yumapro  24.10-5
YumaPro SDK
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agt_ypgrpc_state.h File Reference

Combined SIL header for module agt_grpc_state. More...

#include <xmlstring.h>
#include "procdefs.h"
#include "dlq.h"
#include "ncxtypes.h"
#include "op.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "val.h"
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status_t agt_ypgrpc_state_init (void)
 Phase 1: Initialize the yumaworks-grpc-mon server instrumentation library. More...
void agt_ypgrpc_state_cleanup (void)
 Cleanup the yumaworks-grpc-mon server instrumentation library. More...

Detailed Description

Combined SIL header for module agt_grpc_state.

Generated by yangdump-sdk jaguar-tony-grpc-2021-09-21.13.46-M-THD

    Combined SIL header
    module yumaworks-grpc-mon
    revision 2021-08-23
    prefix ypgrpcm
    namespace http://yumaworks.com/ns/yp-grpc-monitoring
    organization YumaWorks, Inc.
    Created: 2021-09-23T20:33:23Z
    CLI parameters:
        format h
        indent 4
        log-level debug3
        module yumaworks-grpc-mon
        output yumaworks-grpc-mon.h
        unified true

module: yumaworks-grpc-mon
  +--ro grpc-state
     +--ro statistics
     |  +--ro active-server-streams?   yang:zero-based-counter32
     |  +--ro active-client-streams?   yang:zero-based-counter32
     |  +--ro total-active-streams?    yang:zero-based-counter32
     |  +--ro total-closed-streams?    yang:zero-based-counter32
     +--ro server* [name]
     |  +--ro name                     string
     |  +--ro address                  inet:host
     |  +--ro port?                    inet:port-number
     |  +--ro start-time?              yang:date-and-time
     |  +--ro proto*                   string
     |  +--ro active-server-streams?   yang:zero-based-counter32
     |  +--ro active-client-streams?   yang:zero-based-counter32
     |  +--ro closed-streams?          yang:zero-based-counter32
     |  +--ro services
     |     +--ro service* [name]
     |        +--ro name      string
     |        +--ro method* [name]
     |           +--ro name                string
     |           +--ro client-streaming?   boolean
     |           +--ro server-streaming?   boolean
     +--ro server-streams!
     |  +--ro stream* [name]
     |     +--ro name             string
     |     +--ro creation-time?   yang:date-and-time
     |     +--ro location         inet:uri
     +--ro client-streams!
        +--ro stream* [name]
           +--ro name             string
           +--ro creation-time?   yang:date-and-time
           +--ro location         inet:uri

    +---x grpc-shutdown