 ((const xmlChar *)"base:1.0")
146#define CAP_NAME_V11 ((const xmlChar *)"base:1.1")
147#define CAP_NAME_CANDIDATE ((const xmlChar *)"candidate:1.0")
148#define CAP_NAME_CONF_COMMIT ((const xmlChar *)"confirmed-commit:1.0")
149#define CAP_NAME_CONF_COMMIT11 ((const xmlChar *)"confirmed-commit:1.1")
150#define CAP_NAME_DEFAULTS ((const xmlChar *)"defaults:1.0")
151#define CAP_NAME_DEPTH ((const xmlChar *)"depth:1.0")
152#define CAP_NAME_FIELDS ((const xmlChar *)"fields:1.0")
153#define CAP_NAME_FILTER ((const xmlChar *)"filter:1.0")
154#define CAP_NAME_INTERLEAVE ((const xmlChar *)"interleave:1.0")
155#define CAP_NAME_NOTIFICATION ((const xmlChar *)"notification:1.0")
156#define CAP_NAME_PARTIAL_LOCK ((const xmlChar *)"partial-lock:1.0")
157#define CAP_NAME_REPLAY ((const xmlChar *)"replay:1.0")
158#define CAP_NAME_ROLLBACK_ERR ((const xmlChar *)"rollback-on-error:1.0")
159#define CAP_NAME_STARTUP ((const xmlChar *)"startup:1.0")
160#define CAP_NAME_URL ((const xmlChar *)"url:1.0")
161#define CAP_NAME_VALIDATE ((const xmlChar *)"validate:1.0")
162#define CAP_NAME_VALIDATE11 ((const xmlChar *)"validate:1.1")
163#define CAP_NAME_WITH_DEFAULTS ((const xmlChar *)"with-defaults:1.0")
164#define CAP_NAME_WR_RUN ((const xmlChar *)"writable-running:1.0")
165#define CAP_NAME_XPATH ((const xmlChar *)"xpath:1.0")
166#define CAP_NAME_YANGLIB ((const xmlChar *)"yang-library:1.0")
167#define CAP_NAME_YANGLIB11 ((const xmlChar *)"yang-library:1.1")
168#define CAP_NAME_YANGPATCH ((const xmlChar *)"yang-patch:1.0")
173#define CAP_REVISION_EQ (const xmlChar *)"revision="
174#define CAP_MODULE_EQ (const xmlChar *)"module="
175#define CAP_FEATURES_EQ (const xmlChar *)"features="
176#define CAP_DEVIATIONS_EQ (const xmlChar *)"deviations="
177#define CAP_SCHEME_EQ (const xmlChar *)"scheme="
178#define CAP_PROTOCOL_EQ (const xmlChar *)"protocol="
179#define CAP_BASIC_EQ (const xmlChar *)"basic-mode="
180#define CAP_SUPPORTED_EQ (const xmlChar *)"also-supported="
181#define CAP_MODULESETID_EQ (const xmlChar *)"module-set-id="
182#define CAP_CONTENTID_EQ (const xmlChar *)"content-id="
184#define CAP_YANGLIB_REVISION_PARAM (const xmlChar *)"revision=2016-06-21"
185#define CAP_YANGLIB_REVISION (const xmlChar *)"2016-06-21"
187#define CAP_YANGLIB_NMDA_REVISION_PARAM (const xmlChar *)"revision=2019-01-04"
188#define CAP_YANGLIB_NMDA_REVISION (const xmlChar *)"2019-01-04"
192 (const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:yang-library:1.0"
196 (const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:yang-library:1.1"
199 (const xmlChar *)"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-monitoring"
209typedef enum cap_subjtyp_t_ {
219typedef enum cap_change_t_ {
228typedef enum cap_stdid_t_ {
304typedef struct cap_list_t_ {
319typedef struct cap_rec_t_ {
323 xmlChar *cap_namespace;
325 xmlChar *cap_revision;
333typedef enum cap_yanglib_ver_t_ {
415 boolean is_restconf);
432 boolean is_restconf);
476 boolean implemented);
503 const xmlChar *scheme_list);
518 const xmlChar *scheme_list,
519 boolean is_restconf);
531 const xmlChar *defstyle);
547 const xmlChar *defstyle,
548 uint8 withdef_enabled,
549 boolean is_restconf);
562 const xmlChar *defstyle);
574 const xmlChar *uristr);
586 const xmlChar *urival);
685 const xmlChar *capuri);
701 const xmlChar *capuri);
717 const xmlChar *capuri);
727extern const xmlChar *
768 const xmlChar *modname);
822 const xmlChar **module,
823 const xmlChar **revision,
824 const xmlChar **namespacestr);
869 boolean is_module_id,
The debug level enumerations used in util/log.c.
