100typedef struct agt_editcb_t_ {
Manage Server configuration edit transactions.
agt_editcb_t * agt_editcb_make_new_cb(ses_cb_t *scb, rpc_msg_t *msg, agt_cbtyp_t cbtyp, op_editop_t editop, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval)
Create Edit Control Block for the EDIT3 callback.
Definition: agt_editcb.c:305
val_value_t * agt_editcb_make_update_value(val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, op_editop_t editop, status_t *res)
make a combine value of newval and curval
Definition: agt_editcb.c:188
void agt_editcb_free_cb(agt_editcb_t *editcb)
Clean and free an agt_editcb_t.
Definition: agt_editcb.c:265
NETCONF protocol remote procedure call server-side definitions.
status_t(* agt_edit3_fn_t)(agt_editcb_t *editcb)
EDIT3 Callback function for server object handler.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:204
enumeration of the different server EDIT callback types These are used as array indices so there is n...
Definition: agt.h:733
NETCONF edit-config operation types.
Definition: op.h:122
global error return code
Definition: status_enum.h:210
NETCONF protocol remote procedure call common definitions.
NETCONF Session Common definitions module.
global error status code enumerations
Transaction Control Block.
Definition: agt_cfg.h:235
EDIT Control Block used to store all the pointers for the EDIT3 callbacks.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:100
obj_template_t * obj
Object of a a current node in the callback.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:155
val_value_t * update
Update value contains all new values and the current values from the datastore.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:149
xmlChar * instance_id
instance-identifier path string for target object with all the keys
Definition: agt_editcb.h:184
agt_cbtyp_t cbtyp
Callback type - reason for the callback.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:120
const xmlChar * user_id
user-id backptr from the transaction
Definition: agt_editcb.h:170
op_editop_t editop
Callback editop - the parent edit-config operation type, which is also used for all other callbacks t...
Definition: agt_editcb.h:132
boolean in_delete_children_first
This SIL callback is for a nested child and the sil-delete-children-first is active; False if not app...
Definition: agt_editcb.h:164
boolean isrunning
TRUE if this Transaction is for the the running datastore.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:167
const xmlChar * client_addr
client address backptr from the transaction
Definition: agt_editcb.h:173
ses_cb_t * scb
Session control block making the request.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:104
val_value_t * newval
Container object holding the proposed changes to apply to the current config, depending on the editop...
Definition: agt_editcb.h:138
agt_cfg_transaction_t * txcb
Transaction control block in progress.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:112
boolean silsa_editcb
Indicate that this is a SIL-SA editcb or not.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:187
val_value_t * curval
Current container values from the <running> or <candidate> configuration, if any.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:144
const xmlChar * modname
Name of a module the current callback is invoked for.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:152
const xmlChar * txid_str
transaction ID from the transaction
Definition: agt_editcb.h:179
boolean isvalidate
Transaction is a <validate> operation.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:158
rpc_msg_t * msg
Incoming rpc_msg_t in progress.
Definition: agt_editcb.h:108
const xmlChar * target
datastore target backptr from the transaction
Definition: agt_editcb.h:176
One YANG data-def-stmt.
Definition: obj.h:1230
NETCONF Server and Client RPC Request/Reply Message Header.
Definition: rpc.h:185
Session Control Block.
Definition: ses.h:573
one value to match one type
Definition: val.h:912
Value Node Basic Support.