Multi-Protocol Network Management Server.
dlq provides general double-linked list and queue support:
matches access-control enumeration in netconfd.yang
Definition: agt.h:717
boolean agt_acm_val_read_allowed(xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, const xmlChar *user, val_value_t *val)
Check if the specified user is allowed to read a value node.
Definition: agt_acm.c:618
void agt_acm_set_acmode(agt_acmode_t newmode)
Set the –access-control mode.
Definition: agt_acm.c:916
void agt_acm_clean_obj_datarule_cache(ncx_module_t *mod)
Check all the rule list entry and its OBJ datarule cache and clean if the modules is getting unloaded...
Definition: agt_acm.c:1107
boolean agt_acm_get_log_writes(void)
Get the log_writes flag.
Definition: agt_acm.c:932
agt_acmode_t agt_acm_get_acmode(void)
Get the –access-control mode.
Definition: agt_acm.c:900
void agt_acm_clean_xpath_cache(void)
Clean any cached XPath results because the data rule results may not be valid anymore.
Definition: agt_acm.c:1035
boolean agt_acm_rpc_allowed(xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, const xmlChar *user, const obj_template_t *rpcobj)
Check if the specified user is allowed to invoke an RPC.
Definition: agt_acm.c:295
uint32 agt_acm_get_deniedNotifications(void)
Get the deniedNotification counter.
Definition: agt_acm.c:1020
void agt_acm_cleanup(void)
Cleanup the NETCONF Server access control module.
Definition: agt_acm.c:251
void agt_acm_invalidate_session_cache(ses_cb_t *scb)
Mark an agt_acm_cache_t struct in a session control block as invalid so it will be refreshed next use...
Definition: agt_acm.c:796
status_t agt_acm_init(void)
Initialize the NETCONF Server access control module.
Definition: agt_acm.c:135
boolean agt_acm_session_cache_valid(const ses_cb_t *scb)
Check if the specified session NACM cache is valid.
Definition: agt_acm.c:836
void agt_acm_clear_session_cache(ses_cb_t *scb)
Clear an agt_acm_cache_t struct in a session control block.
Definition: agt_acm.c:758
boolean agt_acm_is_superuser(const xmlChar *username)
Check if the specified user name is the superuser Low-level access; no scb available.
Definition: agt_acm.c:969
void agt_acm_set_datarules(val_value_t *val, uint32 msgid)
Check the dataruleQ in the object and all child nodes.
Definition: agt_acm.c:1069
boolean agt_acm_val_write_allowed(xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, const xmlChar *user, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, op_editop_t editop)
Check if the specified user is allowed to access a value node.
Definition: agt_acm.c:510
uint32 agt_acm_get_deniedRpcs(void)
Get the deniedRpcs counter.
Definition: agt_acm.c:988
status_t agt_acm_init2(void)
Phase 2 : Initialize the nacm.yang configuration data structures.
Definition: agt_acm.c:205
boolean agt_acm_get_log_reads(void)
Get the log_reads flag.
Definition: agt_acm.c:948
uint32 agt_acm_get_deniedDataWrites(void)
Get the deniedDataWrites counter.
Definition: agt_acm.c:1004
boolean agt_acm_notif_allowed(const xmlChar *user, const obj_template_t *notifobj)
Check if the specified user is allowed to receive a notification event.
Definition: agt_acm.c:407
void agt_acm_clear_msg_cache(xml_msg_hdr_t *msg)
Clear an agt_acm_cache_t struct attached to the specified message.
Definition: agt_acm.c:734
boolean agt_acm_session_is_superuser(const ses_cb_t *scb)
Check if the specified session is the superuser.
Definition: agt_acm.c:880
status_t agt_acm_init_msg_cache(ses_cb_t *scb, xml_msg_hdr_t *msg)
Malloc and initialize an agt_acm_cache_t struct and attach it to the incoming message.
Definition: agt_acm.c:685
NETCONF edit-config operation types.
Definition: op.h:122
global error return code
Definition: status_enum.h:210
NETCONF Session Common definitions module.
Global error messages for status code enumerations.
representation of one module or submodule during and after parsing
Definition: ncxtypes.h:1138
One YANG data-def-stmt.
Definition: obj.h:1230
Session Control Block.
Definition: ses.h:573
one value to match one type
Definition: val.h:912
Common Encoding Message Header No longer XML specific!! Used by JSON and CBOR parsing as well!...
Definition: xml_msg.h:404
Value Node Basic Support.
XML and JSON Message send and receive support.
Schema and data model Xpath search support.