Definition: log.h:348
boolean cap_std_set(const cap_list_t *caplist, cap_stdid_t capstd)
fast search of standard protocol capability set
Definition: cap.c:2277
xmlChar * cap_make_moduri(ncx_module_t *mod)
Malloc and construct a module URI for the specified module make the module URI string (for sysCapabil...
Definition: cap.c:2905
status_t cap_add_stdval(val_value_t *caplist, cap_stdid_t capstd, boolean is_restconf)
Add a standard protocol capability to the list (val_value_t version)
Definition: cap.c:703
status_t cap_add_devmodval(val_value_t *caplist, ncx_save_deviations_t *savedev)
Add a deviation module capability to the list (val_value_t version)
Definition: cap.c:2232
cap_rec_t * cap_match(const cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *capuri)
Check if the capability URI is set in the capslist.
Definition: cap.c:2382
YANG library URI to use.
Definition: cap.h:333
NETCONF capability subject types.
Definition: cap.h:209
boolean cap_set(const cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *capuri)
Check if the capability URI is set in the capslist linear search of capability list,...
Definition: cap.c:2306
status_t cap_add_urlval(val_value_t *caplist, const xmlChar *scheme_list, boolean is_restconf)
Add the :url capability to the list; value struct version.
Definition: cap.c:1542
status_t cap_add_entval(val_value_t *caplist, const xmlChar *urival)
Add an enterprise capability to the list (val_value_t version)
Definition: cap.c:1935
status_t cap_add_modval(val_value_t *caplist, ncx_module_t *mod)
Add a module capability to the list (val_value_t version)
Definition: cap.c:1977
status_t cap_add_restdefval(val_value_t *caplist, const xmlChar *defstyle)
Add the :defaults capability to the RESTCONF caplist value struct version.
Definition: cap.c:1827
status_t cap_add_config_id(cap_list_t *caplist)
Add the :config-id capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:2934
cap_rec_t * cap_find_modcap(const cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *modname)
Find a specified module in the caplist.
Definition: cap.c:2712
status_t cap_add_withdef(cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *defstyle)
Add the :with-defaults capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:1610
Capability Change Type.
Definition: cap.h:219
status_t cap_add_module_string2(cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *uri, boolean implemented)
Add a standard protocol capability to the list by URI string and set the implemented flag.
Definition: cap.c:1477
status_t cap_add_mod(cap_list_t *caplist, ncx_module_t *mod)
Add a module capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:2084
status_t cap_add_std_string(cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *uri, boolean is_restconf)
Add a standard protocol capability to the list by URI string.
Definition: cap.c:866
void cap_dump_stdcaps(const cap_list_t *caplist, log_debug_t lvl, FILE *outfile)
debug function Printf the standard protocol capabilities list
Definition: cap.c:2504
enumerated list of standard capability IDs
Definition: cap.h:228
void cap_free_caplist(cap_list_t *caplist)
Clean the fields in a pre-allocated cap_list_t struct Then free the caplist memory.
Definition: cap.c:649
const xmlChar * cap_get_protos(cap_list_t *caplist)
get the #url capability protocols list if it exists get the protocols field for the :url capability
Definition: cap.c:2460
void cap_split_modcap(cap_rec_t *cap, const xmlChar **module, const xmlChar **revision, const xmlChar **namespacestr)
Split the modcap string into 3 parts.
Definition: cap.c:2874
cap_rec_t * cap_first_modcap(cap_list_t *caplist)
Get the first module capability in the list.
Definition: cap.c:2795
status_t cap_add_url(cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *scheme_list)
Add the #url capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:1502
void cap_init_caplist(cap_list_t *caplist)
Initialize the fields in a pre-allocated cap_list_t struct memory for caplist already allocated – thi...
Definition: cap.c:568
boolean cap_is_module_string(const xmlChar *uri)
Check if the capability URI is a YANG module identifier.
Definition: cap.c:1040
status_t cap_add_withdefval(val_value_t *caplist, const xmlChar *defstyle, uint8 withdef_enabled, boolean is_restconf)
Add the :with-defaults capability to the list; value struct version.
Definition: cap.c:1667
status_t cap_add_std(cap_list_t *caplist, cap_stdid_t capstd)
Add a standard protocol capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:673
void cap_clean_caplist(cap_list_t *caplist)
Clean the fields in a pre-allocated cap_list_t struct Memory for caplist not deallocated – this just ...
Definition: cap.c:593
status_t cap_add_yanglib(cap_list_t *caplist, cap_yanglib_ver_t yanglib_ver)
Add the :yang-library capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:3145
cap_rec_t * cap_next_modcap(cap_rec_t *curcap)
Get the next module capability in the list.
