93typedef struct agt_glob_cbset_t_ {
NETCONF Server YANG action handler.
NETCONF protocol remote procedure call server-side definitions.
status_t(* agt_edit3_fn_t)(agt_editcb_t *editcb)
EDIT3 Callback function for server object handler.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:204
status_t(* agt_cb_fn_t)(ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, agt_cbtyp_t cbtyp, op_editop_t editop, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval)
EDIT1 and EDIT2 Callback function for server object handler.
Definition: agt_cb.h:272
different data node callback types for SIL and SIL-SA to register
Definition: agt_cb.h:212
void agt_glob_unregister_edit(void)
Unregister Global EDIT callbacks.
Definition: agt_glob.c:999
dlq_hdr_t * agt_glob_get_subsysQ(void)
Get the Global callbacks subsystem Queue.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1202
boolean agt_glob_has_rpc_callback(obj_template_t *obj)
Check there is RPC callback.
Definition: agt_glob.c:554
void agt_glob_clean_subsysQ(void)
Clean the SIL-SA subsysQ in cbset.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1221
status_t agt_glob_register_action(agt_rpc_phase_t phase, agt_action_cb_t action_cb)
add callback for 1 phase of Global Action processing
Definition: agt_glob.c:786
void agt_glob_unregister_rpc(void)
Unregister Global RPC callbacks.
Definition: agt_glob.c:753
boolean agt_glob_edit2_allowed(obj_template_t *obj)
Check if EDIT2 or EDIT3 are allowed to be invoked.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1253
agt_cb_fn_t agt_glob_get_edit2_cbfn(obj_template_t *obj)
Find EDIT2 callback function if any for a specific OBJ.
Definition: agt_glob.c:473
status_t agt_glob_setup_subsysQ(const xmlChar *subsys_id, agt_cb_calltype_t calltype)
Malloc and init a new header for a subsystem.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1163
agt_glob_cbset_t * agt_glob_get_cbset(void)
Get the Global Cbset structure.
Definition: agt_glob.c:378
void agt_glob_cleanup(void)
Cleanup the Global handler.
Definition: agt_glob.c:357
boolean agt_glob_edit3_enabled(void)
Get the Global EDIT3 callbacks enabled flag.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1131
agt_rpc_method_t * agt_glob_get_rpc_cbfn(obj_template_t *obj)
Find RPC callback function if any for a specific OBJ.
Definition: agt_glob.c:398
status_t agt_glob_register_edit3(agt_edit3_fn_t cbfn)
Register a Global EDIT3 callback.
Definition: agt_glob.c:942
status_t agt_glob_register_get(getcb_fn2_t cbfn)
Register a Global GET2 callback.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1032
agt_action_cb_t * agt_glob_get_action_cbfn(obj_template_t *obj)
Find Action callback function if any for a specific OBJ.
Definition: agt_glob.c:435
status_t agt_glob_init(void)
Initialize the Action handler.
Definition: agt_glob.c:331
boolean agt_glob_has_edit_callback(obj_template_t *obj)
Check there is EDIT2 or EDIT3 callback.
Definition: agt_glob.c:659
void agt_glob_unregister_action(void)
remove all Global callbacks for all phases of action processing
Definition: agt_glob.c:846
boolean agt_glob_has_action_callback(obj_template_t *obj)
Check there is Action callback.
Definition: agt_glob.c:606
status_t agt_glob_register_edit2(agt_cb_fn_t cbfn)
Register a Global EDIT2 callback.
Definition: agt_glob.c:880
status_t agt_glob_register_rpc(agt_rpc_phase_t phase, agt_rpc_method_t cbfn)
add callback for 1 phase of RPC processing
Definition: agt_glob.c:691
void agt_glob_unregister_get(void)
Unregister Global GET2 callbacks.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1083
boolean agt_glob_edit2_enabled(void)
Get the Global EDIT2 callbacks enabled flag.
Definition: agt_glob.c:1103
agt_edit3_fn_t agt_glob_get_edit3_cbfn(obj_template_t *obj)
Find EDIT3 callback function if any for a specific OBJ.
Definition: agt_glob.c:513
status_t(* agt_action_cb_t)(ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, xml_node_t *methnode, val_value_t *actionval)
Template for Action server callbacks.
Definition: agt_action.h:128
this constant is for the number of callback slots allocated in a 'cbset', and only includes the RPC p...
Definition: agt_rpc.h:89
status_t(* agt_rpc_method_t)(ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, xml_node_t *methnode)
Template for RPC server callbacks.
Definition: agt_rpc.h:147
There are 3 different callbacks possible in the server processing chain.
Definition: agt_rpc.h:109
status_t(* getcb_fn2_t)(ses_cb_t *scb, xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, getcb_get2_t *get2cb)
Definition: getcb.h:676
global error return code
Definition: status_enum.h:210
NETCONF protocol remote procedure call common definitions.
NETCONF Session Common definitions module.
global error status code enumerations
the Global Control Block stores a set of callbacks for each Global Callback [RPC, Action,...
Definition: agt_glob.h:93
dlq_hdr_t glob_subsysQ
Queue of agt_cb_subsys_t to use instead of obj linked Queue for EDIT2 and EDIT3 Global callbacks.
Definition: agt_glob.h:116
agt_cb_fn_t edit2_cbfn
backptr to Global EDIT2 callback that will be called if there are no any other EDIT2 callbacks regist...
Definition: agt_glob.h:105
agt_edit3_fn_t edit3_cbfn
backptr to Global EDIT3 callback that will be called if there are no any other EDIT3 callbacks regist...
Definition: agt_glob.h:111
One YANG data-def-stmt.
Definition: obj.h:1230
Value Node Basic Support.