12#ifndef _H_agt_callhome
13#define _H_agt_callhome
87typedef struct agt_callhome_cb_t_ {
230 const xmlChar *ch_addr,
Multi-Protocol Network Management Server.
dlq provides general double-linked list and queue support:
server callhome protocol
Definition: agt.h:806
status_t agt_callhome_init(void)
Initialize the Callhome module.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:636
void agt_callhome_check_reconnect(ses_cb_t *scb)
Check if the session is a callhome session that needs reconnect.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:1188
boolean agt_callhome_connecting(const xmlChar *addr)
Check if the source address is connecting in a callhome session.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:796
status_t agt_callhome_remove_server(const xmlChar *ch_name)
Remove a CallHome server entry added from a YANG module at run-time.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:1103
void agt_callhome_cleanup(void)
Cleanup the Callhome module.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:760
status_t agt_callhome_remove_all_servers(void)
Remove all CallHome server entries added from a YANG module at run-time.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:1143
status_t agt_callhome_add_server(const xmlChar *ch_name, const xmlChar *ch_addr, uint16 ch_port, agt_ch_proto_t ch_proto, boolean start_now)
Add a CallHome server entry from a YANG module at run-time.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:996
status_t agt_callhome_init2(void)
Initialize the Callhome module (Init phase II)
Definition: agt_callhome.c:678
status_t agt_callhome_init_postcli(void)
Initialize the Callhome module POST CLI parms.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:656
status_t agt_callhome_add_server_cli(const xmlChar *valstr, agt_ch_proto_t ch_proto)
Add a CallHome server entry from the –callhome-server CLI parm.
Definition: agt_callhome.c:839
global error return code
Definition: status_enum.h:210
NETCONF Session Common definitions module.
global error status code enumerations
control block for each client for a callhome connection
Definition: agt_callhome.h:87
uint16 ch_retry_count
retry connection count if reconnect in progress
Definition: agt_callhome.h:134
boolean ch_from_cli
callhome entry is from CLI config, F: from YANG
Definition: agt_callhome.h:131
uint32 ch_timer_id
timer ID used for reconnect interval
Definition: agt_callhome.h:137
xmlChar * ch_client_addr
callhome client address
Definition: agt_callhome.h:101
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: agt_callhome.h:89
const xmlChar * ch_subsys_path
back-ptr to global subsystem path config
Definition: agt_callhome.h:95
uint16 ch_retry_interval
callhome retry interval
Definition: agt_callhome.h:110
pid_t ch_pid
callhome child process ID running SSHd server
Definition: agt_callhome.h:140
uint16 ch_client_port
callhome client port
Definition: agt_callhome.h:107
xmlChar * ch_name
callhome server name
Definition: agt_callhome.h:98
boolean ch_connecting
callhome is connecting
Definition: agt_callhome.h:125
boolean ch_connected
callhome is connected
Definition: agt_callhome.h:128
boolean ch_reconnect
enable callhome reconnects
Definition: agt_callhome.h:119
uint16 ch_retry_max
callhome retry max tries
Definition: agt_callhome.h:113
const xmlChar * ch_sshd_path
back-ptr to global sshd path config
Definition: agt_callhome.h:92
xmlChar * ch_sshd_config
callhome sshd config
Definition: agt_callhome.h:104
boolean ch_enabled
begin state, callhome enabled flag
Definition: agt_callhome.h:122
agt_ch_proto_t ch_proto
callhome protocol to use
Definition: agt_callhome.h:116
Session Control Block.
Definition: ses.h:573