Definition: cap.c:2831
status_t cap_remove_modval(val_value_t *caplist, ncx_module_t *mod)
Remove a module capability from the list (val_value_t version)
Definition: cap.c:2023
status_t cap_add_ent(cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *uristr)
Add an enterprise capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:1894
void cap_remove_mod(cap_list_t *caplist, ncx_module_t *mod)
Remove a module capability from the list.
Definition: cap.c:2120
status_t cap_add_module_string(cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *uri)
Add a standard protocol capability to the list by URI string.
Definition: cap.c:1423
status_t cap_add_module_string_sorted(cap_list_t *caplist, const xmlChar *uri)
Add a standard protocol capability to the list by URI string and set the implemented flag AND SORT TH...
Definition: cap.c:1448
cap_list_t * cap_new_caplist(void)
Malloc and initialize the fields in a cap_list_t struct.
Definition: cap.c:543
void cap_dump_entcaps(const cap_list_t *caplist, log_debug_t lvl, FILE *outfile)
Printf the enterprise capabilities list debug function.
Definition: cap.c:2749
status_t cap_add_ids_val(val_value_t *caplist, boolean is_module_id, cap_yanglib_ver_t yanglib_ver)
Add the :config-id capability to the list.
Definition: cap.c:3013
status_t cap_add_netconf_modval(val_value_t *caplist, ncx_module_t *mod)
Add a module capability to the list (val_value_t version)
Definition: cap.c:2187
val_value_t * cap_match_val(val_value_t *caplist, const xmlChar *capuri)
Check if the capability URI is set in the capslist value_t tree.
Definition: cap.c:2422
void cap_dump_modcaps(const cap_list_t *caplist, log_debug_t lvl, FILE *outfile)
Printf the standard data model module capabilities list debug function.
Definition: cap.c:2599
not set
Definition: cap.h:335
Version 1.1 NMDA.
Definition: cap.h:341
Version 1.0 non-NMDA.
Definition: cap.h:338
capability is other than prot or DM (ENT)
Definition: cap.h:213
config-id capability
Definition: cap.h:214
capability is a protocol extension
Definition: cap.h:211
capability is a data model
Definition: cap.h:212
RESTCONF defaults parameter.
Definition: cap.h:290
Definition: cap.h:245
RESTCONF fields parameter.
Definition: cap.h:281
:validate:v1.1 (RFC 6241)
Definition: cap.h:272
Definition: cap.h:254
:confirmed-commit:v1.1 (RFC 6241)
Definition: cap.h:275
:with-defaults:1.0 (RFC 6243)
Definition: cap.h:266
RESTCONF yangpatch parameter.
Definition: cap.h:293
RESTCONF depth parameter.
Definition: cap.h:278
RESTCONF filter parameter.
Definition: cap.h:284
NETCONF 1.0 (RFC 4741)
Definition: cap.h:230
Definition: cap.h:236
YANG-LIBRARY 1.0 capability.
Definition: cap.h:295
Definition: cap.h:251
Definition: cap.h:233
:notification:1.0 *(RFC 5277 )
Definition: cap.h:257
YANG-LIBRARY 1.1 capability.
Definition: cap.h:297
:partial-lock:1.0 (RFC 5717)
Definition: cap.h:263
Definition: cap.h:239
Definition: cap.h:248
RESTCONF replay parameter.
Definition: cap.h:287
NETCONF v1.1 (RFC 6241)
Definition: cap.h:269
Definition: cap.h:242
:interleave:1.0 *(RFC 5277 )
Definition: cap.h:260
global error return code
Definition: status_enum.h:210
YANG module data structures Many internal representations of YANG module constructs.
Global error messages for status code enumerations.
one capabilities list
Definition: cap.h:304
xmlChar * cap_supported
with-defaults 'also-supported' parm
Definition: cap.h:308
xmlChar * cap_defstyle
with-defaults 'basic' parm
Definition: cap.h:307
xmlChar * cap_schemes
URL capability protocol list.
Definition: cap.h:306
xmlChar * cap_yanglib_rev
YANG-LIBRARY pointers, stored in the cap list.
Definition: cap.h:311
xmlChar * cap_yanglib_setid
yang-library module-set-id param
Definition: cap.h:312
dlq_hdr_t capQ
queue of cap_rec_t structs
Definition: cap.h:314
uint32 cap_std
bitset of std caps
Definition: cap.h:305
queue of this structure for list of enterprise capabilities
Definition: cap.h:319
header for a NCX List
Definition: ncxtypes.h:859
representation of one module or submodule during and after parsing
Definition: ncxtypes.h:1138
used with obj_deviation_t to defer object lookups
Definition: ncxtypes.h:1505
one value to match one type
Definition: val.h:912
Value Node Basic Support.