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CLI Access Tools

yp-shell Adds Industry Standard CLI to YumaPro

The yp-shell program allows operators to login to the YumaPro Server and access the same YANG database objects as NETCONF or RESTCONF protocols. It is installed as the remote login shell for the user. Any SSH terminal program can be used to access the yp-shell program.

YANG driven interface

The commands available are automatically populated based on the YANG modules loaded into yp-shell. The command line syntax is derived from the YANG syntax. Access control is applied uniformly to NETCONF, CLI, and RESTCONF, simplifying security configuration.

Context Sensitive Editing

The command completion text and available help text is context-sensitive, based on the YANG definitions, the current command mode or sub-mode, and the cursor position in the command line.

Command Aliases

Aliases are user-created commands that can be used to customize the command set and reduce typing. Each user has their own set of aliases, which are saved for future sessions.

Configuration Mode

   yp-shell user@server> conf t
   yp-shell user@server(c)# interfaces int eth0
   yp-shell user@server(c interfaces interface eth0)# mtu 9000
   yp-shell user@server(c interfaces interface eth0)# exit

   Applying 1 edit

   yp-shell user@server(c)# exit
   yp-shell user@server>

Command Line History Features

Several familiar command line recall mechanisms are supported:

Command Recall

  • The history and recall commands are used to show recent command lines and recall a previously entered command line
  • The control-P (previous line) and Control-N (next line) keystroke sequences can be used to scroll backwards or forwards through the history buffer
  • The ! (bang character) can be used to recall commands by line number or by most recent match for the specified command string
  • The command line history can be cleared, saved, or re-loaded from file
  • Each user has their own command history that is saved across sessions and across server reboots

The ‘?’ Help Key

The ‘?’ (question mark) key can be used to get context-sensitive help for the keyword(s) or value that is expected next within the current command line. The ‘tab’ key is used for short help text and the ‘?’ key is used for long help.